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  1. #1

    Default Trump SUCKS

    He nominates losers to the Federal Reserve. Inflation expectations are falling off a cliff because these hack economists can't do their one and only job. We're on the cusp of what could be a new recession. The Fed's recessions always get blamed on others, but I wonder if this is the time, the first time, that people will hold the Federal Reserve accountable.

    Payroll tax cut? That's the worst kind. It only helps people if monopoly gov't spending is also cut so that markets expect greater value in competitive markets instead of the ineffective monopoly.

    He can't downplay coronavirus right. The whole thing feels like shit. Sure, downplaying it is a fine strategy (possibly the right one), but there's zero confidence. He's so bad he had to put Uncle Pence in charge. Trump was always the guy who turns a losing situation into two ways to win, but instead he let this wreck him. He let this one go. He didn't instill security and safety in our minds, and now he's at the mercy of the economist hacks at the Federal Reserve that haven't yet figured out that they've plopped their Fundamentals of Economics classes in the toilet and slammed flush.

    Healthcare is still dogshit. It's still illegal to get or provide most kinds of health services people want.

    Social Security is still dogshit. There's still no national 401k that indexes a portion of earnings to the economy. We could be richer beyond our wildest dreams in a generation, but instead we're shackled to a deflating retirement model.

    Some people blame the Media of Bigotry. I don't. I blame Trump. I don't care that he couldn't beat their disinformation crusade. It's always been on him to win.
  2. #2
    Who are you and what have you done with Wuf?
  3. #3
    Keeping it real. How are things around here?
  4. #4
    Wow, the swing from one political extreme to the other is a common enough phenomenon, but this is the first time I've witnessed the re-swing.
  5. #5
    He's done a lot of great stuff, but he is fucking up royally right now.

    I don't know of any who would do better either, because the situation is almost impossibly hard to deal with.
  6. #6
    The task is so impossibly hard (from my view) because I don't even know of a way to get Federal Reserve's credibility back on track except by putting ME in charge. Every economist I know is a damn hack who wouldn't fix it. The Fed has one job and one main tool with an infinite amount of ammo to achieve that one job, yet they're again failing miserably and the economy is falling off a cliff because of it.
  7. #7
    CoccoBill's Avatar
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    Not sure what percentage of this is trolling or an attempt at 4D persuasion chess, but I do think you're on to something, Trump may actually be in trouble. The one thing repeated over and over by Trump supporters, outside of media coverage concentrating on bigotry, misogyny and corruption, is the economy. The single most important, if not the only thing many muricans seem to be considering is what's happening to my wallet.
    Our brains have just one scale, and we resize our experiences to fit.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    He can't downplay coronavirus right.
    He tried his best.

    But seriously. Say the experts are right and 50-70% of people are sooner or later going to get infected no matter what you do; the best thing to do is try to avoid an exponential growth that overwhelms the health system. Is telling people 'it's no biggie' really a good way to achieve that? Does anyone think no-one will notice when their grandparents start to die and they can't get health care 'cause the system is overloaded?

    Downplaying it in any way is the wrong move. People need to know this shit is serious and start taking the proper precautions.
  9. #9
    oskar's Avatar
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    in ur accounts... confiscating ur funz
    I think you were always behind Trump for bad reasons and now you're abandoning him for bad reasons. The market was going to crash during this pandemic no matter what. The american healthcare system is massively flawed and there was no magic man you could have put behind the wheel of this flaming jalopy who could have found a viable off ramp in that short a time span.

    I'm currently over here stockpiling all the popcorn I'm going to need to get through the next 9 months of americans still insisting that their current healthcare system is simply the best, and that a single payer system is socialism and that's bad because socialism=bad.
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by oskar View Post
    I think you were always behind Trump for bad reasons and now you're abandoning him for bad reasons. The market was going to crash during this pandemic no matter what. The american healthcare system is massively flawed and there was no magic man you could have put behind the wheel of this flaming jalopy who could have found a viable off ramp in that short a time span.

    I agree with most of this, except to note that Trump has actually made the situation even worse through his actions. He's shown Schiff to be absolutely right that in a crisis situation, Trump will first and foremost look out for himself. By continuously downplaying things, he's shown he's not going to handle the situation properly, and that's why the stock market starts going down even faster every time he opens his mouth.

    So obviously Wall Street is not buying his snake oil. And even Joe Sixpack is not so dumb that he won't eventually clue into this - why did this guy keep telling me not to worry when the rest of world could see this coming?

    Of course, there'll be some out there that think it's all a Chinese Hoax to spread mind control in conjunction with crop circles and chem trails, but most people are just going to see this as Trump being a major self-serving asshat of a president. Then they will eventually connect the dots and realize that's what he's been all along. And when that happens, they'll get out the proverbial tar and feathers on election day and send his ass out of town.
  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by oskar View Post
    I'm currently over here stockpiling all the popcorn I'm going to need to get through the next 9 months of americans still insisting that their current healthcare system is simply the best, and that a single payer system is socialism and that's bad because socialism=bad.
    My favourite argument they keep trotting out is 'who will pay for it?', as if it is some extra luxury they are trying to implement.

    Someone with a brain: "No, see, it's like this. The $20k a year you spend on insurance and meds? Instead of that, you will be taxed $5k a year for the same service."

    Someone without a brain: "Die, you commie bastard!"
  12. #12
    I would love to have been a fly on the wall at one of Trump's early meetings with the experts, as they tried to get him to understand how exponential growth works.

    Exp: So, it doubles every few days.

    T: You mean, like from 2, to 4, to 6? We can handle that, that's nothing.

    Exp: No, like 2 to 4 to 8 to 16...

    T: I get it, so it stops at 16. No big deal.

    Exp: No, it doesn't stop at 16, it keeps going.

    T: Ok, so it goes up to 18 after that. Still dont see what the problem is. Oh wait, I gotta go shake some hands in a crowded, poorly ventilated room at CPAC. Is it ok if I do that?

    Exp: Yes, please go. Shake all the hands you can. And remember to do a lot of deep breathing when you're close to anyone who is actimg sick.

    T: Thanks guys, glad we sorted this out. High fives all around. You gonna finish that bowl of ice cream? Pass it over here.
  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopadoop View Post
    Downplaying it in any way is the wrong move. People need to know this shit is serious and start taking the proper precautions.
    My impression has been that he should assuage fears but come STRONG on how the government is kicking its ass with so much money and so much power.

    What he did today was good on the economy side of it. Even though it was late, I'll never fault anybody for doing the right thing even if late. But we know he could have done much better. I may not know how, but I know something would have been better.
    Last edited by wufwugy; 03-14-2020 at 12:39 AM.
  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by CoccoBill View Post
    Not sure what percentage of this is trolling or an attempt at 4D persuasion chess
    I'll always give the truth as I see it. There are some general things I've not been happy with (like healthcare) that I've hinted at before, but this event is a big, big deal to me. His brand is success, and he is failing at that right now. I will always judge him by that criteria, because it's the one he told the world he should be judged by.
  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by oskar View Post
    I think you were always behind Trump for bad reasons and now you're abandoning him for bad reasons. The market was going to crash during this pandemic no matter what. The american healthcare system is massively flawed and there was no magic man you could have put behind the wheel of this flaming jalopy who could have found a viable off ramp in that short a time span.

    I'm currently over here stockpiling all the popcorn I'm going to need to get through the next 9 months of americans still insisting that their current healthcare system is simply the best, and that a single payer system is socialism and that's bad because socialism=bad.
    I like your perspective because it shows you're trying to think about life at a deeper level.

    I hold Trump to standards. When he doesn't hit them, I'll be the first credible voice to say so.

    I agree that US healthcare is crap relative to what it should be. Yet in its crapness, I believe US healthcare is the strongest part of global human healthcare.
  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by oskar View Post
    I think you were always behind Trump for bad reasons
    What do you think?
  17. #17
    Look at this. He's trying. He really is. And it's not bad. If somebody else said what he said, a lot of people would be like hey that's not bad.

    But it's a total fucking fail because this isn't his economy anymore. It's the Federal Reserve's and they're not doing fuckall for their job. Coronavirus was the spark, but the huge kill we're seeing in the markets is because the Fed is run by hacks who have convinced the world that when they don't do their job, just look the other way.

    Like many, Trump didn't understand this. There is only one politician I've seen who publicly expressed opinion that suggests he understands how to deal with the Fed, and maybe that's why I supported that politician so much before. But Trump is the guy we have now, and he's reaping what he sowed by not kicking the shit out of these technical hacks who wreck the economy every "cycle" because they're fucking hacks who don't do the one fucking job they have.
    Last edited by wufwugy; 03-14-2020 at 02:23 AM.
  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Look at this. He's trying. He really is. And it's not bad. If somebody else said what he said, a lot of people would be like hey that's not bad.
    If our standards for him are now so low that we should applaud him for doing things that for any other POTUS would be a no-brainer, that's not really comforting.
  19. #19
    Wuf, how are you still managing to make it everyone else's fault? Remember when leaders said things like "the buck stops here."?
  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by boost View Post
    Wuf, how are you still managing to make it everyone else's fault? Remember when leaders said things like "the buck stops here."?
    I've listed many of his big faults. It's on him. The Fed is creating a recession and I'm blaming Trump for not fixing the Fed earlier, and I blame Trump for letting the spark (coronavirus) getting out of hand.

    The Fed is my pet issue because it was my focus for my major, and I subscribe to the view that they've created all the long and deep aggregate demand depressions over the past 100 years. Watching what's going on in the economy right now, we're seeing the Fed fail at a faster pace than they did in during their impressive 2008 fail.
    Last edited by wufwugy; 03-14-2020 at 03:28 PM.
  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopadoop View Post
    If our standards for him are now so low that we should applaud him for doing things that for any other POTUS would be a no-brainer, that's not really comforting.
    I give him no applause for his trash handling of coronavirus.
  22. #22
    sup wuf
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  23. #23
  24. #24
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    His position on COVID-19 has been a real clusterfuck on the ground.
    Him saying he wouldn't allow US citizens back into the country caused a lot of panic.
    The airport security on ground level is being forced to deal with a massive problem they don't have the staff or infrastructure to handle, in a place not built for this kind of crisis.

    As someone who stood in a massively overcrowded room with thousands of people herding through a winding queue for over 3 hours just to get asked 2 questions* and have my temperature taken - That's not going to help anything.
    They had to bring in cases upon cases of bottled water and snacks to pass through the queue because we'd been stuck there for so long.
    The security would shout across the room to remind everyone that this is going to take a long time and it's going to suck for everyone, and we just need to all keep it together for a while longer and ride it out.
    Which was effective, I'll say. People were generally happy, despite the current situation. People coming home from abroad with fun stories fresh in their minds start chatting to the random people nearby and it makes the time fly.

    *Have you been in China in the past 14 days? Have you been to Iran in the past 14 days?
    Both of which I was asked a dozen times whenever I got on or off a plane and often multiple times to get on the plane.

    TSA is less of a trainwreck than it was a couple years ago. IDK if policies have changed or if I just had a bad experience then a less bad experience. Things move quickly through all the scans and baggage checks, now. TSA workers seemed less overworked and were even smiling and joking in just the right amount that lets you know they're being serious, but not severe.
    You can find any pattern you want to any level of precision you want, if you're prepared to ignore enough data.
  25. #25
    The winding queue at a transportation terminal seems like one of the best ways to spread an infection. The DMV has figured it out, why can't the TSA implement a deli counter take-a-number style virtual queue?
  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by boost View Post
    The winding queue at a transportation terminal seems like one of the best ways to spread an infection. The DMV has figured it out, why can't the TSA implement a deli counter take-a-number style virtual queue?
    My thoughts exactly. How ironic that their idea for stopping transmission of a pandemic is to herd a large number of people into a giant room together for several hours. ffs, has Jared taken over TSA now?
  27. #27
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    Thousands of people are going through. The line takes hours to get through.
    I was in this queue yesterday.

    You can find any pattern you want to any level of precision you want, if you're prepared to ignore enough data.
  28. #28
    Global prevalence is still less than 1/10 000 though, so good chance no-one in your line was sick. Or if they were, they almost certainly coughed on someone who wasn't you.
  29. #29
    Trump has given himself a '10 out of 10' on his handling of the CV crisis.

    When a reporter asked him if the buck stopped with him, his reply was 'It normally would, but...' and went on to explain how it was all everyone else's fault.
  30. #30
    I mean, this is getting ridiculous even for Trump.

    Some highlights from today's presser:

    Referring to the State Department as the "Deep State Department"

    Losing his shit and calling a guy a "terrible reporter" for asking him what'd he do to assauge people's fears.

    Meanwhile, Pence still keeps looking at Trump like he wants to fuck him. What is with that guy?
    Last edited by Poopadoop; 03-20-2020 at 05:56 PM.
  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopadoop View Post
    Meanwhile, Pence still keeps looking at Trump like he wants to fuck him. What is with that guy?
    The Silver Fox knows what's hot
  32. #32
    "You can spot the exact moment he died inside."
  33. #33
    I always liked that guy, the kind of guy you always listen to when he's talking. Has a sense of humor too I see.
  34. #34
    That's funny 'cause that's what all the Trumpers on twitter were saying too - he was laughing with Trump not cringeing at him.

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