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  1. #6601
    Do any of you see an issue of Islamism in the UK?
  2. #6602
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Do any of you see an issue of Islamism in the UK?
    What makes something an issue?

    The question you're asking gets a no.
  3. #6603
    Just wanna know what you make of it is all.
  4. #6604
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Just wanna know what you make of it is all.
    It's up there with worrying about getting hit by lightning.

    Lots of issues with things like integration amongst communities of which we could address on their own merits but unfortunately this doesn't happen. Even worse it gets lumped in with things like terrorism and becomes incredibly counter-productive.
  5. #6605
    Labour are definitely winning where I live, I'd vote for the guy anyway as he's the best option even if you disagree with labour nationally. No other party is remotely interesting to vote for & me voting for them won't be the difference between them getting their money back or not (i.e. the importance of choice) so I'll probably either not vote or spoil my ballot.
  6. #6606
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    It's up there with worrying about getting hit by lightning.
    Nassim Taleb has likened this to thin tailed whereas terrorism is fat tailed.

    Lots of issues with things like integration amongst communities of which we could address on their own merits but unfortunately this doesn't happen. Even worse it gets lumped in with things like terrorism and becomes incredibly counter-productive.
    Good point. A reason I see for why they're likened is that one begets the other, as well as one is culturally transformative.
  7. #6607
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Good point. A reason I see for why they're likened is that one begets the other, as well as one is culturally transformative.
    The issue is a lot of our muslim communities aren't a new or recent thing. They have been around for generations and have never really been an issue in the sense that they are being touted as now. Now most of our immigration is from the EU and not muslim and doesn't create issues anywhere near on the level that terrorism gets talked about.

    Solving those issues are real, relevant and help to kill the whole extremist ideology that exists which is funnily enough a minor benefit in comparison.

    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Nassim Taleb has likened this to thin tailed whereas terrorism is fat tailed.
    Explain terminology please.
    Last edited by Savy; 06-07-2017 at 09:05 PM.
  8. #6608
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    The issue is a lot of our muslim communities aren't a new or recent thing. They have been around for generations and have never really been an issue in the sense that they are being touted as now.
    Interesting. Why do you think they are a bigger deal now than before?
  9. #6609
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Interesting. Why do you think they are a bigger deal now than before?
    Terrorism being the image of an asian person is a fairly new thing for one.

    A lot of intitial waves of immigration are hopeful, thankful, various words for good. This somewhat helps them put up with the shit they get and in a lot of cases isn't as bad as things that were happening in their original country. Then when they have children those kids grow up with all the same shit, more pressure to integrate and a whole new host of struggles which can very easily push them out of the mainstream. Add in the fact that it's now very easy for information to travel and groups to accept these people and make them feel like they have a place.

    Remember terrorism back in the day in the UK was Ireland.

    Maybe looking at the first 2 or 3 generations of immigration and their issues is a decent place to start. As I said before though terrorism is such a minor threat and issue compared to what it's made out to be and the benefits of all this type of research in terms of integration, productivity, community would be the reason to do it.
    Last edited by Savy; 06-07-2017 at 09:18 PM.
  10. #6610
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    Then when they have children those kids grow up with all the same shit, more pressure to integrate and a whole new host of struggles which can very easily push them out of the mainstream.
    Interesting point. Example?

    Remember terrorism back in the day in the UK was Ireland.
    I've seen that likened to single issue regarding their people whereas Islamic terrorism is regarding destruction of you and everything about you.
  11. #6611
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    terrorism is such a minor threat and issue compared to what it's made out to be and the benefits of all this type of research in terms of integration, productivity, community would be the reason to do it.
    I haven't seen that many people claim that Islamic terrorism will kill them, but that it is a symptom of a shifting society such that has played out in previous western nations that are today eliminated of western values due to centuries long Islamism.
  12. #6612
    It's all bollocks. "Islamic" Terrorism is not religious, it's political. The goons blowing themselves up think it's religious, but those ordering the attacks, it's politics.

    The recent three attacks in the UK, all leading up to an election, were Saudi state-sponsored attacks, designed to stregnthen public opinion for Theresa May and the Conservatives, who are selling, and will continue to sell, arms to the Saudis, which they either drop on Yemen, or sell on to ISIS. Labour will pull the pulg on these arms deals.

    When ISIS claim an attack, you can interpret that as Saudi Arabi.

    That Saudi Arabia are accusing Qatar of sponsoring terrorism and funding ISIS would be hilarious if it wasn't so fucking serious.

    And yeah, savy nails it, I think most British people are as terrified by terrorism as they are lightning.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  13. #6613
    oskar's Avatar
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    It's no secret that a large amount of isis funding comes from the UAE but the say "Saudi Arabia" does this or that is hopelessly blunt. It's like saying England plays football or Germany makes cars. SA by the nature of its wealth has a lot of unfathomably stupid people in very powerful positions but that doesn't mean it's a mad villains stronghold. I do not know much at all about sand country but the royal saudi family directly funding isis doesn't sound very credible to me.
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  14. #6614
    oskar's Avatar
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    in ur accounts... confiscating ur funz
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    It's up there with worrying about getting hit by lightning.

    Lots of issues with things like integration amongst communities of which we could address on their own merits but unfortunately this doesn't happen. Even worse it gets lumped in with things like terrorism and becomes incredibly counter-productive.
    You might not worry much about lightning, but you're not going to go kiting in a thunderstorm either. Both are avoidable. What grinds my gears about this debate is that nobody on the left is willing to acknowledge that if you boot out all the muslims the chance of a terror attack approaches zero. Just that fact alone is so offensive you can't even say it. Once you are able to acknowledge that you can say: ok, we're obviously not deporting anyone based on faith or denying asylum from people that are being prosecuted, but now that we know where it's coming from we can talk about steps to solve the issue which could be anything from closing or generally disallowing religious schools of all kinds to making sure immigrant distribution is well thought out to avoid ghettos and aid immigration andworking closely with the mosques to make sure nothing funky is going on.
    Last edited by oskar; 06-08-2017 at 01:51 PM.
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  15. #6615
    Quote Originally Posted by oskar View Post
    You might not worry much about lightning, but you're not going to go kiting in a thunderstorm either. Both are avoidable. What grinds my gears about this debate is that nobody on the left is willing to acknowledge that if you boot out all the muslims the chance of a terror attack approaches zero. Just that fact alone is so offensive you can't even say it. Once you are able to acknowledge that you can say: ok, we're obviously not deporting anyone based on faith or denying asylum from people that are being prosecuted, but now that we know where it's coming from we can talk about steps to solve the issue which could be anything from closing or generally disallowing religious schools of all kinds to making sure immigrant distribution is well thought out to avoid ghettos and aid immigration andworking closely with the mosques to make sure nothing funky is going on.
    I don't believe the bolded statement to be true in any way close to what you're implying.

    Getting rid of religious schools isn't happening any time soon.

    The distribution of immigration isn't something that people have any choice in & I don't see how you would control it without some really mad level of government control which would be catastrophic.

    The whole thing about working with mosques and what not has been pushed for years and basically just creates weird little groups where people are pushed way above their stations as some sort of community out reach.
  16. #6616
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Interesting point. Example?
    Google struggles of second generation immigrants and you'll get a load of stuff talking about it.
  17. #6617
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    I don't believe the bolded statement to be true in any way close to what you're implying.

    Getting rid of religious schools isn't happening any time soon.

    The distribution of immigration isn't something that people have any choice in & I don't see how you would control it without some really mad level of government control which would be catastrophic.

    The whole thing about working with mosques and what not has been pushed for years and basically just creates weird little groups where people are pushed way above their stations as some sort of community out reach.
    Pretty much this. It sounds like Oskar is saying that we can solve the problem of terrorism by simply changing the way we interact with Muslims and muslim countries.

    That's nuts. The problem IS Islam.

    Google "pew research" and "is it ok to bomb innocent civillians". You will see that terrorism, violence, religious war, and faith-motivated killing is a pervasive belief among an alarming percentage of the worldwide muslim population.

    Here in western society, we've been duped into thinking that the 'western' version of a muslim, is representative of the 'average' muslim worldwide. That's simply incorrect. The westernized, peace-loving, non-violent muslims are very much in the minority. They just seem like the majority because they make up the majority of muslims that we know.

    It also doesn't help that every time a Muslim does something bad in the name of Islam, the Muslim community immediately starts defending itself. They put the shame on YOU for even thinking that the offender in question represents even a slice of the greater muslim community. That's a deflecting tactic that should be frightening to anyone who doesn't want to get blown up.
  18. #6618
    On the topic of integration, for example of non-westernized Muslims becoming westernized, probably the way to get that is not having welfare such that they don't work. Work is what assimilates. Tons of different peoples have assimilated into countries not of their origin; what those who haven't seem to have in common is their host countries sponsor their dis-assimilation via welfare.
  19. #6619
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    On the topic of integration, for example of non-westernized Muslims becoming westernized, probably the way to get that is not having welfare such that they don't work. Work is what assimilates. Tons of different peoples have assimilated into countries not of their origin; what those who haven't seem to have in common is their host countries sponsor their dis-assimilation via welfare.
    What countries would they be?
  20. #6620
    Though the book is bad news, people seem complex enough that they can worship a book without actually following the book. Even a religion oriented around a Jew-slaughtering child rapist can yield people who disagree with that behavior as long as they have skin in the game regarding assimilating into a culture that doesn't support that behavior.
  21. #6621
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    What countries would they be?
    In America, just about all immigrants from Europe and Asia have assimilated and are assimilating into the American nation. Jews, Irish, Italians, Greeks, Filipinos, Chinese, etc.. Welfare culture was not popular for most of the immigration of our country, though that is now changing and there are emerging some problems of assimilation due to welfare, though that's only regarding immigrants in a small way.

    The issue is much bigger in Europe, where the welfare states are far more vast. Sweden, France, a few others, have very high numbers of immigrants without work, living in ghettos, and on welfare.

    Interesting to note: I agree with economist Bryan Caplan about how we should have open borders. However, as he points out, in order to do so, we would need (1) to keep people out who should be in prison, and (2) not provide them enough welfare such that they don't work/assimilate. The interesting to note part is that I estimate this would result in even more stringent immigration standards. More people would immigrate even more for sure, but some would be different people and all (most all) would assimilate.
  22. #6622
    Exit poll being right would make my month. Hilarious, absolute shit show.
  23. #6623
    Tory + DUP coalition? Nasty nasty. This will ened in tears.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  24. #6624
    It's funny, MSM were all over Jez during the election for his sympathies for the IRA.

    Yet here we're about to have the Tories propped up by a party that was created as the political wing to loyalist terrorism. Loyalists (those in Northern Ireland who wish to remain in the UK) have killed over 1000 people. They shot someone during this very election campaign.

    The media didn't even mention loyalist terrorism during the election, it was just IRA this and Islam that.

    This is a disaster for the Tories, and unless this government collapses quickly, a disaster for the rest of us too.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  25. #6625
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    this very election campaign.
    It was, like, sooo election campaign. More than the average, compared to other things which aren't so very election campaign.

  26. #6626
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    The media didn't even mention loyalist terrorism during the election, it was just IRA this and Islam that.
    Queen loving terrorists aren't terrorists they are patriots.
  27. #6627
    After the disastrous campaign that May ran I'm surprised she didn't lose her bloody seat to Lord Buckethead
    Congratulations, you've won your dick's weight in sweets! Decode the message in the above post to find out how to claim your tic-tac
  28. #6628
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    The guitarist?

    He's been knighted?


  29. #6629
    UKIP woulda got 500 seats if Uncle Nige was still in town.
  30. #6630
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    UKIP woulda got 500 seats if Uncle Nige was still in town.
    Farage to be next leader of the conservative party, win a snap election, become PM and nuke Brussels before the end of the year.

    All whilst solving poverty (England only obvs)
  31. #6631
    Quote Originally Posted by MadMojoMonkey View Post

    The guitarist?

    He's been knighted?


    NO, you aren't allowed to say things about our election you wanted to leave.
  32. #6632
    Brussels could use a couple well-placed moabs
  33. #6633
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    NO, you aren't allowed to say things about our election you wanted to leave.
    Who said anything about an election?

    I just offered my opinion that it's top notch to knight someone who wears a KFC bucket on his head and jams out guitar rock like it's the 80's.
  34. #6634
    This is a different Lord Buckethead (I assume). Some of his progressive ideals can be read about here:
  35. #6635
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    Sorry. I thought you meant this guy:
  36. #6636
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Brussels could use a couple well-placed moabs
    quoted for truth
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  37. #6637
    So Wuf (rip) a bit topic in parliament is how there is a cap on public sector workers pay rises at 1% and no matter what it can't go above this. Now like yourself I'm against the public sector somewhat but do you not think that this is the biggest load of bollocks possible* people should get pay rises based on what they deserve not some bullshit cap implemented by the government.

    *There is obviously an argument that forcing this naratives changes things for the better, but it definitely isn't currently, and that isn't my point.
  38. #6638
    Quote Originally Posted by MadMojoMonkey View Post
    Sorry. I thought you meant this guy:
    Then fuck off.
  39. #6639
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    According to most who know me, all I do is fuck off.
  40. #6640
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    So Wuf (rip) a bit topic in parliament is how there is a cap on public sector workers pay rises at 1% and no matter what it can't go above this. Now like yourself I'm against the public sector somewhat but do you not think that this is the biggest load of bollocks possible* people should get pay rises based on what they deserve not some bullshit cap implemented by the government.

    *There is obviously an argument that forcing this naratives changes things for the better, but it definitely isn't currently, and that isn't my point.
    From my experience, I'd say labor economics is the most neat and applicable economics class offered in colleges (outside of principles of micro 101). Something I learned from that class applicable here: my professor is in charge of all labor oriented things for the university. He explained to us how they distribute wage increases. A common idea is for them to be percentage based, but what this actually does is benefit those with the highest wage already the most, benefit the least those with the lowest pay already, costs the college a ton of money it doesn't have, and increases the perception of inequality and harms morale. An example showing these is how, if a 1% across the board wage increase strategy is utilized, a tenured professor who has been there 25 years making 150k would get a pay raise of 1.5k while an adjunct with only 5 years making 50k would get only 500 increase.

    What they choose to do instead is fixed sum wage increases. Example, the tenured professor gets 750 increase and the adjunct does too, coming to a 0.5% increase for the tenured and a 1.5% increase for the adjunct, resulting in greater perception of equality, greater morale, and a cheaper price tag for the college.

    This is just one consideration for how to set wages. The scenario you've described your parliament is considering is retarded and considers next to nothing regarding how labor markets actually work. There are a bunch of other ways to tackle the problem, like with what you mentioned about how no differentiation of pay disincentivizes excellence. This scenario will just cost more in tax money than otherwise and make for nice cushy jobs where you can be good or bad at them and it doesn't matter all the while stymieing progress from competitors.
  41. #6641
    Y'all lookin' forward to the junior senator from Michigan, Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid Rock?
  42. #6642
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Y'all lookin' forward to the junior senator from Michigan, Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid Rock?
    Ive sort of already come to grips with the idea of celebrities becoming politicians. But this one really irks me.

    At least with folks like Jesse Ventura and Al Franken, people knew what they were getting. With Kid Rock, I think he's proven that he just changes his mind based on what's cool in order to try and stay relevant. His music, style, and audience over the last 10 years is drastically different than what it was in the late 90s/early 00's.

    I realize it's not uncommon for artists to evolve as they mature. But this guy just seems like he's jumping from bandwagon to bandwagon just to secure his next paycheck.

    That's not really a guy I want making decisions for other people
  43. #6643
    You've basically summed up what every politician does.
  44. #6644
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaStand View Post
    Ive sort of already come to grips with the idea of celebrities becoming politicians. But this one really irks me.

    At least with folks like Jesse Ventura and Al Franken, people knew what they were getting. With Kid Rock, I think he's proven that he just changes his mind based on what's cool in order to try and stay relevant. His music, style, and audience over the last 10 years is drastically different than what it was in the late 90s/early 00's.

    I realize it's not uncommon for artists to evolve as they mature. But this guy just seems like he's jumping from bandwagon to bandwagon just to secure his next paycheck.

    That's not really a guy I want making decisions for other people
    I'm open to him because he passes the skin in the game test. Career politicians do not.

    Our laws are made up by people who are not affected by them, who specialize only in talking, and who have little experience with how the real world works. Even if I don't know anything about Kid Rock, I know he's the opposite of those three things. In my estimation, being the opposite of those three things is paramount to healthy governing.
  45. #6645
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    You've basically summed up what every politician does.
    Now maybe you understand how Trump got popular enough to be elected.

    He may be crass and uncouth, but it's authentic.

    And for the last decade or so, Kid Rock has made a living by being a phony
    Last edited by BananaStand; 07-18-2017 at 01:42 PM.
  46. #6646
    Under budget, ahead of schedule.
  47. #6647
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaStand View Post
    Now maybe you understand how Trump got popular enough to be elected.

    He may be crass and uncouth, but it's authentic.

    And for the last decade or so, Kid Rock has made a living by being a phony
    In what world do you think that Trump is authentic in any way shape or form?
  48. #6648
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    In what world do you think that Trump is authentic in any way shape or form?
    Well the biggest complaint that his opponents have about Trump (other than the completely fabricated Russia business) is that he conducts himself just like a NY real-estate billionaire business man.
  49. #6649
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaStand View Post
    Well the biggest complaint that his opponents have about Trump (other than the completely fabricated Russia business) is that he conducts himself just like a NY real-estate billionaire business man.
    An authentic "NY real-estate billionaire business man" isn't an authentic person.
  50. #6650
    To the right, politics is slimy and business success is virtuous. To the left, business is slimy and the path of politics is virtuous. To the right, you speak such that you don't back down from hard truths. To the left, you speak such that you don't offend anybody. In my best judgment, Trump's authenticity to his base is that he's not political, is the quintessence of personal business success, and doesn't back down from hard truths and doesn't care if it offends anybody. Opponents of Trump don't view those attributes as demonstrating to them authenticity.

    Trump doesn't seem authentic to me (at least not at first), but he exudes it to those who think in conservative language.
  51. #6651
    From the outside, he looks like a circus act. From the inside, he exemplifies a strong leader.
  52. #6652
    Jack Sawyer's Avatar
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    Trump is as authentic as Trump University
    My dream... is to fly... over the rainbow... so high...

    Cogito ergo sum

    VHS is like a book? and a book is like a stack of kindles.
    Hey, I'm in a movie!
  53. #6653
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    I'm open to him because he passes the skin in the game test. Career politicians do not.

    Our laws are made up by people who are not affected by them, who specialize only in talking, and who have little experience with how the real world works. Even if I don't know anything about Kid Rock, I know he's the opposite of those three things. In my estimation, being the opposite of those three things is paramount to healthy governing.
    I don't like when deserts are too sweet. I've never had a desert that was too sour, but considering how I feel about too sweet, too sour must be the pinnacle of deserty goodness!
  54. #6654
    Quote Originally Posted by boost View Post
    I don't like when deserts are too sweet. I've never had a desert that was too sour, but considering how I feel about too sweet, too sour must be the pinnacle of deserty goodness!
    No heuristic is without flaw.

    I don't mean to suggest that it's being opposite of career politicians that I like, but that it's having skin in the game.
  55. #6655
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaStand View Post
    Now maybe you understand how Trump got popular enough to be elected.
    I think is has more to do with Hillary's unpopularity rather than Trump's popularity. Can't say I like either, but I know which one I'd have voted for if push came to shove.

    Been following the juice on the Clinton Foundation? Some dude was due to testify that 0.6% of funds donated through the CF intended for Haiti actually got to Haitian civilians. 9.6% went to the Haitian government, while the rest - over $5b - went to non-Haitian organisations.

    Naturally, a week before the hearing, he gets himself a gunshot wound to the head.

    People knew about how fucking corrupt these people were before the election. That's why she lost.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  56. #6656
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    No heuristic is without flaw.

    I don't mean to suggest that it's being opposite of career politicians that I like, but that it's having skin in the game.
    Fine, then I'll just take issue with the idea that Kid Rock is somehow the opposite of these things, giving him skin in the game.

    Rich famous celebrities possibly have even less of a tether to reality. How exactly does the real world as experienced by the vast majority of us map onto Kid Rock's experiences?

    He may be a down to earth dude who is exactly what we need in politics, but if that's the case, you certainly haven't shown your work.
  57. #6657
    If there were an election being contested by Kid Rock and Satan, it'd be a landslide in favour of Satan.

    Satan - "A vote for me is a vote for painful death and eternal fire"

    Kid Rock - "Vote for me and I'll sing a song"

    No brainer.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  58. #6658
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    If there were an election being contested by Kid Rock and Satan, it'd be a landslide in favour of Satan.

    Satan - "A vote for me is a vote for painful death and eternal fire"

    Kid Rock - "Vote for me and I'll sing a song"

    No brainer.
    C'mon, his first album was solid.
  59. #6659
    CoccoBill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BananaStand View Post
    C'mon, his first album was solid.
    Most things you say are outrageous but this might take the cake.
    Our brains have just one scale, and we resize our experiences to fit.

  60. #6660
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaStand View Post
    C'mon, his first album was solid.
    This post is banworthy. Consider this a warning.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  61. #6661
    Quote Originally Posted by boost View Post
    Fine, then I'll just take issue with the idea that Kid Rock is somehow the opposite of these things, giving him skin in the game.

    Rich famous celebrities possibly have even less of a tether to reality. How exactly does the real world as experienced by the vast majority of us map onto Kid Rock's experiences?

    He may be a down to earth dude who is exactly what we need in politics, but if that's the case, you certainly haven't shown your work.
    Tether to reality depends on why somebody is rich and famous. Kid Rock is rich and famous because he worked. He built a skill, business, brand that people wanted to buy. Are entertainers the best example of skin in the game? No, they may not even be in the top ten. But they're still significantly better an example of it than career politicians who have little experience with anything other than receiving donations and making laws that don't affect them.
  62. #6662
    Quote Originally Posted by CoccoBill View Post
    Most things you say are outrageous but this might take the cake.
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    This post is banworthy. Consider this a warning.
    Jesus fellas. The guy got famous somehow!!

    Maybe you guys just weren't old enough in the late 90s to appreciate it. Or maybe you're just stuck up music snobs.

    I just said it was solid. I'm not using any superlatives to describe it. It's just a fun listen. Good for working out, mowing the lawn, or being the ass hole blasting music in his car while he drives real slow past the beach.
    Last edited by BananaStand; 07-19-2017 at 02:27 PM.
  63. #6663
    There's a lot of famous talentless twats.

    Maybe you guys just weren't old enough in the late 90s to appreciate it. Or maybe you're just stuck up music snobs.
    I think I was too old by the late 90's. I was smoking weed and listening to Sublime, not playing with toy cars and pointing at planes.

    The latter. I'm definitely a music snob.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  64. #6664
    Jack Sawyer's Avatar
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    I think you guys are arriving at the crux of the problem with current politics.

    Kid Rock for governor? Seriously? What are his qualifications to hold office? Other than being loud, obnoxious and rich? He will be so out of touch with his constituents it won't even be funny.

    For the people to vote, those elected REPRESENTATIVES should REPRESENT the will of their constituents, ergo, that which the people voted for. Not for their own interests (which I assume Kid Rock is in on, because hey, it worked for Trump) or their corporate overlords (Ajit Pai comes to mind, also Corey Booker, Paul Ryan, Joe Manchin and the list goes on).

    Government is a joke nowadays. Have money, have a seat at the table, run the town and do with it as you like, and that's it. Forgetting who lives in the town and who gets affected by the things that you do. Also, corporations became people in the meantime and now have more rights than actual people. Another recent example is Chris Christie's shenanigans, and when he was confronted about it he said quite flatly "you don't like it? run for governor".

    I would much more likely vote for an actual common man than for some sort of celebrity. A proper politician who has demonstrated to walk the walk, not just talk the talk as well. Hey Trump, you said something about "draining the swamp", right?
    My dream... is to fly... over the rainbow... so high...

    Cogito ergo sum

    VHS is like a book? and a book is like a stack of kindles.
    Hey, I'm in a movie!
  65. #6665
    The DNC and donors have already chosen who will represent the Democrats in 2020. She has all the best qualifications: no accomplishments, corrupt, black, woman.
  66. #6666
    Jack Sawyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    The DNC and donors have already chosen who will represent the Democrats in 2020. She has all the best qualifications: no accomplishments, corrupt, black, woman.
    I heard about Kamala. Truly a disappointment. That party is dead, or pros at losing
    My dream... is to fly... over the rainbow... so high...

    Cogito ergo sum

    VHS is like a book? and a book is like a stack of kindles.
    Hey, I'm in a movie!
  67. #6667
    What don't you like about her?
  68. #6668
    Things that are happening:

    (1) Barium meals galore. The deluge of leaks were fake. The illegal leakers have been found out by now. Comey is one of them. Flynn, and Trump Jr., are possibly honey pots. The non-illegal leaks were plants to create misdirect or play kabuki theater while Trump rolled out policies.

    (2) Obamacare is further unraveling and the inept GOP legislators are being led to exhaustion. After complete failure, Trump will take the reins. He'll get no intra-party opposition at that point, and repeal will pass. Rand Paul may have been brought in on the plan early on.

    (3) ISIS is crumbling. The Gulf Cooperation Council (and Iraq) is doing the fighting, all under the radar. They're using extremely advanced weaponry the US didn't develop. They're killing terrorists in public places with no casualties with directional air blasts. They've got HUDs and high-tech flamethrowers. They're cleaning out fully booby-trapped towns without any hitch. Nanodrones whipping across the skies. The GCC adores Trump. The Mullahs in Iran are next. Israel and GCC are even opening up to each other. Peace in the Middle East is truly around the corner.

    (4) Trump is lending credibility to the special counsel by attacking them. DoJ is investigating some very high up people. Charges brought probably won't go as high as Clinton and Obama, but they could get Lynch and Comey and totally tarnish Clinton and Obama in the public eye forever. Illegal unmasking, illegal leaks. There's a lot there.

    It's glorious to watch all this unfold.
    Last edited by wufwugy; 07-20-2017 at 12:05 AM.
  69. #6669
    Jack Sawyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    What don't you like about her?
    She's not a progressive. She's from the Clinton mold of establishment dems, also Obama

    Basically she's Clinton Jr.
    My dream... is to fly... over the rainbow... so high...

    Cogito ergo sum

    VHS is like a book? and a book is like a stack of kindles.
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  70. #6670
    Jack Sawyer's Avatar
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    Def an abysmal pick when you also have Tulsy Gabbard, Nina Turner, The Ol' Bern, Keith Ellison, Elizaeth Warren etc. Even TwoFaced Shkreli-in-training Cory Booker is a better pick.

    Alienating the progressives, which are a huge part of the base, will simply mean even more third party voting. They will simply refuse to vote for Kamala out of principle. But the corporate dems are simply doubling down on this strategy. Doesn't matter that they got caught cheating last time; their response to that is to now switch to ephemeral messaging services instead of playing fair

    They simply cannot win by parading another corporate dem. And if they actually go through with this, this time they will kiss dat pop vote goodbye as well.

    These dem assholes simply like losing, or love the dollar enough to throw the country. That I have seen and confirmed, it's twice and counting
    My dream... is to fly... over the rainbow... so high...

    Cogito ergo sum

    VHS is like a book? and a book is like a stack of kindles.
    Hey, I'm in a movie!
  71. #6671
    CoccoBill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Things that are happening:
    Thanks for the update, haven't kept up with what's going on at /The_Donald.

    It is fascinating to watch the more and more elaborate and creative schemes people come up with in their desperate need to believe.
    Our brains have just one scale, and we resize our experiences to fit.

  72. #6672
    Quote Originally Posted by CoccoBill View Post
    Thanks for the update, haven't kept up with what's going on at /The_Donald.

    It is fascinating to watch the more and more elaborate and creative schemes people come up with in their desperate need to believe.
    They spend too much time watching tv shows where all these elaborate plans people have where everyone acts exactly as they should all pan out and the main character looks like a smart dude. In reality for anything bar the most trivial situations in life you basically have to wing it at every step, which you can do very well but it's not in any way the same.
  73. #6673
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Sawyer View Post
    Def an abysmal pick when you also have Tulsy Gabbard, Nina Turner, The Ol' Bern, Keith Ellison, Elizaeth Warren etc. Even TwoFaced Shkreli-in-training Cory Booker is a better pick.
    You think Pocahontas has a chance against Trump?
  74. #6674
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Sawyer View Post
    ...or love the dollar enough to throw the country.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  75. #6675
    Quote Originally Posted by CoccoBill View Post
    Thanks for the update, haven't kept up with what's going on at /The_Donald.
    ...pretty much what I was thinking while I read it.

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