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  1. #3301
    Nobody ever was accountable. And this is about whataboutism, I'm actually saddened by this episode because now he puts himself firmly in the same company as those I despise, people who put economic interests ahead of global security. But then what Western leader didn't? I guess the best I can hope for as a realistic argument in his (and May's) defence is that they are of the opinion that not having access to Saudi oil will be worse for global security than the Saudis shelling the shit out of Yemen and killing political opponents in their consulates. If we're that desperate for the oil of a country that is running out, we have very serious problems indeed, and they go way beyond the President's power. No, it's just much easier for me to believe that those in high position have a vested interest in sectors like energy and military hardware, that Saudi Arabia is too rich a friend to ditch, and that war is too profitable to oppose. Trump has a chance here to really show he's different, and it doesn't look like he'll take it.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  2. #3302
    There's also the very real possibility that Trump is schmoozing S.A. for the same reason he schmoozes Russia: He has a hotel and/or some greasy money laundering shit going on there and doesn't want to lose his customer. It's just a coincidence it fits in with his country's plans to sell arms/buy oil in this case.
  3. #3303
    Yeah well that kind of shit is entirely baseless and is bourne out of hatred for Trump, rather than reality. When people say that stopping the arms trade "will hurt us more than them", you know where the money is, and it's not a dirty hotel, which could possibly launder millions at a push, not the tens of billions that energy and weapons are worth.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  4. #3304
    I mean really. Money laundering in hotels. That's the kind of stuff regular gangsters do. Presidents have much loftier ambitions.

    Corruption in government isn't about laundering dirty money, that's laughable. That's what drug dealers do, not nation state arms dealers. This is a "legitimate" trade and so there's no need to "clean" the money, the benefactors are the shareholders of the companies supplying the weapons, and shareholders of energy companies that rely on Saudi oil.

    Maybe Trump had a dirty hotel when he was a mere businessman. I wouldn't give a fuck if he did. Capitalism is a dirty world, very few get to the top without playing dirty somewhere along the way.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  5. #3305
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Yeah well that kind of shit is entirely baseless and is bourne out of hatred for Trump, rather than reality.
    It only seems baseless to people who don't inform themselves about all the corruption already tied to Trump. And just dismissing that as 'you hate Trump, so you assume the worst' is lame. It's more like 'Trump's showed himself to be a selfish con man cunt, that's why I hate him'.

    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    When people say that stopping the arms trade "will hurt us more than them", you know where the money is, and it's not a dirty hotel, which could possibly launder millions at a push, not the tens of billions that energy and weapons are worth.
    There's a problem here in that you're assuming that what's good for the US is also good for Trump. Even assuming he knows what's good for the US, there's plenty of evidence to make one think he's more interested in what's good for Trump. Just because he's president doesn't mean he suddenly became this selfless patriot.

    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    I mean really. Money laundering in hotels. That's the kind of stuff regular gangsters do. Presidents have much loftier ambitions.
    Some might but I doubt Trump is one of them. Have you not noticed how much corruption there is surrounding him? It's about half of the people he ever hired since he started running for president that have been found guilty now lol. So, he surrounds himself with criminals but he himself is clean? Sure, whatever.

    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Corruption in government isn't about laundering dirty money, that's laughable. That's what drug dealers do, not nation state arms dealers. This is a "legitimate" trade and so there's no need to "clean" the money, the benefactors are the shareholders of the companies supplying the weapons, and shareholders of energy companies that rely on Saudi oil.
    I'm sure he's found better ways to make money off his position than money laundering in hotels, you're right.

    I guess you're also missing the bigger picture that his corruption depends on his playing nice with these guys. Cancel arms deal? Ok, we hit you where it hurts - your own wallet. Maybe we stop staying at your hotel when we visit Washington. Or maybe we stop giving you deals on land in our country. Or maybe we reveal your corruption to your own people. Not sure why you find it so outlandish that he could be personally beholden to these foreign countries in some way. There's plenty of evidence that he's tied up with greasy people already.

    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Maybe Trump had a dirty hotel when he was a mere businessman. I wouldn't give a fuck if he did. Capitalism is a dirty world, very few get to the top without playing dirty somewhere along the way.
    So suddenly you expect him to be an idealist now that he's president? So his past behaviour is not predictive of his future behaviour? He's just different from everyone else who's ever lived in that way? lol

    You're saying the US stands to win/lose billions, whereas he only stands to win/lose millions. But so what? What does he care more about, himself gaining money, or the US? I'll give you three guesses.
    Last edited by Poopadoop; 10-21-2018 at 12:01 PM.
  6. #3306
    "Oh look, how convenient that I'm president now."
  7. #3307
    It's quite amusing really. Here I am actually critical of Trump, but instead of talking about the issues that we might agree on, you instead try to ram home how corrupt he and his people are, while referring to small cheese shit. That's an obsession, dude. I laugh at your comment about dirty hotels,point out weapons and energy are where the real money is at, and you insist of assuming he's involved in low-level corruption and gives a fuck if Saudi royals stay at his hotels. Your obsession with Trump has you missing the bigger picture. Maybe that's the whole point of the relentless media campaign against him... to distract the masses and divide them into for and against camps while they make billions off trade.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  8. #3308
    How much do you want to bet the UK and France join Germany in halting arms sales to S.A., and the US doesn't?
  9. #3309
    If the UK halts arms sales to SA over this, my jaw might smash a hole in the floor.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  10. #3310
    They did what now?

    This story just keeps getting crazier.
  11. #3311
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    He died in a fist fight.
    So... outnumbered 15:1, a pudgy, middle-aged reporter decided to engage in a fist fight?
    Well. Forensic science will surely corroborate your story. Where's the body?
    Uhhhhh..... Wait. Scratch that. Look... he left via the back door wearing one of the 15 guys shoes and went sight-seeing.

    I'm half expecting to find out the 15 men have an airtight alibi and it's all an elaborate ruse to throw the world off the scent of the actual killers.
  12. #3312
    "We cut his fingers off so he couldn't make a fist. When he kept fighting, we had to take off an arm, then another arm, then the legs.

    He said "it's just a flesh wound," and kept fighting. Good thing there were 15 of us with a bone saw because he was surprisingly agile for someone with no limbs. Finally we overpowered him, and then one of us (Abdul) put on his clothes to go sightseeing in 'cause his own clothes were too bloody.

    Why weren't Khashoggi's clothes bloody too? That's the funny thing, he stripped down before he started the fight. So his clothes were the only ones that didn't get any blood on them. And Abdul always wanted to see the Blue Mosque. So he put them on.

    Where's his body? Oh, a dog took it. A really big one. Brown, I think.

    What? You don't believe that?

    Ok, wait. We'll get back to you in a few more days."
  13. #3313
    Their plan might have worked better if his fiancee wasn't waiting for him to come out of the consulate...
  14. #3314
    Lolz Trump is now promising a 10% tax cut for middle-income earners, to be done next week (while congress is out of session). Desperate much?
  15. #3315
  16. #3316
    Looks like they found the mail bomber dude.

    Makes me wonder how someone who makes a bomb threat gets probation but someone found with a gram of hash or whatever gets jail time.
  17. #3317
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    I do not understand why people make public statements like this:

    I really hope someone presses Trump hard on what he means when he says that the fake news media is to blame for the mail bombs when every single one of the targets was someone he attacked publicly.

    I was confused what she meant by "the left" sent the caravans until someone explained to me that it is mainstream opinion among trumpsters that lefts have mobilized a caravan out of Honduras to march across Mexico into the US, somehow undetected by border patrol... in caravan formation - to illegally vote during the midterms. And they brought muslims! And Isis fighters!
    Last edited by oskar; 10-26-2018 at 03:18 PM.
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  18. #3318
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    So it'll be a while until the next season of Handmaids Tale and The Man In The High Castle has been somewhat underwhelming, so I'm pretty excited about the development in the US, but what makes this a little less entertaining is the realization that if Trump and his followers get their way, it will not be great news for the group that shares a 3% approval rating of the man.
    skip to 1min into the video.
    Last edited by oskar; 10-26-2018 at 03:38 PM.
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  19. #3319
    Whoever made those "bombs" made them for the cameras.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  20. #3320
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    You know what would be amazing: if republicans win by a landslide.
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  21. #3321
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    How dare anyone suggest that Trump had any influence on the actions of this man!
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  22. #3322
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Whoever made those "bombs" made them for the cameras.
    So what's your theory of the events here? A plot by Soros et al. to frame a Trumptard and stir up...something?
  23. #3323
    Probably Soros et al. who painted his van with pictures of the people he was going to 'bomb' with targets on their faces too, right?

    I mean this is obviously a setup right? This guy's nothing unusual or suspicious.
  24. #3324
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  25. #3325
    I think it's the R's who made this guy up, so that their fan base would blame it on a D conspiracy and go out and vote in droves in the midterms. 3D chess ftw.
  26. #3326
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopadoop View Post
    So what's your theory of the events here? A plot by Soros et al. to frame a Trumptard and stir up...something?
    My theory is that it's something different to what we're being told. A bit vague, yeah, but ask yourself a question... who makes a pipe bomb with two fuses?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  27. #3327
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    My theory is that it's something different to what we're being told. A bit vague, yeah, but ask yourself a question... who makes a pipe bomb with two fuses?
    A mentally ill person, maybe?
  28. #3328
    The whole fucking world is mentally ill.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
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  29. #3329
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    So who do you think made the bombs and mailed them if it wasn't the mentally deranged Trump supporter who has a history of making bomb threats?
    Is this real? Are you really siding with the maga conspiracy on this? I mean this is fucking dumb for T_D even. This conspiracy is too retarded for Ben Sharpino and Scott Adams, it's that fucking dumb.
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  30. #3330
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    The whole fucking world is mentally ill.
    Ikr? It's just too much of a coincidence that a crazy person whose van is covered in hate stickers does something crazy like mail bombs to people, but yet doesn't stop to think how it will look if he uses two fuses on a bomb.

    I'm open to the idea it's all a setup if you're open to the idea it's 50/50 which side did the setting up.

    I just don't see how this is supposed to influence anyone to vote one way or another. "Oh, there's one person in the USA who's fucking mental and sent bombs to people? Holy shit, I better vote Democrat so it doesn't happen again! I was gonna go full MAGA but now I'm all turned around on the idea if one guy with a MAGA hat happens to be cuckoo!!!"
    Last edited by Poopadoop; 10-26-2018 at 06:35 PM.
  31. #3331
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    What is so baffling to me is that: if you're a full-on trump tard, just stop for a second and swap Trump with Hilary and see if you're still ok with this. You have boomers who called Obama a nigerian muslim who now side with Putin and Saudi Muslims. Free market advocates who welcome tariffs and bailouts. Imagine if Hilary said she and Kim Jong Un wrote beautiful letters and they fell in love... and then this whole thing: A list of people Trump has insulted and threatened in public have bombs sent to them. If this was happening under a democratic president, there'd be tiki torches on the white house lawn right now.
    Last edited by oskar; 10-26-2018 at 11:05 PM.
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  32. #3332
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    Quote Originally Posted by oskar View Post
    if you're a full-on trump tard, just stop for a second and
    Here's the thing - they can't. That's what makes them tards.
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  33. #3333
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    PS while I've got the time, how amazing is it that this guy is literally an internet shitposter mailing barely bombs to all the hot targets?

    People always surprise.
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  34. #3334
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    'Rilla where the fuck you been

    I think you've missed the whole BananaStand episode
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  35. #3335
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    Quote Originally Posted by oskar View Post
    You know what would be amazing: if republicans win by a landslide.
    Voter suppression and manipulation is a wonderful thing in democracies
    My dream... is to fly... over the rainbow... so high...

    Cogito ergo sum

    VHS is like a book? and a book is like a stack of kindles.
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  36. #3336
    Quote Originally Posted by oskar View Post
    So who do you think made the bombs and mailed them if it wasn't the mentally deranged Trump supporter who has a history of making bomb threats?
    Is this real? Are you really siding with the maga conspiracy on this? I mean this is fucking dumb for T_D even. This conspiracy is too retarded for Ben Sharpino and Scott Adams, it's that fucking dumb.
    This is the problem with you guys. I suggest it happened differently, and I'm siding with the maga conspiracy or whatever.

    What you're saying to me is... lap up what the papers tell you, or you're a nutjob.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  37. #3337
    Quote Originally Posted by oskar View Post
    What is so baffling to me is that: if you're a full-on trump tard, just stop for a second and swap Trump with Hilary and see if you're still ok with this. You have boomers who called Obama a nigerian muslim who now side with Putin and Saudi Muslims. Free market advocates who welcome tariffs and bailouts. Imagine if Hilary said she and Kim Jong Un wrote beautiful letters and they fell in love... and then this whole thing: A list of people Trump has insulted and threatened in public have bombs sent to them. If this was happening under a democratic president, there'd be tiki torches on the white house lawn right now.
    The fuck are you talking about here?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  38. #3338
    I'm not a full-on Trump-tard, fwiw. I dunno if you noticed who he nominated as director of the CIA... Gina Haspel, the woman who personally oversaw waterboarding in Thailand. He's not draining the swamp, is he?

    He sent that woman to Ankara recently to press Erdogan into not directly accusing bin Salman of ordering the death of that journalist.

    If you think I am of the opinion that Trump is some kind of global saviour, you're very much mistaken. Trump is a cunt. Having said that, I'm still not lapping up whatever they tell me about this "bomber" two weeks before the midterms. This kind of shit is standard before elections.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  39. #3339
    Quote Originally Posted by poop
    Ikr? It's just too much of a coincidence that a crazy person whose van is covered in hate stickers does something crazy like mail bombs to people, but yet doesn't stop to think how it will look if he uses two fuses on a bomb.
    He also used a big digital clock with no alarm and stuck it on the outside.

    I'm no expert on bomb making, but from what I've been reading the last few days, it's kinda important to use a clock with some kind of alarm function. Further, they can be much smaller and fit inside the bomb. The only reason to put a big digital clock on the outside is to make it look like a bomb to the layman.

    These bombs were made for the cameras.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
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  40. #3340
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    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    This is the problem with you guys. I suggest it happened differently, and I'm siding with the maga conspiracy or whatever.

    What you're saying to me is... lap up what the papers tell you, or you're a nutjob.
    I hear that a dozen or so ineptly made bombs are sent to targets that Trump has publicly attacked, and I think: probably an inept Trump supporter. They catch a guy who looks like this:

    and I think: that makes sense.

    What is your alternative theory?
    What's this guys role? Is he innocent? Did they find an innocent man, plaster his truck with trump propaganda, because we all know those stickers are too clean! And who did it? Is it the deep state lizard conspiracy, or is it left wing radicals who are being covered up for by the FBI? Or was it the FBI? Give me anything that's even remotely plausible.
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  41. #3341
    Has he photo-shopped his arms? They look really strange. On second though it looks like he's holding the sign quite far behind his head which is a strange way to hold up a sign.
  42. #3342
    Also, his left arm is slightly larger than his right, suggesting it's a LEFT-wing conspiracy. And he looks like he's wearing the side of his truck on his shirt, which is clearly designed to make you think he's a total Trumptard.

    Finally, the woman in blue behind and to his right has an awkward posture, like her LEFT hand was photoshopped in.

    Obvious tells in this obvious fake.
    Last edited by Poopadoop; 10-27-2018 at 11:05 AM.
  43. #3343
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    Last edited by oskar; 10-27-2018 at 11:12 AM.
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  44. #3344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poopadoop View Post
    Also, his left arm is slightly larger than his right, suggesting it's a LEFT-wing conspiracy.
    irrefutable proof!
    Last edited by oskar; 10-27-2018 at 11:12 AM.
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  45. #3345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    Has he photo-shopped his arms? They look really strange. On second though it looks like he's holding the sign quite far behind his head which is a strange way to hold up a sign.
    Looking at his hair I think he might have similar body image issues to his idol, which leads me to believe that synthol is involved. But you can't say he doesn't work out.
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  46. #3346
    What is your alternative theory?
    What's this guys role? Is he innocent? Did they find an innocent man, plaster his truck with trump propaganda, because we all know those stickers are too clean! And who did it? Is it the deep state lizard conspiracy, or is it left wing radicals who are being covered up for by the FBI? Or was it the FBI? Give me anything that's even remotely plausible.
    Oh sorry, I'm not a nutjob if I don't lap up what the papers tell me, only if I can't give a precise alternate theory?

    I have no idea, did you expect me to?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  47. #3347
    I have no idea what's going on there with the quote box.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
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  48. #3348
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    Don't touch it, it's beautiful!
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  49. #3349
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    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    I have no idea, did you expect me to?
    This is the most open and shut case I have ever seen. This is like someone saying: The water! It's floating down the river!

    And you're like: No, it's not.
    And I'm like: so where do you think it's going?
    And your answer is: idk man, why do I have to have an opinion on that, just doesn't look like it's floating downwards, can I only have an opinion if I give you a precise alternate theory? What do you want me to do?

    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  50. #3350


    I'm also still waiting to hear what anyone is supposed to gain from conspiring to make this story up.
  51. #3351
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    I have no idea what's going on there with the quote box.
    Soros is trying to hack your account and make you look like an incompetent poster ldo.
  52. #3352
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    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    This is the problem with you guys. I suggest it happened differently, and I'm siding with the maga conspiracy or whatever.

    What you're saying to me is... lap up what the papers tell you, or you're a nutjob.
    "Who" is "you guys"?
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  53. #3353
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    Has he photo-shopped his arms? They look really strange. On second though it looks like he's holding the sign quite far behind his head which is a strange way to hold up a sign.
    My dream... is to fly... over the rainbow... so high...

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  54. #3354
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    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Oh sorry, I'm not a nutjob if I don't lap up what the papers tell me, only if I can't give a precise alternate theory?

    I have no idea, did you expect me to?

    Ong, what's going on with you bro?
    My dream... is to fly... over the rainbow... so high...

    Cogito ergo sum

    VHS is like a book? and a book is like a stack of kindles.
    Hey, I'm in a movie!
  55. #3355
    I find some of the stuff SNL does funny. It's mean-spirited and biased parody, but still funny.
  56. #3356
    Friendship with Trump over. Bolsonaro is new best friend.

  57. #3357
  58. #3358
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    So if only the news would report on Trumps claim that jews are funding the migrant caravan, then we wouldn't have right wing terrorists who shoot up synagogues because they believe Trumps claim that jews are funding the migrant caravan? I'm very confused. Wuf, maybe you can explain the causal link here.
    Last edited by oskar; 11-03-2018 at 05:53 PM.
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  59. #3359

    Hillary thinking of a run for president in 2020. So now I gotta hope for two snipers?

    If she gets nominated again I will officially give up on the Democratic Party. If she runs and loses to Trump again I will extend my give up on to the whole of America, and start learning Mandarin.
  60. #3360
    Wow, this Soros guy is a fucking evil genius. He even managed to photoshop that bomber guy into a video clip from a Trump rally, fake arms and all.

  61. #3361
    What would be wicked was if the CIA (i.e., Deep State) hired this guy to go to these Trump rallies and play the role of a total Trumptard to ostensibly infiltrate some right-wing conspiracy, then set him up as the fake bomber. It'd be all of Ong's fantasies come true.

    Still a bit hard to explain the synagogue guy as run by the Deep State though, unless he was really dedicated to his role.
  62. #3362
    My fantasies involve Japanese and Chinese women.

    I have no idea about this "bomber" guy because I haven't been reading anything since it happened, and I don't care. I'm kinda tired of poking my head into these rabbit holes. All I ever said on this matter with any degree of confidence is that what they say happened is very probably bollocks. I stand by that because the media are not to be trusted.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  63. #3363
    Did anyone notice Gab getting closed down right after this happened?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
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  64. #3364
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    Here's what apparently happened: a man with mental health issues and a history of making bomb threats got radicalized by far-right echochambers into believing that a certain list of prominent democrats are the enemy of the people. So he made some bombs to the best of his ability and sent them out. He was identified through fingerprints and apprehended shortly after.

    So you're saying one or more points here are a fabrication by the fake news media. Did the fake news media - all of them, including Fox, Breitbart and... actually Daily Stormer has an alternative theory for you. Possible real-news media?

    So they all worked together to... do what? Like what part of the story do you think could possibly be fake. Every part that could be fabricated seems really easy to research, this is what confuses me so much.
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  65. #3365
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    So on one side you have: all of news media, and on the other side you have: The Daily Stormer, Stormfront and the president of the US.

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  66. #3366
    Quote Originally Posted by oskar
    So you're saying...
    However you want to fill in the blanks.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  67. #3367
    I mean what you're trying to get me to do here is start guessing, throwing out paranoid theories about how the Jews control the media and how they have form for doing things to themselves to gain sympathy, and you can then play the anti-Semite card and I'm a terrible person.

    Fuck knows what's going on. I just don't believe what we're told. Maybe MK Ultra. There you go, there's a scrap for you.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  68. #3368
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    My thought process was: I'm looking for a media outlet that could possibly disagree with this. I already know Fox scrapped all conspiracy theories after they found the guy, so I search the far right ones because that's where I have the highest chance of finding someone who agrees with you. Breitbart threw their own spin on it, but they weren't suggesting it was a conspiracy. The only ones who think it's a conspiracy happen to think it's a jew-run conspiracy. Coincidentally most conspiracies are said to be jew-run, so there's that. This is not me pinning this on you, this is just that you happen to agree with literal nazis on this one. I'm not calling you a nazi because of it... that's just what it is.
    Last edited by oskar; 11-04-2018 at 08:02 AM.
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  69. #3369
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    If it makes you feel better, wuf was 100% in on Q-Anon literally until the day T_D mods pinned an announcement, telling their NPC's to stop spreading that because it made T_D users look dumb, and that's when he went quiet on that.
    So whatever you say or do, you can't possibly out-dumb wuf when it comes to conspiracies.
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  70. #3370
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Maybe MK Ultra.
    You mean brainwashing? So let's see; the Jews hate Trump so much they conspired with the Deep State to brainwash a guy to go into a synagogue and shoot it up? And the guy they brainwashed actually said Trump wasn't anti-semitic enough, which makes him look moderate. And that's apparently to throw free thinkers off the trail.

    That makes about as much sense as the idea that Mueller is really investigating Obama and Hillary (speaking of out-dumbing Wuf).

    And yea, I agree the MSM spins the facts. There's definitely a different approach to these stories depending on whether it's CNN or Fox reporting them. I just don't agree they make up facts that aren't true, all agree on them, and do this despite working for different sides when the facts themselves don't serve both sides' agendas.

    I mean why presume the MSM is fabricating these events somehow? If you were a real dedicated paranoid you'd at least see the events would have to be real but their causes were hidden. Like my CIA theory on bomber guy being an elaborate frame-up; this at least has some historical precedent and is more believable than the idea the media is falsely reporting what happened. In this scenario, the MSM is a dupe in the conspiracy. In your scenario, they're actually manipulating rather than being manipulated.

    The media doesn't care as much about swaying public opinion as you seem to think. You only think that because Trump calls them 'fake news', which he does because most of the MSM shows him as the incompetent con man he really is, and it's easier to believe they're lying than to accept he's an idiotic con man. The MSM cares a lot more about entertainment and ratings and being an echo chamber for their audience than they do about managing public opinion. They certainly don't go around making up national stories.
  71. #3371
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    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    However you want to fill in the blanks.
    That was pretty much a yes or no question. Do you believe that one or more of those points is a fabrication, and if yes, which ones, and how would you try to disprove your theory?
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  72. #3372
    Quote Originally Posted by oskar View Post
    Here's what apparently happened: a man with mental health issues and a history of making bomb threats got radicalized by far-right echochambers into believing that a certain list of prominent democrats are the enemy of the people.
    It's funny how if this was a Muslim terrorist, the explanation would make perfect sense. But since it's a right-wing terrorist it must be a conspiracy.
  73. #3373
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Did anyone notice Gab getting closed down right after this happened?
    No, because I don't follow extremist websites.

    Maybe they got shut down by someone who didn't want them spewing extremist nonsense and encouraging more people to start sending bombs in the mail.
  74. #3374
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    I'd like to take credit at least in a small part, because I remember calling that some trumples will snap and kill people, and Ong called me "beyond deranged" for saying that. Obviously it's still beyond deranged and what you're seeing and what you're hearing is not what's happening.
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  75. #3375
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    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.

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