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  1. #3376
    Quote Originally Posted by oskar View Post
    That was pretty much a yes or no question. Do you believe that one or more of those points is a fabrication, and if yes, which ones, and how would you try to disprove your theory?
    The only yes/no question I can answer is this one...

    Do I believe what I read in the media?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  2. #3377
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopadoop View Post
    No, because I don't follow extremist websites.

    Maybe they got shut down by someone who didn't want them spewing extremist nonsense and encouraging more people to start sending bombs in the mail.
    lol Gab extremist

    So why haven't they shut down 4chan yet? Or reddit?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  3. #3378
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    lol Gab extremist

    So why haven't they shut down 4chan yet? Or reddit?
    lol, maybe because the synagogue killer didn't post hate speech there?

    But I'm sure you have a better theory. Oh wait, you don't. You just have questions you don't bother to find the answer to, and that you assume show there's something dark and sinister going on.
  4. #3379
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    The only yes/no question I can answer is this one...

    Do I believe what I read in the media?
    Serious question: Where do you get your beliefs about what happens in the world outside of your front garden?
  5. #3380
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopadoop View Post
    lol, maybe because the synagogue killer didn't post hate speech there?
    So if I post hate speech here, then FTR is an extremist site?

    Gab pulled the posts as soon as they were made aware of it. They're no more extremist than any other social media platform. They just appreciate free speech more than their rivals.

    And a better question to ask me is... why don't I trust the media, and the answer is 9/11. I haven't believed anything official or MSM driven about global affairs since then, without the need to poke my head down rabbit holes. Hell, maybe it did happen exactly as they say, I just doubt it.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  6. #3381
    I mean, this is how I interpret this conversation...

    Masses - the sky is green
    Me - no it's not
    Masses - Then what colour is it?
    Me - fuck knows
    Masses - then it's green, dickhead.
    Me - not if they tell me it's green
    Masses - who are "they"?
    Me - them
    Masses - who?
    Me - Who? Who? The fuck are you an owl?
    Masses - nice Pacino quote.
    Me - shit film though.
    Masses - you're still a dickhead
    Me - whatever
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  7. #3382
    You still haven't come up with a good alternative theory on either bomber guy or synagogue guy, or what role the MSM played in the cover-ups.

    If your only theory is the media lied about 9/11 so therefore they must lie about everything, then I'm afraid that's not going to stand up in court. "Earthquake in Greece? Media showing heaps of rubble and rescue teams? Lies."

    You have to at least come up with a motivation for lying. For 9/11 you could at least argue they were interested in keeping the establishment happy, so they more or less passively went along with the government's story. With these, the gov't (or at least Trump) is telling a different story than the media.
  8. #3383
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    I mean, this is how I interpret this conversation...

    Masses - the sky is green
    Yeah except here the "masses" (if that's what you want to call me and Oskar) are saying "the sky is probably blue because it looks blue" and you're saying "don't believe what you see" and we're saying "then what colour is it?" and you're saying "I just know it isn't blue" and we're saying "but how do you know that?", and you say "I just do" like we're supposed to accept that as some kind of explanation.
  9. #3384
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopadoop View Post
    You still haven't come up with a good alternative theory...
    I haven't wasted my time attempting to.

    And I just checked, the sky is black. Shows what you know.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  10. #3385
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    I haven't wasted my time attempting to.

    And I just checked, the sky is black. Shows what you know.
    Hurrrrr durrrrr.
  11. #3386
    oskar's Avatar
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    if you openly admit to forming your opinions purely on feelings without even looking at the facts, why even have opinions? Why have opinions as strongly as 'mexican immigrants are muslim baby rapists' or 'virtually every single media outlet (with the exception of Stormfront) is working together to fabricate stories that make racists look bad'
    Last edited by oskar; 11-04-2018 at 06:42 PM.
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  12. #3387
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Masses - the sky is green
    Me - no it's not
    Masses - Then what colour is it?
    Me - fuck knows
    Masses - then it's green, dickhead.
    This is funny because it's basically the same logic you use for all your conspiracies.
  13. #3388
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    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    I mean, this is how I interpret this conversation...

    Masses - the sky is blue
    Me - no it's not
    Masses - Then what colour is it?
    Me - fuck knows
    Masses - then it's blue, dickhead.
    Me - not if they tell me it's blue
    Masses - who are "they"?
    Me - them
    Masses - who?
    Me - Who? Who? The fuck are you an owl?
    Masses - nice Pacino quote.
    Me - shit film though.
    Masses - you're still a dickhead
    Me - whatever

    There, FTFY
    Last edited by Jack Sawyer; 11-04-2018 at 07:36 PM.
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  14. #3389
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    Quote Originally Posted by oskar View Post
    That was pretty much a yes or no question. Do you believe that one or more of those points is a fabrication, and if yes, which ones, and how would you try to disprove your theory?
    Always excellent questions to ask yourself when you start to disbelieve someone's story on anything.
  15. #3390
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poopadoop View Post
    It's funny how if this was a Muslim terrorist, the explanation would make perfect sense. But since it's a right-wing terrorist it must be a conspiracy.
    Funny how when a non-American goes and kills a bunch of people, that's a terrorist, but when an American goes and kills a bunch of people it's a troubled, misguided person with a past.
  16. #3391
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    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    I haven't wasted my time attempting to.

    And I just checked, the sky is black. Shows what you know.
    I know, right?
    Seriously, if we're going to have some staple statement of the obvious in our language, why does it have to be assigning a color to something that is constantly changing colors?
  17. #3392
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    This is funny because it's basically the same logic you use for all your conspiracies.
    Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
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  18. #3393
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    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
    You've never been wrong about this fact, but always been wrong in what you think it means.

    All metals experience reduced ability to support a load at temperatures well below their melting points.
    The material properties do not sharply transition from solid to liquid phase like ice to water.
  19. #3394
    Quote Originally Posted by MadMojoMonkey View Post
    You've never been wrong about this fact, but always been wrong in what you think it means.

    All metals experience reduced ability to support a load at temperatures well below their melting points.
    The material properties do not sharply transition from solid to liquid phase like ice to water.
    Don't push that button. Here's a question... does a stone drop faster through air or water?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  20. #3395
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    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Don't push that button. Here's a question... does a stone drop faster through air or water?
    Depends on the fluid flow characterizing both.
  21. #3396
    oskar's Avatar
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    How many more times do law abiding teachers like Scott Paul Beierle have to proof their shooting proficiency before the school boards let them carry guns in class to protect the children from terrorists!
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  22. #3397
    And when are bouncers going to be given assault rifles?
  23. #3398
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    That one's fucking hilarious. Just a week (or three shootings) ago Trump said if only the mosque had an armed guard, those silly no-guard-having jews might still be alive. Now there's a bar with a handful of police officers, and there's still 12 dead. What ratio of gun owners to lunatic do you need. Oh yeah, and bonus meme: he had a psych evaluation indicating possible ptsd and they didn't take his guns, because (?)

    But let's get some live coverage from the border where 5200 soldiers are currently stationed to prepare for a couple dozen Guatemalans to arrive sometime in Dezember. 40% approval rating btw!
    But at least it looks like Mueller is going into warp speed. If that fizzles out I'll fucking skip season 2 of handmaids tale, this is getting so good!
    Last edited by oskar; 11-08-2018 at 02:08 PM.
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  24. #3399
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    What could possible go wrong by inviting people with no training in public service at all, let alone any criminal justice training, to bring their guns and enforce what will appear as racism under all circumstances?

    Surely no human rights violations will happen.
    Surely no actual racism will happen.
    I'm just calling that fake news in advance.

    We've gotten to the point where one dude pushing another dude is equivalent to armed assault, and when the dude who pushed gets shot dead over it, half the country calls out that's justice.
    Like as if the kid throwing rocks on the playground is now equivalent to the school shooter.
  25. #3400
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    Well, ldo.

    I have more faith in the military than in Trump, but trumples are already showing up at the border by the hundreds to play cops and robbers with their shooty toys. Would be interesting if when they do shoot mexicans, could they legally go: We found 10,485 of the assailants firearms in a 10m radius, luckily we were able to neutralize the threat for god and country.
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  26. #3401
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    Thoughts and prayers!

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  27. #3402
    Apparently some of the people at the shooting in California had also been at the one in L.V.

    So now it's come to the point where being present at a mass shooting is no longer a once-in-a-lifetime event.
  28. #3403
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    Gotta love the way Trump checked himself before finishing that sentence about being hit in the face with a rock being the same as being shot in the face.
  29. #3404
    You've got to be fucking joking me...oh wait, it's Trump - what did I expect?
    Last edited by Poopadoop; 11-10-2018 at 01:43 PM.
  30. #3405
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    I don't like almost anything about Kathy Griffin, but I like the way she addresses Trump. For every other Trump Tweet, there's a KG tweet simply saying: "Fuck yourself, you criminal piece of shit" She varies it up but that's the gist of it. At this point, why not just go down to his level? Why ask questions respectfully? Just address him as a "very low IQ individual" call him a loser, tell him that his answers are dumb. How could he defend himself? That is exactly how he conducts himself, just throw it back at him.

    I am very confused how people can stand behind him. Let's hope Wuf gets his hormones in order after his meme diet so he can explain. Trump is so vile. He's that piece of shit that insults clerks and waiters because they can't talk back without losing their job and it makes them feel big. And you want that kind of a personality in the white house? Forget about the blatant corruption, the nepotism, the pay to play, obstruction of justice and the swamp he surrounds himself with. Clear all that and he's still more than unfit to be president.
    Last edited by oskar; 11-10-2018 at 02:43 PM.
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  31. #3406
    Even if you ignored him routinely acting like a giant twat, it's still hard to see how anyone can still support him. His biggest accomplishments so far are exploding the deficit, starting a trade war with the entire world, and pissing on America's allies.

    They're going to need some state-sactioned massive re-programming centres in the US after he's gone just to get rid of all the brainwashing it took to get him a 40% approval rating.
  32. #3407
    Even if you ignored him routinely acting like a giant twat, it's still hard to see how anyone can still support him.
    If you're talking about voters, there's a conversation to be had here. If you're talking about people like me, ie foreign observers, well then the answer is democracy. Had Clinton won, I would've feared for the future, but if we were here today, and she still had the support of the people who voted for her, which represents a democratic majority, then I would "support" her in the sense I would recognise she is fit to be President and generally avoid insulting people simply for actively supporting her.

    Why do voters support him? idk, would I if I could vote for him? I certainly would have done at the last election, because of who he was up against. I imagine he still has core support because the alternative is perceived as worse. Trump supporters would prefer to see an idiot in charge than a liberal. That's a political choice that should be respected, but we no longer respect each others' right to have different political opinions. This is the new millenium, the age of "I'm right, you're wrong, I'm a good person, you're a disgusting person".
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
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  33. #3408
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  34. #3409
    So why is Melania deciding to fire people? I thought Trump was the Alpha Chimp and wore the pants?

    Sounds like he got cucked.
  35. #3410
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    Where are our maga's?

    Never there for you when you need a retarded opinion.
    Like rats off a sinking ship.
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  36. #3411
    Well banana got banned and wuf still lurks now and then.

    Why? Did Trump admit to being Hitler?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
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  37. #3412
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    Well he did say that the anti-fascists are the biggest threat to america. Which is not true for most people. It is kinda true for one group of people tho.
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  38. #3413
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  39. #3414
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    But no, not Hitler yet. I was more referring to the 5000+ soldiers currently kicking rocks at the border. Pay $10m to subsidize public transport *instantly empties bowels* - Pay $200m for unnecessary military deployment *crickets*

    Twitter bans people for inciting violence *muh 1st amendment!* - white house bans reporters for asking questions and every media outlet including FOX news suing them over it *1st amendment is a liar sometimes*
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  40. #3415
    Says a lot about his character that Trump gets spanked in the midterms and now is refusing to fulfill his most basic duties as president, like attending war memorials. What a fucking child.

    Worst. President. Ever.
  41. #3416
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    the wall!
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  42. #3417
    5000 troops to stop <100 migrants in the first "wave" lol.

    Can't remember where I heard it, but some of those troops are stationed in Phoenix, AZ, which is 585 km from the border. That's the second line of defense I guess.
  43. #3418
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    Why they're even this vigilant in wanting to turn them away... They walked 1000+ miles to get into the US. I wouldn't want to move to the US if I was carried to and from the airport. These people obviously have wildly unrealistic expectations. You hand them a shovel or an apron and you capitalize on all that misplaced hope!
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  44. #3419
    Haven't you heard? They're bringing smallpox. And leprosy. Probably the Black Plague too, who knows. Don't forget too some terrorists from the Middle East are among them; they snuck in on the Guatemala border and are walking 1000 miles to make it look like they're refugees, the sneaky bastards.
  45. #3420
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    I've heard about the leprosy!

    T_D is on suicide watch since FOX joined in on the Acosta lawsuit.
    My parent say that shit too. They dont get it, but they also dont watch those channels. Its the rhetoric that they hear from others at work/etc and they agree that people should be polite.

    Im tired of being polite with my “language”.

    Cannot wait for thanksgiving and Christmas to drop some truth bombs and etc.

    Besides No one respects polite soy cuck. Speak the truth and say it how it should be said.

    It might piss my parents off, but id rather have them respect me for my views vs my manners.

    Done being “nice”.

    Time to break those chains off of you and your family/friends. Release the shackles! >
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  46. #3421
    This is what happens when different minded people are forced off the forums. Like minded people jerk each other off.

    Quote Originally Posted by oskar
    These people obviously have wildly unrealistic expectations.
    Yeah, like thinking that the way to get into a desired nation is to storm the border en masse.

    Either that, or they're being used as pawns by people with a political agenda.

    Quote Originally Posted by poop
    Haven't you heard? They're bringing smallpox.
    Are people actually saying this? Or is this a pathetic attempt to dismiss people's legitimate concerns by making those concerns seem inane?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  47. #3422
    There's some real free thinkers over there at r_thedonald

    I had an office mate tell me she was concerned about the trade war with China. I filled her in on why it is really a good thing for us

    I plan to have an arsenal and to be in great shape by 2020. I really want Americans to rise up against the domestic enemy forces.
  48. #3423
    I tell you what, it's quite amusing that two foreigners are mocking Trump's efforts to protect the American border. I mean, it's easy for you to sit there and say "let them in" when it's not your back yard. How about you open your doors to refugees? You guys must have a spare bedroom?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  49. #3424
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Are people actually saying this? Or is this a pathetic attempt to dismiss people's legitimate concerns by making those concerns seem inane?
  50. #3425
    Quote Originally Posted by poop
    There's some real free thinkers over there at r_thedonald
    Hey look, this guy is an idiot. Let's tar all Trumpers with the same brush.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  51. #3426
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    I tell you what, it's quite amusing that two foreigners are mocking Trump's efforts to protect the American border. I mean, it's easy for you to sit there and say "let them in" when it's not your back yard. How about you open your doors to refugees? You guys must have a spare bedroom?
    I love how you assume that because we mock an obviously retarded attempt to sow fear in voters, we must hold views that are equally retarded, just in the other direction.
  52. #3427
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Hey look, this guy is an idiot. Let's tar all Trumpers with the same brush.
    lol. Nice ad bananum there.
  53. #3428
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopadoop View Post
    Fox news. Right. This is why I don't watch these guys. They're the fucking idiots putting these ideas in stupid people's heads. They are MSM. They have their agenda, just as CNN do.

    Disease is a risk, of course. But that risk comes from legitimate tourists as well as illegal immigrants. Of course, open borders that people can simply walk across increases that risk, but disease is not the major concern of people who wish to see borders enforced. It's economics and security.

    People who actually buy that shit are idiots, just as people who blindly accept whatever CNN say are also idiots.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  54. #3429
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopadoop View Post
    lol. Nice ad bananum there.
    Well it's like if I find a Clinton voter who says "I fuck children", and then I post it here in a political context as though it somehow supports my own political position.

    Why else did you post those retarded comments?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  55. #3430
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Well it's like if I find a Clinton voter who says "I fuck children", and then I post it here in a political context as though it somehow supports my own political position.

    Why else did you post those retarded comments?
    I post retarded comments because they amuse me, and I assume they'll amuse others too. I also post them on the off chance that someone who supports Trump will get all butthurt by them and start sobbing like a snowflake, which will amuse me even more.
  56. #3431
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    I'm an American. I say let them in. Due process... expedite the system to accommodate the influx, and find them jobs and homes. It's free money walking in the door.
    St Louis (my home) has a large Bosnian community that came en masse as refugees. We're all good, here.

    It's embarrassing to hear that guy say, "Mexico has provided integration programs, housing and jobs for this wave of migrants." With his point being, "so they have no reason to come here." Embarrassed as hell to hear my country point to our neighbor as showing humanity and hospitality while we send guns to the border.
  57. #3432
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    Yup. I don't think they're even trying to make this an economic argument because that would fall flat on its face. That's why they're pregnant democrat rapists with leprosy.

    In other news:

    Well, I heard it was a very strong opinion. Uh, which is good. But [Whitaker] is just somebody who’s very respected.
    I knew him only as he pertained, you know, as he was with Jeff Sessions. And, um, you know, look, as far as I’m concerned this is an investigation that should have never been brought. It should have never been had.
    It’s something that should have never been brought. It’s an illegal investigation. And you know, it’s very interesting because when you talk about not Senate confirmed, well, Mueller’s not Senate confirmed.

    Jesus fucking christ, what a fucking retard!
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  58. #3433
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    I'd love it if a reporter asked him to clarify this. They obviously imaged the hard drives, so what does he want? Does he want the cpu's? Does he want the power supplies? What about the ethernet cables? What does he want to do with all of that? So many questions!
    Last edited by oskar; 11-15-2018 at 05:40 PM.
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  59. #3434
    Twitter must be biased, because practically every reply to his tweet is someone calling him a fucking idiot and telling him to stfu.

    I like this one.

  60. #3435
    Twitter is biased. Where have you been hiding?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
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  61. #3436
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    I'm pretty sure twitter picks replies to show me based on my subscriptions... I guess. If Trump sees what I see, that's gotta be rough.
    Last edited by oskar; 11-16-2018 at 06:17 AM.
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  62. #3437
    I don't know how twitter works, but I seriously doubt it gives a shit what I think. Maybe it does, but if so it shouldn't keep letting me choose who I do and don't follow, and showing me replies to Trump that I agree with 100%.
  63. #3438
    Do an experiment to see how biased Twitter is.
    Create two accounts.
    On one, tweet "I'm white and hate black people."
    On the other, tweet "I'm black and hate white people."

    Post results.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
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  64. #3439
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    Yeah sure... The most oppressed group.

    This girl got lifetime banned for this:
    Reason: harassment and racism. You get a 30 day suspension for an n-word slip. White devil tho... that's some real shit.
    Here's the thread:

    If anything, platforms are taking this bullshit counter argument way too seriously. Who the fuck gets offended as a white person over a racist slur for white people? You know why I don't give a shit about honky or white devil: because I'm never getting discriminated because of my race. Neither historically nor now. I don't give a fuck about racism because it has never affected me in my life, and any white person in the US or the EU who says it does has no fucking idea what racism is. That's why you should be able to say honky, but if you get banned for saying nigger, that's fine with me. "but black people get to say it" - fuck off. This is basically dog-whistling. It sounds like a genuine argument to politically correct tards like: oh yeah, sure white people get harassed sometimes... nobody should say bad words! But if you're a racist you're like: nudge nudge wink wink, I get it!
    Last edited by oskar; 11-16-2018 at 11:03 AM.
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  65. #3440
    Yeah sure... The most oppressed group.
    If I identify as black, does that make me oppressed?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  66. #3441
    You know why I don't give a shit about honky or white devil: because I'm never getting discriminated because of my race.
    Amusing. If you're supporting the idea that it's ok for black people to racially insult white people, but it's not ok for white people to racially insult black people, then you are discriminating against white people.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  67. #3442
    oskar, do you realise that you support the oppression of white people now because we haven't been oppressed yet... like it's our turn?

    You can't say "black people can do this, but white people can't", and then pretend to be in favour of equality.

    You also seem to support the concept that people are oppressed at birth, that it is skin colour and not life experience that determines if one is oppressed or not, which to me feels more racist than saying we're all equal and should abide by the same rules.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  68. #3443
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Do an experiment to see how biased Twitter is.
    Create two accounts.
    On one, tweet "I'm white and hate black people."
    On the other, tweet "I'm black and hate white people."

    Post results.
    That's not twitter telling me what to think, that's twitter assuming I think certain things based on what I say or who I follow or w/e and then putting me in an echo chamber.

    So when Trump posts something idiotic about the caravan, do you look on twitter and see a bunch of people saying 'Yeah, why let in baby rapists with leprosy?' in the replies?

    And if you do, do you assume that's because twitter wants you to be a retard, or because it assumes you already are one?
  69. #3444
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    @Oscar / ong:

    Both sides have merit.
    The legacy of slavery, and actual institutional racism are still present in our culture.
    It's getting better, IMO. It's just going to take more time and a continued effort to keep public policies unbiased for the cultural memory of the oppression of black people to go away.
    And let's be clear that the historical oppression of black people in American culture is no joke, and not that far in our past, yet.

    Actual slavery ended a long time ago, but there are still plenty of legacy problems associated with it. The widespread segregation of white and black neighborhoods is on that list. It is easy to find evidence that banks were giving loans to white people, but not black people for all kinds of circumstantial reasons, which were absolutely not coincidental. This amplified the economic disparity in white and black communities, and fed a rhetoric that black people are less civilized than whites.
    The legacy of these policies are still readily obvious in St Louis, and I'm sure in other places as well.

    Bottom line is that ong's right, but the "it's white people's turn to be oppressed" has nothing to do with it. It's more a story about, "Historically, people who look like you got fucked over by people who look like me. That has trickled down to a disparity in the quality of life between us that has nothing to do with our choices or the current goals of our culture, but still... you're getting screwed over in lots of little ways by policies that no one today wants or would choose, and the inertia of it all has put us all here."

    It'd be great if we could magically erase the legacy of bad and hurtful policies that have been costing us economically for ever. That's just more than human psychology can handle, though. So long as black children today can obviously see the disparity in their opportunities compared to white children's opportunities, there's going to be this under-current of white resentment. Being a white person whom claims to be blind to the reason for the situation isn't probably helping anyone feel like this is something that we're moving past as a culture.
  70. #3445
    Twitter does show you content it thinks you would prefer, there is literally an option for this. It isn't a conspiracy.
  71. #3446
    I'm not talking about what content twitter shows you, I'm talking about how they moderate "hate speech".

    Call Hillary a slut and you'll probably get a temp ban. Wish death on Trump, you'll be fine.

    Quote Originally Posted by mojo
    Being a white person whom claims to be blind to the reason for the situation isn't probably helping anyone feel like this is something that we're moving past as a culture.
    I'm not blind to the reasons, I just think it's ridiculous to blame white people for the historical oppression of black people, and for the lingering institutional racism that still exists. The blame lies with those in power, not those they rule.

    What the fuck am I supposed to do about racism? Feel guilty about it? I prefer to live in a bubble where it basically doesn't exist. If everyone lived in that same bubble, well it wouldn't exist, would it?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  72. #3447
    CoccoBill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    I'm not blind to the reasons, I just think it's ridiculous to blame white people for the historical oppression of black people, and for the lingering institutional racism that still exists. The blame lies with those in power, not those they rule.

    What the fuck am I supposed to do about racism? Feel guilty about it? I prefer to live in a bubble where it basically doesn't exist. If everyone lived in that same bubble, well it wouldn't exist, would it?
    It's not about you, it's about them. You're not being punished, you're expected to be extra sensitive due to the baggage. You should not feel guilt, you should feel empathy.
    Our brains have just one scale, and we resize our experiences to fit.

  73. #3448
    You should not feel guilt, you should feel empathy.
    For black people? I feel equality. Empathy is a weakness. Emotion clouds judgement.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  74. #3449
    I mean, what am I empathising with? The idea that being black automatically means you're oppressed? That historical oppression relates to you purely because of your race?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  75. #3450
    oskar's Avatar
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    in ur accounts... confiscating ur funz
    No. I was responding to you suggesting that other ethnicities get a free pass to use slurs for whities and that twitter unfairly regulates that. You're probably right about twitter since there's that indian chick looking that got flack for some pretty racist shit but kept her account while they're banning right wing extremists. In that particular case I think she should have been banned because that was some retarded crap.

    But it's not true for all platforms. Some go to ridiculous lengths to seem racially unbiased. The malaysian girl getting her main income stream erased for jokingly calling someone "white devil" is ridiculous. I hope we can agree on that.
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.

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