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need advice on mistake

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  1. #1
    pantherhound's Avatar
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    Default need advice on mistake

    hi. I am a trainee reporter who has been doing work experience on X city newspaper. I write up a little story about local charity sports event with fundraising in memory of X guy who died in X accident last year. Guy on phone tells me event is on a date. it's actually on the following day, a monday. LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT I FAIL TO CHECK. I pretty much always check. Goes in paper wrong. tens of thousands read. too late to change it as event is following day.

    I could easily have not written up the story at all since it wasnt huge and a lot of other stuff could have been put in by the sub editors instead, so the charity will still prob get more money than if I had decided not to write it up. also people will look at the date and see it is a monday and most will assume it's a mistake given the time the event starts.

    In this situation would you ring up newspaper to apologise, ring up guy to apologise, leave it, donate money to charity out of goodwill? advice please.
  2. #2
    bode's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
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    isnt it pretty standard to print corrections like this in the next days newpaper?
    eeevees are not monies yet...they are like baby monies.

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