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Newbie wants to play NL micro

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  1. #1

    Default Newbie wants to play NL micro


    I'm absolute newbie and I want to play micro NL holdem 1c/2c full ring.
    I would like to learn but I don't want to look videos, I prefer books.
    Which book would you recommend for a player like myself?

    Thanks in advance
  2. #2
    Easy Game by Andrew "balugawhale" Seidman is great, but perhaps not for an _absolute_ beginner. I'd definitely recommend it as one of the first few books to read though. David Sklansky - Theory of Poker is pretty much a must.

    For the absolute basics, just read all the theory articles you can get your hands on online - there's lots of great stuff in the stickies here, and in the 2p2 CotW (concept of the week) threads.
  3. #3
    Hi, Sensei, welcome to FTR.

    I liked BlackRain's Crushing the Microstakes. Not everyone likes it but I read it and it helped me beat 5 nl. It's a good description of ABC poker.

    Cardrunners coach Verneer' Building a Bankroll is very good. It covers a lot of stuff, not just strategy but a little psychology and bankroll management too. Very good, highly recommended.

    Somewhat more advanced NLHE books that are very good are:

    Small Stakes No Limit Holdem by Ed Miller

    No Limit Holdem Theory and Practice by Ed Miller and David Sklansky

    Like Boris said, Easy Game and Theory of Poker are excellent too. Theory of Poker is about general poker concepts and not just the game of holdem.
  4. #4
    read this thread

    a took some of the concepts discussed there and gave them a 6max makeover and played a really aggressive style and the results are shownin the laast couple of posts in my blog here
  5. #5
    Some good advice for the micros:

    1. Don't pay off.
    2. Value bet hard.
    3. Don't run big bluffs.

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