
PokerStars Tournament #814580027, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $1.00/$0.10 USD
16346 players
Total Prize Pool: $101866.00 USD
Tournament started 2013/11/16 20:15:00 CET [2013/11/16 14:15:00 ET]
Dear ProBlackbird,
You finished the tournament in 104th place. A USD 76.39 award has been credited to your Real Money account.


PokerStars Tournament #809540352, Pot Limit Omaha
Buy-In: $3.00/$0.30 USD
7874 players
Total Prize Pool: $23622.00 USD
Tournament started 2013/11/16 17:30:00 CET [2013/11/16 11:30:00 ET]
Dear ProBlackbird,
You finished the tournament in 56th place. A USD 40.15 award has been credited to your Real Money account


PokerStars Tournament #809540355, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.91/$0.09 USD
33681 players
Total Prize Pool: $196094.08 USD
Tournament started 2013/11/16 21:30:00 CET [2013/11/16 15:30:00 ET]
Dear ProBlackbird,
You finished the tournament in 1566th place. A USD 27.45 award has been credited to your Real Money account.

Working on it!! 3 times cashed in x3 turbo games, all my turbo games has been good. (Specialization: Turbo & PLO)

Blog posted: Saturday Poker Night [Winnings] Top 3 best | ProBlackbird