The first part is something that can change, and the second part is a matter of opinion.Quote:
Originally Posted by poop
Fair enough. Would all teachers say "fuck off"? It only needs a handful, I'm not suggesting all teachers should be armed.Quote:
If my uni told me we had a problem with mass shootings at unis and so they wanted me to go on a training course and carry a gun to lectures I would tell them to fuck right off.
Fucking accidental killings, I really can't believe that's part of this dicsussion. 3800? Fuck's sake, that number is obviously including morons.Quote:
It's not difficult to see - number of overall killing sprees doesn't change, number of accidental killings goes up.
Why? Some will be happy to. Just because you're uncomfortable with it, doesn't mean I shouldn't expect it. It's gonna happen.Quote:
Ok fine. But don't expect teachers to double as bodyguards.