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Fine. Politicians are criminal retards. Why single this one out so often and ignore all the others?
'Cause it's easy to point your finger at the top of the pile?
If it wasn't Trump, it'd be Clinton, a person whose presence in the election diverted votes to Trump because she was widely perceived to be a criminal.
No, it would be different if Clinton were president. The mainstream media, academia, and the tech oligarchs would cheerlead for her while anyone on the right is cast as a nefarious villain trying to undermine her utopia. Cmon man, do you not remember the Obama administration?? That's exactly what happened for 8 years.
The reason they're extra mad at Trump is because he ruined their party. They were perfectly happy using identity politics programs to homogenize thinking and disengage the middle class. Democrats liked it because expanding a poor working class translated into reliable votes. Republicans liked it because their donors like low wages.
And the middle class got fucked over by about 30 years of that, and finally had enough. So we sent the Orange man to piss on their parade. People don't elect populists because they think they're smart rulers. They elect populists when the people in charge *really* fuck up.
So when Trump was elected, the ruling class should have said "Oh my god, what have we done? Where did we go so wrong that this happened??"
Instead they said "RUSSIA!!" and "RACIST" and "SEXIST" and blah blah blah
That's pathetic. And anyone still chanting that shit after the mobilization and subsequent failure of two dozen federal prosecutors, a former FBI chief, 30 million dollars, and about 3,000 subpoenas, is also pathetic.
Parents wouldn't accept this behavior from their children. People shouldn't accept it from their politicians.
Yeah electing the Criminal Retard hasn't changed anything, except that you have a Criminal Retard in charge now.
Maybe try a different means of protesting.
Are you for fucking real man?? Get out of your echo chamber.
First of all, just his presence is a change. Every day he's in office is a day Hillary isn't in office. So just by eating a big mac in the oval office....he's effectively stopped the progressive agenda.
Second, do you know what the number 1 issue is among voters right now? Immigration. And their opinion is not a positive one. Trump is winning that fight bigtime. He definitely fucked up along the way, the wall should already be built. But I don't see the democrats recovering on this issue.
Third, the economy. Unemployment, the stock market, property values, interest rates, and the price of gas are all better than fine.
Fourth, Trump's repulsiveness has caused the left to go completely batshit crazy. Have you listened to any of the 2020 candidates? Eliminate private insurance. Spend 10 billion on health care. Open borders. Green New Deal. ZOMG White supremacy!! Beto thinks his presence in a room = charitable giving. Elizabeth Warren thinks she's a different race. Booker thinks he's spartacus. AOC wants to control how many hamburgers you're allowed to eat. Ilhan Omar was blessed with the good fortune of being allowed to immigrate to the US after fleeing somalia and being raised in a Korean refugee camp. And now she makes a living shitting on this country. 70% tax rates. Swalwell wants to repeal the 2nd amendment. I could go on and on and on and on
This is completely bizarre, and when it comes voting time, folks are going to be left with a choice between a leftist who wants to take over their lives and a vulgarian who doesn't.
You really think the libs are gonna win that contest?
Same story, just changed who's cheering and who's jeering.
That's what's been happening for at least 20 years, man. Bill Clinton was impeached. His opposition was so into casting him as a nefarious villain because he got a BJ and played fast and loose with the meaning of the word "is."
Bush had to contend with being accused of war crimes throughout most of his term.
Obama was accused of not being an American citizen (by Trump, even) for most of the 8 years he served.
The level of vitriol hasn't really changed in my lifetime.
No, he's not. Not by any literal interpretation of the word. He just has very different priorities, knowledge, and responsibilities than you do, so he acts differently.
The assertion that he's lacking in mental function is a cop out. Just gimme a break with that nonsense. If you don't want to see those you disagree with as intelligent humans, then you're being a bigot.
If you're willing to dehumanize those you oppose in order to buoy your own sense of self-righteousness, then you've coopted the weight of your voice. You will never understand your opposition if you cannot see them as intelligent, caring people. You will never sway those you oppose if you cannot understand them.
Banana you can't even have a normal discussion with someone who disagrees with you about anything without ending up in a temper tantrum. I know two year olds who have a better grip on themselves.
Bill Cosby raped people.
Bill Clinton, though?
If there's no conviction, then throwing around nonsense like this is exactly the melodramatic BS that you accuse your opposition of using.
If he hasn't been convicted of a crime, then you're just inflating hearsay into a false sense of fact-hood.
No. Not even close.
Turns out perjury is something the congress takes seriously. And rightly so. If he had just admitted to getting a bijowski...he probably would have skated. Anyone criticizing Trump for not talking to Mueller should remember that. Perjury traps are a thing.Quote:
Bill Clinton was impeached. His opposition was so into casting him as a nefarious villain because he got a BJ and played fast and loose with the meaning of the word "is."
But more importantly, New Gingrich decided to NOT be an obstructionist douchebag. He decided to be a reasonable person and actually work for the country, not just his party's ideology. And together, Newt and Bill passed meaningful legislation.
Democrats were all for a wall until Trump agreed with them. To not have a wall just means that the dems are obstructionist douchebags...which we just established..Clinton did NOT have to deal with.
Yeah, by hollywood creampuffs. Who cares? Trump was being framed for treason through a series of illegal leaks from the highest levels of the justice department.Quote:
Bush had to contend with being accused of war crimes throughout most of his term.
You really think it's just "same shit, different day"??
I remember that lasting six months tops. Was a special counsel ever appointed to investigate this? Did the government employ two dozen federal prosecutors and at an expense of 30 million dollars? Were lives ruined? Were harmless old men dragged out of their home by a swat team over Obama's citizenship??Quote:
Obama was accused of not being an American citizen (by Trump, even) for most of the 8 years he served. attentionQuote:
The level of vitriol hasn't really changed in my lifetime.
Is it really melodramatic BS?
If you weren't so busy hating me, you'd realize that my only point is that Trump isn't any worse than anyone else. I've never defended the guy's character.
I don't see enough evidence to convict Clinton of rape. Nor do I see enough evidence to conclude that Trump is a criminal, a traitor, or even stupid.
My goal is to try and understand why Poop is holding Trump to a different standard than he holds literally every other person on earth including presidents.
No need. Your position is pure ad hominem. There's no substance to it, nor any reason to bring it up if it were substantive.
Even if we assume your postulate, then what? We have a 'tarded president. OK. How shall we act, with this knowledge.
What? Yes, he's 'tarded. You said.
Now calm down...
Dude. Didn't anyone ever tell you that it's just terribly rude to mock those less fortunate that you? Can you stop pointing at the retarded guy and calling him retarded?
You're being a dick.
Don't be a dick.
Hey. You do you. I'm not telling you what to think or say. I'm just pointing out that what you choose to say when you express what you think is often not indicative of someone who's interested in an intelligent dialogue.
No I've given you examples of the truth. Just because you put the Tucker spin on them or responded with 'what about Hillary's emails?' doesn't make them less fine examples.
It does reinforce my belief that arguing with you is pointless though. So whatever man. Four more years!
I think you'll find that it was a bijinski, you tool.
(FWIW, if you've not seen Lewinski's TED talk or her recent interview on John Oliver, I recommend. The world put her through a decade long shit fest, and she made it out the other side, and damn. That kind of shit builds character, and she took a PhD course in it.)
I try, but this shit is exhausting. You're the smartest person to comment against the echo chamber in here for ages, and for all your intelligence, you also reflect the vitriol.
At least you don't disregard other people's positions. I mean.. you shred your opposition's points, but at least you address them and don't post a meme of argharghargh and mock them.
You shred them while mocking them... which is a definitely step up, just a long way still to the apex, IMO. (Though I'm almost certainly setting the bar too high for human political discourse.)
It really is SSDD. The birther movement was going well into Obama's 2nd term. Maybe I misunderstood and you were only specifically addressing Trump asking for the birth certificate for 6 months.
This division and passion and vitriol goes back to the Founders. There were duels.. with guns and murder and stuff... back then. There was an American Civil War back then...
On the whole, we're really not doing that bad for ourselves, historically speaking. whom? Mainstream voices, or fringe?
If it was fringe...who cares? Why do those people matter? Their votes are cast long before candidates are even nominated. If a handful of loons harbors a conspiracy theory about the other side and fake birth certificates.....who cares??? Did that really do a damn thing to slow Obama's agenda....really??
The russia shit was mainstream. And it definitely did undermine Trump's agenda. WAY DIFFERENT
And now that it's over, my only point is that the fringe still crying "OBSTRUCTION" (present company included) are just as clueless and pathetic as the fringe that carried on the birther movement.
This is what intelligent discourse looks like, btw. No name-calling, changing the topic, or talking garbage out of your ass. If anyone is interested in that here, I'm all for it.
Contend with? You make it sound like he was picked on. They were entirely justified accusations. The war on Iraq was based on lies, and then we have Extraordinary Rendition and torture. Guantanamo Bay got the headlines but there's Diego Garcia, too.Quote:
Originally Posted by mojo
I'm four minutes in and no it's not intelligent discourse. It's three people getting about 4 minutes a piece to be dumb. they're paid to be there and shut up while the other one is talking. It's not a debate. It's a show.
And that bearded guy is a retard. He starts off by talking about how Don Jr was welcoming Russian delegates offering dirt on Hillary. Basically the same whine-storm that poop has been making for likely over a year now. It's a completely disingenuous and fraudulent argument
If it's not a crime for Hillary to hire someone with Russian contacts, and buy dirt on Trump from the Russians....then it's CERTAINLY not a crime for Don Jr to accept similar dirt for free.
If it's improper or suspicious for Don Jr to even entertain that solicitation, then it is also improper or suspicious to lend any credibility to anything in Steele's dossier.
So the selective outrage is just grotesque in this case.
Dems: We know Trump colluded with the Russians
Sane people: How do you know?
Dems: The russians offered opposition research
Sane people: How do you know?
Dems: The russians told us in this opposition research we just bought.
Sane people: [heads explode]
Lol I know it's outrageous how respectful they are of each other.
The other guy responds that Hillary did the same thing with the Steele dossier. But I guess because he didn't call the other guy a douchebag it's not a fair argument.
That should be the end of the show then. Either they are both colluding with Russians, or neither of them are. Make up your mind.
There's actually no room for honest disagreement on this subject.
Accepting oppo research from a foreign government is a bad idea because it could be bad information, it could have unintended consequences, and you can't be sure of the foreign government's true motives. Fine. I agree with that.
Hillary accepted oppo reasearch from a foreign government, and all of the worst fears were realized. The Russians were successful in undermining our government's effectiveness for two years simply by making up stories to give to Steele.
And Trump is the bad guy here....why?
Also there's the question of obstruction of justice. Hillary hasn't been caught trying to fire people to keep them from investigating her wrondoings, Trump has been blatant about it.
No, she just threatened rape victims into silence.
And Trump never fired anybody in order to prevent or encumber any investigation. That's an imagined talking point. We know this because no firing ever resulted in any diminished effectiveness or any investigation. We also know that Trump could have fired people to stop the investigation (namely Mueller), and did not do so.
You can't have it both ways. Either they're both guilty or they're both not. One doesn't get a 'witch hunt' while the other 'skates'. At most, one gets investigated because he won and is now POTUS and the other doesn't get investigated because she lost and is now living in the woods keeping her mouth shut.
yeah, this might be slimy, but it isn't going to stand up in court as a 'threat'.
Broaddrick first spoke out about Hillary Clinton's attempts to silence her in 1999, when she told the Drudge Report that Hillary Clinton approached her at a political rally to thank her for keeping quiet about the alleged assault.
"She caught me and took my hand and said, 'I am so happy to meet you. I want you to know that we appreciate everything you do for Bill,'" Broaddrick recalled. "I started to turn away and she held onto my hand and reiterated her phrase—looking less friendly and repeated her statement—'everything you do for Bill.'"
Broaddrick said Hillary Clinton wouldn't let her "get away until she made her point."
"She talked low, the smile faded on the second thank you," Broaddrick continued. "I just released her hand from mine and left the gathering."
Obstruction of justice is illegal yes.
No, actually he couldn't have fired Mueller. He didn't have the authority. At best he could fire people until he found someone who was willing to fire Mueller, ala Saturday Night Massacre. That he didn't shows that he wasn't as desperate as Nixon, not that he didn't try to obstruct justice.
There's no evidence of this. Just suggestion, innuendo, and partisan wishful thinking.
Uh, yeah, he could. Remember how you've been yelling for two days about how he told McGahn to do it? That's Trump doing it. McGahn doesn't actually hold any office in the DOJ.Quote:
No, actually he couldn't have fired Mueller.
The Mueller report says otherwise. you should check it out.
That makes no sense at all.
McGahn couldn't do it, so Trump telling him to do it is him both being stupid and not knowing who has the authority there, and trying to obstruct justice by trying to fire Mueller.
What is your argument? Because he ordered the wrong guy to do the firing it wasn't his intent to fire someone? Like by ordering Lewandowski to fire Sessions if he didn't follow his orders, his intent wasn't to fire Sessions?
you don't get a pass 'cause you're too ignorant to know who to give your illegal orders to.
Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute
Are you telling me that McGahn was willing to quit his job rather than do something he couldn't do anyway?
You CNN'd yourself there bud.
This is boring now. Let's change the subject.
Who can beat Trump in 2020? And how?
Professional dumb person Max Boot thinks it's worth impeaching Trump just to leave a stain on his presidency.
Tell me Professor Boot, how will that help the middle class?
I didn't say orange man bad, I said I find it worrying that the presidents personal lawyers can direct the IRS to not comply with congress. Congress has the power to ask the IRS for tax returns, they just never had to ask for a presidents tax returns because every president so far has released their tax returns. So this is an open question that I assume will end up in the supreme court.
I genuinely don't understand what that means. How do you determine what is a "troll" and what isn't? What if they start shipping immigrants straight to sanctuary cities with no hearing? Is that still a troll then? What about saying he'd build a wall? Was that a troll? How do I know what's a troll and what isn't?Quote:
Without any doubt, Trump executed the greatest troll of all time. Epic in scope, brilliantly presented, and so thoroughly effective I can only stand in awe at this truly fantastic work of art.
This beats "because you'd be in jail" as Trump's greatest smackdown ever.
Why the word salad? This sounds like your beef is with Trump's lawyers. If not, then cut out the extra syllables and just say that Trump is keeping his tax returns private. It is his right to do so. Congress doesn't get to violate due process and the 4th amendment just because orange man bad.
Uhhhhh, nope.Quote:
Congress has the power to ask the IRS for tax returns
I'm bored by this typical leftist response. "I don't like the law, so I'm hoping some other government body can get around it"Quote:
So this is an open question that I assume will end up in the supreme court
If it makes democrats angry, it's a troll. If it makes democrats whine about their moral superiority, it's policy.Quote:
I genuinely don't understand what that means. How do you determine what is a "troll" and what isn't?
Well, first of all, if you want to know the answer to that, just ask the residents of Lewiston Maine. Obama sent them a shitload of Somali refugees without even asking.Quote:
What if they start shipping immigrants straight to sanctuary cities with no hearing?
Hint: The somalis fucking love it. Mainers, not so much.
Second, who would object to that? The sanctuary cities have been telling us that immigrants are good, immigrants bring economic growth, they're better people than Americans are. Why wouldn't they want more immigrants? And the immigrants themselves should be thrilled to be going to a place where they are so valued and welcomed.
Explain to me how Trump doing this would be at all bad for anyone. It couldn't possibly be, unless immigrants are undesirable in some way. Are they?
Actually McGahn said "no, and I'm going to quit if you try and make me"
How exactly that stopped Trump from firing Mueller is what I don't understand. McGahn has no power. He was just trying to keep himself out of the shitstorm that would inevitably follow such a move. That's just him making a smart career move. Let someone else sink in that swamp.
All Trump had to do was say "ok, then quit, or you're fired, or whatever, just get the fuck out so I can get someone else to do it"
Where are you getting that McGahn couldn't fire Mueller? More importantly, how does that show that Trump "tried to fire Mueller". That's what I'm not getting....if he tried....why did he fail? What stopped him? What thwarted him?
What you're really saying is that Trump came close to firing Mueller, and didn't. And I can't figure out why that make Trump a worse retard/criminal than anyone else in politics.
So basically all you want from the president to make democrats angry. You don't care about having open borders as long as it makes democrats angry?
And why would it make democrats angry? I know few democrats actually advocate for open borders, but I was under the impression that open borders make conservatives more angry than democrats. Do you actually want open borders now because you think that it would make democrats angry? And would it actually make them angry? More angry than conservatives?
So, Trump didn't know McGahn didn't have the power to fire Mueller. So he tried to get Mueller fired, he just didn't insist on it to the point of firing anyone who refused to do it for him. So, his intention was to fire Mueller and he only backed off that intention when he dozily realised it would just make things worse.
Because even I knew only Rosenstein could fire Mueller. And I'm not POTUS. What isn't retarded about that?
I think he's saying Trump said, in effect, 'ok you libruls, you all wanted to ruin the country with open borders so I'm going to threaten to open them now like I reductio ad bananummed you saying, and when you protest the obviously stupid idea, you're going to look like hypocrites'.
Is that about it?
literally retarded by the literal definition of the word. You just got used to it. If you heard Trump speak for the first time today, you'd think: My god! This child is badly retarded.Quote:
retarded (/rɪˈtɑːdɪd)
less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
"the child is badly retarded"
McGahn did. either directly, or indirectly through rosenstein. Have fun splitting that hair. If McGahn didn't have the power to do that....then he wouldn't threaten to resign rather than get involved. He could have just said "hey not my bag man, try someone else".
So what you're saying is that he *could have* fired Mueller and didn't. Do you see how that's different than trying and failing?Quote:
So he tried to get Mueller fired, he just didn't insist on it to the point of firing anyone who refused to do it for him.
So a President, under unfair attack, while sitting in the most stressful job in the universe decided had an unwise impulse but deferred to his counsel. And that's it. How many times did you have to put that through the spin cycle for it to sound like ORANGE MAN BADQuote:
So, his intention was to fire Mueller and he only backed off that intention when he dozily realised it would just make things worse.
No. I'm not sure where this "threatening to open the border" idea came from. As far as I know Trumps policy consideration relates to immigrants currently being held in over-burdened border detention facilities, and any other immigrants that might be detained between now and whenever the wall gets built.
I don't think he's talking about opening up the floodgates and just directing traffic towards San Francisco.
But he did resign. So ya, basically Trump tried to use McGahn to fire Mueller and instead he resigned.
You're defense is that he didn't try as hard as he could?
I'd love to see you as a defense attorney - "Sure your honor, my client shot at the victim in an attempted murder. But when he ran out of bullets, at least he didn't go out and buy some more."
That poor man, so pure and innocent and people keep finding things he did wrong.
I'm honestly not sure where the bolded part is coming from
An immigrant detained at teh border has to be held somewhere. We are currently running out of space. Current immigration policy has them identified, given a hearing date (that they skip), and allowed to roam free in America until they are apprehended again. That's the current legal process.
Instead of letting them go, or keeping them in a detention facility, Trump is proposing to offer them a bus ride to Oakland. What's your beef with that?