I didn't make any of that up.
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It's one thing when children are separated from their parents, but when Sarah Huckasand is separated from her dinner, you know things have gone too far.
big win for the free marketplace of ideas
I have another question.
Do you think that the reason I think that restaurant should be legally allowed to discriminate is because a system that allows that is one that more effectively weeds out bigotry than systems that don't?
I support their 'right' to do so, whatever that means. A business can decide who to serve and who not to.
I agree there's historical precedent for this going in bad directions; I just don't think this particular case is anywhere near the proverbial slippery slope leading going back to the civil rights abuses of the Jim Crow days.
Mostly I object to what they did because it's dumb. The woman is not a pedophile or murderer, she's just a paid liar. Let her stuff her fat face if she wants.
The worst part to me is this kind of thing just feeds the mutual outrage machine on both sides that helps make the country so divided. "Zomg they want to let MS-13 kill our kids but they won't serve our beloved press secretary dinner." vs. "Zomg she lies about whose idea it was to separate kids from families at the border, don't you dare serve her a cheeseburger." It's fucking exhausting.
The ironic thing is there's a lot bigger scumbags than SHS that get served in restaurants daily because no-one recognizes them.
It is pretty dumb isn't it.
The worst part to me is this kind of thing just feeds the mutual outrage machine on both sides that helps make the country so divided. "Zomg they want to let MS-13 kill our kids but they won't serve our beloved press secretary dinner." vs. "Zomg she lies about whose idea it was to separate kids from families at the border, don't you dare serve her a cheeseburger." It's fucking exhausting.
Jim Crow were laws. I definitely do not support laws that require discrimination.Quote:
I agree there's historical precedent for this going in bad directions; I just don't think this particular case is anywhere near the proverbial slippery slope leading going back to the civil rights abuses of the Jim Crow days.
When you refuse service based on a persons sexual orientation, how is this fundamentally different from refusing service to someone based on the color of their skin, which I recall you saying shouldn't be legal.
I think people who refuse service to clientele based on skin color are very stupid. Even so, they, as long as they are acting only as private citizens, should be allowed that refusal. In return, I, and you, and everybody else, should be allowed to refuse them our business. Then, if my view is the main view, that they are stupid and are wrong to discriminate based on skin color, we get to punish them and watch them either go bankrupt or them come to terms with their actions and make a change that they believe to be their own in order to survive.
Should companies then, being private citizens, be able to refuse hiring people based on e.g. their skin color or sexual orientation? Or if they do hire them, should they be allowed to treat them differently, such as pay them less, make them work longer hours, block them from management and executive jobs etc? I suppose government agencies, not being private citizens, should not be allowed to follow these practices? What about partly government owned or overseen private entities?
Seems to me the human rights issues involved are unrelated to free market principles.
The problem is, some people would rather be cunts and have less money, like the baker. So it's not just a case where you can say 'if they're cunts they'll lose money and will then stop being cunts.' Because they won't.
That said, the gay people could have just found another baker (and I assume they did). It's not like they're right to have a wedding cake (if there is such a thing) was being infringed on. They just happened to run into a fundamentalist cunt. Bad luck, pick up the phone and call someone else.
You guys are bastardizing the cake case quite a bit here. The Supreme Court didn't rule that business could pick and choose who to do business with based on their beliefs. That's still wrong. And it's why what happened to SHS is wrong.
The baker in the case doesn't sell "standard" wedding cakes. Each one he makes is an original, which is probably why the gay guys didn't just shrug it off and go to anther baker. This particular baker was able to convince the court that baking this particular kind of cake for this particular occasion, for him, is an artistic expression. In other words, it's speech. And in America you can't compel someone's speech.
The narrow-ness of this court's ruling means that bakers, even the baker in this case, has to sell birthday cakes to gays. If he ever develops a line of "standard" wedding cakes that someone can choose out of a catalog....gays can buy 'em. If the gay guys come back in a year and ask for a cake that says "Happy Anniversary Chuck & Larry", they'll get it.
You must realize that this disproportionately disadvantages minorities... that's why you can't do that anymore. Do I need to break this down? If 10% of the population are A and 90% of the population are B, even if they have the exact same rights to discriminate, section A will be disproportionately affected by a factor of 10.
And I got to give credit, this actually makes sense of the cake case. While it might be a genuine reason, I don't think it holds up because it's a claim you could make about anything.
Well don't worry too much. Most of the reporting surrounding the decision included the phrase "not a precedent".
Most commentary noted the "narrow-ness" of the court's ruling. Apparently there are laws on the books protecting artists-for-hire. So when Sam Harris hires a portrait painter and then asks "Make it look like I'm punching Jesus in the face!", the Christian painter can refuse that request. Harris can't then claim atheist-discrimination and sue. And that's actually been the law for quite some time.
The question in this cake case, was simply whether or not cake is art, and if those laws applied. You can go google the details if you're interested. This particular baker had a pretty compelling case for why his wedding cakes were "art". He also stated emphatically throughout the entire scandal that he would gladly sell his "standard" cakes and pastries to anyone. That probably worked heavily in his favor.
I just didn't know. I've been doing quite a lot of baking lately, but actual cake law has remained quite low on the list of things I care about.
I have to admit I haven't been keeping close tabs on cake-gate either.
Does the no-gays ruling apply to pies as well?
No I didn't miss the bit about not allowing blacks.
It's so important to let business die with their dead ideas that delaying it is really detrimental. I'm yet to see a case where forcing social change results in helpfulness for any group in society. People are people and all it takes is time but unfortunately there is no replacement for that time.
I'm such a big supporter of the biggest changes in rights for any type of people are just being yourself and existing. Because that's what matters just be a normal human and funnily enough that is the change needed.
Top mathematician Nassim Taleb would say that the small minority has disproportionate statistical impact (by a tremendous amount). It's called the Minority Rule. Perhaps this is an important reason why allowing people to make their own decisions yields significantly better results for the lowest rungs.
As the arguably second most influential economist of all time once described (Milton Friedman): Mandating a company's behavior takes away the most important related power that laborers and consumers have: punishing that company for behavior deemed immoral, and rewarding its competitors for being moral.
In aggregation, these effects are very swift. And we see it happen all the time.
I suppose it's not obvious I'm first...
I wish I could create a branch of mathematics that resulted in me being able to disagree with everything without ever saying anything. That shit is genuinely smart. Strangely enough I spoke about this the other night with a friend but couldn't remember his name, only black swan theory shows he's doing his job.
Ohh shit I turned down a job at a Catholic school because of funding ideologies and recruitment policies. I'm a martyr. My parents tell me to get a job. (well I didn't apply, that's a stance?)
It's something I quite dislike about him.
I think he's got other stuff going on well. The Minority Rule is compelling. Coke is Kosher after all.Quote:
Strangely enough I spoke about this the other night with a friend but couldn't remember his name, only black swan theory shows he's doing his job.
Hawkeye, Trapper, and Colonel Henry Blake IMO.
Knock yourself out, but whatever the argument is, it will have to come down to special pleading because once again it's something that is happening to women in places like saudi arabia, and it has happend in the US before the civil rights movement.
So not only are you asserting it with no evidence, you are asserting it in the face of evidence to the contrary. I believe we've done this before.
Once again making threats based on a lie. If you still support this piece of shit, you're complicit.
I think I understand what you deem to be the mechanisms for that, and I'm not denying they have an effect, I just have strong reservations about them being the whole picture. Just as with the Minority Rule, it may be easy to confuse one identified mechanism to be the sole effecting mechanism.
What lie?
This is what she said:
“They’re not going to be able to go to a restaurant, they’re not going to be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store,” Waters said. “The people are going to turn on them, they’re going to protest, they’re going to absolutely harass them.”
Imagine my surprise when an exact phrase search of that quote taken out of the context that makes Trumps tweet a lie takes me to Fox news.
In other supreme court news....Travel Ban Upheld!
Just remember that you're complicit in supporting a man who has created a policy to separate children as young as 2 months old from their parents, who has banned people from traveling to the US, claiming national security concerns that are baseless - causing all kinds of issues for no reason other than looking strong to his idiot supporters. Who has introduced trade tariffs on canada and the EU claiming national security concerns. Who praised the Tiannamen square massacre as a strong move.
Here's what a strong move looks like in Trump's eyes:
He pulled out of the Iran deal in which Iran agreed on having on-site foreign inspectors to verify that they are no longer developing nuclear weapons. On the other hand he made absolutely no deal at all with NK, giving them way more than they asked for, for nothing. We didn't even get an accounting of their actual nuclear capability. Imagine being a citizen of NK, hoping that with a meeting with the american president would come human rights concessions, maybe you have family members abroad, or in concentration camps, or you don't know where they are, and what you get is absolutely no talks about human rights violation, instead Trump is singing praises about KJU, because obviously forced abortions, rape as punishment for defectors, and watching your people starve to death while you build yourself a dolphinarium is strong leadership to a fucking retard.
And talking about taxpayer money... Who do you think is paying for the trade war? Is it mexico?
I know you two are a lost cause, but I think everyone who has some common sense left and isn't actively fighting against this administration should be held accountable.
yeah Oskar, but what about Hillary's emails?
He didn't create the policy. It's always been the policy, for everything, that you can't take your kids to jail with you when you're convicted of a crime. Whatever policy action Trump took, I see no evidence that it's sole motivation was to separate kids and parents. It seems pretty clear to me that the intent is to prosecute criminals. The left keeps presenting this like it was purely an exercise in racist cruelty. He got elected to secure the fucking border. Did you really expect that exercise to be all rainbows and lollipops??
Baseless? Intelligence agencies, under the Obama administration, conducted an audit of security threats and vetting procedures. The result was a list of countries that were known sources of terrorism, and with which we did not have adequate diplomatic relations to conduct thorough vetting of travelers. That all happened before Trump ever announced his candidacy. You can debate whether or not there was a better way to react to the intelligence agency's reports. But what you can't do, is call the policy baseless. It clearly has a basis.Quote:
who has banned people from traveling to the US, claiming national security concerns that are baseless
See above, re: basisQuote:
- causing all kinds of issues for no reason other than looking strong to his idiot supporters.
I'm waiting to hear why that's a bad thing.Quote:
Who has introduced trade tariffs on canada and the EU claiming national security concerns.
Source? Is "praise" your word, or Trump's? Why does strong=praise? There are lots of terrible things in this world that could be called "strong moves". I could say it was a "strong move" when Montgomery Burns tried to expand the market for nuclear power by blocking out the sun. That doesn't mean I support the policy. Strength can be described independently of morality. In fact, I'm not sure why you insist on synonomizing the two in the first place.Quote:
Who praised the Tiannamen square massacre as a strong move.
Oh PUH-LEEEEEZE. Can the inspectors go anywhere they want? Any time they want? Unannounced? Do you know what "verify" means?Quote:
He pulled out of the Iran deal in which Iran agreed on having on-site foreign inspectors to verify that they are no longer developing nuclear weapons.
LOL, yeah and if we did it would be announced in a press release to CNN.Quote:
On the other hand he made absolutely no deal at all with NK, giving them way more than they asked for, for nothing. We didn't even get an accounting of their actual nuclear capability.
Is that a violin I hear? Imagine being the widow, or child of an MIA Korean War vet. Trump came home last week with his remains. You call that nothing? Imagine being a citizen of Seoul or Tokyo worried daily about a mid-air explosion turning you into vapor. Then one day an orange haired blob shows up and suddenly there hasn't even been a single missile tested in over half a year. You call that nothing?Quote:
Imagine being a citizen of NK........
You answered your own question already. Canada and the EU.Quote:
And talking about taxpayer money... Who do you think is paying for the trade war? Is it mexico?
So, out of curiosity, what exactly are you doing to "actively fight" this administration? Other than educating the 8 or so people here.Quote:
I know you two are a lost cause, but I think everyone who has some common sense left and isn't actively fighting against this administration should be held accountable.
Absolutely, yet there is a catch: unintended consequences. Any system of sustainable error solving has to also solve the unintended consequences, most of which are not known or identified (hence unintended) at the time of implementation. The best functioning system is then not one that solves for errors given current knowledge and the current status, but solves for errors given future/potential knowledge and future/potential status. A system that sustainably solves problems isn't one that applies a known solution to a known problem; instead, it uses a known function to solve unknown problems, roughly speaking.
I have another response to this.
I don't know what exactly the errors are or exactly how to solve them. The same is true for everybody else. Policy doesn't derive from hard facts and hard science (because those don't exist within the domains of sociology). When somebody says that they know what is best for society, they're arrogant or confused or both.
I say that I don't know what is best for others because, regarding their unique and close circumstances, I have less information (and less skin in the game) than they do. The policy of letting people have liberty over their lives is fundamentally different than the policy of dictating over them, because the former is saying that I don't know what is best for the world while the latter is saying that I do.
Agreed, the system needs to be self-correcting. It's just that I'm unconvinced that the market forces, in effect evolution, is the most efficient solution in all cases. The correcting effect of trial and error is limited, in most cases just to the one making the error and some of those immediately around him, if even that, but certainly not the whole population at once. For every error that "makes it to the news" there are thousands that don't. This means the same errors are made over and over again before they become "known".
Combining the trial and error process with predetermined (but dynamic, that is, the performance of which are regularly measured and adjusted when necessary) rules for known errors would give the best of both worlds. To me it's just not sufficient, that issues that have been around for hundreds of years under the influence of market forces without having been fixed, might be fixed at some point in the future.
It's certainly preposterous to claim to know the right answers to everything, but the same goes for claiming all answers are unknowable. We know perfectly well the answers to many questions, and not using that knowledge to patch the known errors seems folly. I'm all for maximizing liberties, but that does not extend to actions that affect other people's liberties.
Do you think killing and stealing should be legal?
I agree, but I don't agree.
We both think that a free market is best for society. We both think that maximizing individual freedoms is best for society.
We probably both agree that neither of these is without its flaws and difficulties, but that they are still the best of what's around.
Wrong and irrelevant. Not wasting my time on the rest. The policy to separate every single child from their parent is part of Trumps zero tolerance policy. Irrelevant because I'm not a brainwashed cult member who would think that it was ok if Obama did it. You thinking that that would have any influence in how I feel about it speaks volumes about your mindset.Quote:
He didn't create the policy.
well, there goes the Nobel Prize.
B-b-b-but total denuclearization, and Wuf predicted it months ago when noone would believe him!
I am shocked. Kim Jong Un not valuing a non-binding contract... what an unprecedented turn of events.
I am actually kinda surprised by the speed of which the dprk doesn't give a fuck. Done with photo-op, continue with business as usual.
Scroll down for a timeline of denuclearization deals with NK.
Check and mate
where the fuck did this come from??!!Quote:
Irrelevant because I'm not a brainwashed cult member who would think that it was ok if Obama did it. You thinking that that would have any influence in how I feel about it speaks volumes about your mindset
Yeah, I feel like this is just blood in the water for liberal media sharks. What sensible person really thought that KJU would go back to NK and just say "Alright boys...shut it down!"
This process will take a long time. People who shit on Trump because he didn't get it done in one sitting sound like jack-asses. Trump's made more progress on this than anyone. Respect
There are much better, and funnier, cut ups of juxtaposed fox news statements on this topic on YouTube.
Go get yourself some lotion and a box of tissues and have yourself a great afternoon watching Hannity and Geraldo cram their feet in their mouths.
When you're done, and cleaned up, maybe do a deep dive into the entire commentary and see if the two situations are really the same, or if the words "without preconditions" make one situation unique.
At the end of the day, the US can't do jack shit about NK. Their trade partners and bordering countries: russia, china, and potentially SK can implement sanctions and force concessions. All the US president can do is his funny little cowboy dance to impress his voter base for the midterms.
Your grasp on the english language is as tenuous as your grasp on reality.