However many R congresspeople objected to the election certification....more than that many D congresspeople objected to the certification in 2016.
Regardless of whether you ultimately believe that suitcase-gate is just "normal ballot processing", you have to admit that it looks a hell of a lot shadier than anything that triggered the Russia investigation. And that wasn't denounced as a fringe theory. It got $30 million taxpayer dollars!
This isn't just run of the mill two-faced politicians. This isn't just media happening to have a left leaning bias. This isn't just whataboutism, or yet another brazenly inexplicable cognitive dissonance.
They're straight up lying for power. It's everything they claimed Trump was. Tyranny, fascism, thought crimes, the whole orwellian nightmare....
But just take more opiods, watch more netflix, and everything will be fine....
It's not going to be fine. They're going to start a civil war....