Better than "likely racism."
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Better than "likely racism."
So it's not ok to be racist, but it is ok to mock autism?
I'm not autistic. I have borderline personality disorder. I might even have schizophrenia. I'm seeing a counsellor next week.
Ass burgers is funny.
I scored a 29. Seems about right, I guess.
Funny, the one about loud noises. A freight train runs on tracks right beside the Metro line in St Louis.
When a freight train passes the station, while I'm waiting for the passenger train, I'm the only one standing there who has to put my hands over my ears to try to block the noise of the screaching wheels and click-clack of the passing train.
It never occurred to me that this might be part of some social anxiety, but maybe it is.
I scored 9. I'm not as autistic as even I expected.
I'm not paranoid, stop trying to get into my head.
Only the best people.
Not a bad thing for a change. One of my biggest fears was that Trump, who is often enamoured by cruelty, would let the war mongers run amok. But he might be too unstable. It sure sounded like he called off a strike on Iran in the last second. There are leaks that he doesn't want to get involved with anything involving SA because it's too much of a hassle. So... it could be worse.
He forgave student loan debt for disabled veterans, too.
Not too shabby.
Oh shit! I just realized what day it is... Happy 9/11 muricans!
Geez has it really been 20 years?
(nice pic. took me a second)
Then, college students today have no direct memory of it.
... was it '01?
I was thinking '99.
Still... prob. not too many of them that directly remember the event on the day it happened.
Damn kids and their rock music.
I remember it like it was yesterday. It was my second day of work at Penn State. On the morning news I heard a plane had hit the WTC and I thought 'wtf who flies a plane into a building?' It sounded like an accident. By the time I got to work the second plane had hit and then it was all 'holy shit'.
I was living in Seattle and working night shifts, so sleeping through the day.
A friend came over and woke me up at some point and just said, "Turn on the news." a dozen times as I was not awake and kept asking why he was there.
I remember sitting on my knees on the floor and saying, "This must be some accident. No one would do this on purpose," when the news was questioning if it was an attack.
Then the 2nd plane hit and I knew I was wrong.
I remember there were spontaneous candle vigils just randomly around town for a while. Like on the light post in a parking lot. Just a little 'Murica shrine on the sidewalk next to an abandoned building... stuff like that.
I remember that despite not feeling like it was a thing I would do, that I stopped at a few of them and did what I can only describe as have a moment of silence.
and yeah... feels like it was last week.
Did you have the flags on everyone's porch as well? I remember that too.
This whole interview is a goldmine:
Interviewer: So did you ever say 'x'?
Lewandowsky: I don't remember.
I: Here's a film of you saying 'x'. So did you say it or not?
L: I don't remember.
I: Then later you said 'y'. So which is it, x or y?
L: Everyone lies to the meda.
I: That's not an answer. Is it x or y?
L: I already answered that.
I: Wut?
"I've already asked and answered that question."
- and somewhere Trump was very happy not to be the dumbest person in politics for that brief moment in time.
I try not to be too smug about it. I'm thinking: ok I'm going in with a massive bias. That guy has a lot of pressure from both sides... he's testifying in front of millions of people.
But then I see something like this:
and I am reminded that, no, it's just that you have to be this fucking dumb to be a republican in [current time].
Yeah, how to do you ask and answer your own question? I don't get that. I think his lawyer told him to say 'it's been asked and answered' and he just mangled it.
So how do you rate this next to sharpie-gate in terms of stupidity? 'Cause that might be an all-time winner for me, especially how he just dug in his heels for two weeks after and insisted the hurricane was headed for Alabama. Lol wtf.
You know I'm as critical of Trump as anyone, but there was clearly a circle on that map showing Alabama was going to get hit, and I think it is very immature of the MSM to not issue a correction and apologize.
You can be critical of Trump, but still admit when he's right about something.
Damn, that wall is really coming along!
Best thing about sharpie-gate: Trump tweets about Alabama being in danger, bunch of people in AL panic, weather guys have to tweet to correct Trump. Instead of saying 'oops my bad', he brings out a map and draws a line on it to include AL in the forecast. It's so fucking pathetic it's hilarious.
Meanwhile, looks like Biden might be gaffing his way out of the nomination, while Warren is picking up steam. Not sure how that will play out but I think at this point a bedpost could probably beat Trump in 2020.
It very much looks like Biden is not going to be among the front runners in 2020, if he doesn't drop out completely. I think he's still popular among democrats who haven't followed the debates. He has to be doing pretty poorly among voters who have heard him speak in the last couple of years.
Apparently Trump thinks differently if he's trying to blackmail the Ukraine into producing dirt on Biden in exchange for military aid. I like the response from the head of the Ukrainian parliament. They're not known for twisting words over there:
“Clearly,” said Geraschenko, “Trump is now looking for kompromat to discredit his opponent Biden, to take revenge for his friend Paul Manafort, who is serving seven years in prison.” Among the counts on which Manafort was convicted: tax evasion. “We do not investigate Biden in Ukraine, since we have not received a single official request to do so,” said Geraschenko.
The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, with largely corruption — all of the corruption taking place — largely the fact that we don't want our people like Vice President Biden and his son creating to the corruption already in the Ukraine and Ukraine has got a lot of problems. The new president is saying that he's going to be able to rid the country of corruption, and I said that would be a great thing, we had a great conversation.
President Ralph Wiggum, everybody!
Interesting that the head of DNI agreed to testify before congress. I wonder if they might actually have a good reason for not turning over the transcript, as in "it will just encourage other shady characters to call the president, and we don't want that" or some such.
It always amazes me that just when I think the shit show that is Trump can't get any worse, it invariably somehow does.
It's always fascinating to see the time period between a new allegation and confirmation of said allegation.
- 'He didn't do it, but it would have been ok if he did and he really should do it!'
... And can it be coincidence that both Ajit Pai and Steven Mnuchin have the perfect lips to receive a mushroom shaped penis?
I'd like nana back for a day just so he can explain this:
Have you guys noticed how it is impossible to respond to Trump fans without getting banned from twitter?
No. I'd have to use Twitter to notice that.
Frankly, I don't understand why anyone that is not a business would partake in Twitter.
I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that I can't at all understand why any private individual would create an account with Twitter or any similar company that makes its money off of selling the personal information of its users.... while literally charging those users for their use by advertising to them.
I could go back to my old drug habit if I wanted that kind of relationship. At least I got to feel tingly for an hour or so for the cost of the drugs and the shams of friendships I had in those days.
What does Twitter even offer for the extreme cost? The opportunity to see pictures of food you wont eat being posted by people you barely know? Seriously... food porn is the least appealing form of porn. And yes, "food porn" is exactly the correct name for that practice.
It would seem that the problem is they add value to people's lives and reached ubiquity before laying on the cost (mining our data and jamming ads in our faces.) Now, arguably, a large part of the value they provide is alleviating our fears of missing out, since everyone else is signed up. It's similar to smoking's bait and switch: at first you get a little buzz and it's novel, but nicotine cravings slowly raise your resting anxiety level to the point that the relaxing effects (returning you from the artificially high anxiety levels to your more natural baseline) is the reward.
They really have high jacked out psychology-- we've learned enough to build blunt tools to hack our source code, and it's no surprise that this is the result.
Adblock+ works with twitter and idk why anyone would be on the internet without an ad blocker.
I've always thought of twitter as just a better version of RSS feed.
I just have to accept that people often don't make sense to me.
My gal uses Twitter, and she does enjoy it. It's pretty nice to live with someone who just laughs aloud randomly in the house somewhere because she was flipping through her Twitter feed.
So if I'm honest, I have to admit that it does bring some joy to my life.
It's just that the cost is astronomical for the benefit. She laughs at lots of stuff. It's not like Twitter is her only path to spontaneous jubilation.
I know I'm the weird one on this... and on my objection to cell phones (it's nothing to do with the phone and everything to do with the GPS)... but knowing I'm different doesn't help me understand why the majority of other people seem to value things so differently than I do.
How is participating on an internet forum inherently different than using twitter?
The difference is that I've met and I trust Eric, the owner of FTR. I can't trust a committee.
The difference is that we can be paranoid about whether Eric remains a good actor when it comes to our personal information, but we know for certain that Twitter is selling its users information while having the gall to advertise to them on top of it. So is Facebook.
The problem is that you can trust a person, but you can't trust a corporation, IMO.
Wow, I hate to get my hopes up after seeing Trump get got about a million times already and nothing happening, but this whistleblower shit looks serious.
We'll see if anything sticks. He dodges bullets better than Neo.
I like that they went: oh you want transcripts of these calls? Well, we think it would be more appropriate if we had someone who listened to these calls give his vague recollection! it's as if they're using Watergate as a blueprint for how to handle this... And how amazing is it that there's a secret server!
I think this is going to be a long long process and democrats might actually want to drag this out until up to the election and collect articles of impeachment. I don't want him to go down on petty extortion. What he set into motion at the mexican border is a crime against humanity and his support for SA is enabling the genocide in Yemen... and for what? They say nice things to him and rent his rooms. The most shocking thing at the end might be that nobody has serious kompromat on him, it's just that he's unbelievably easy to buy.
Holy shit!
Wooooooh boy!
I only watched the part with Killer Mike speaking, but Dayum.
That's a good introduction.
All the YT news shows drag out their videos. You have about 2 min of content and then they're panel-ing it to death.
I have a hard time understanding why these people do this.
I love how the woman responding is just giving backhanded compliment after backhanded compliment.
He usually does XXX. Look how he didn't do XXX. Isn't he great?
This is a long and sordid tale.
A timeline of Trump, Guiliani, Biden, Ukraine
I started at the top and got bored fast, so I skipped to the bottom and was all, WTF?!, so I had to go back to the middle.
This isn't your average scandal. This is withholding taxpayer approved military support to an ally nation at war for personal gain.
This is way beyond chirping nonsense and lies about "chain migration" while having personally chain migrated his in-laws.
But again... he's gotten away with so, so much so far that I can't even predict how this goes down.
The idea that he will ultimately get away with it is still near certain. He'll never be convicted of anything, and if he is, he'll be pardoned by Pence. Not that the notion that he'll get impeached can be taken seriously at this time.
I think the other scandals are objectively just as bad, it's just that they were far more complicated, built on thinner evidence and therefore far easier to obfuscate. They all paint a picture of a president who thinks the rules don't apply to him, and who will flagrantly act in accordance.
But, yes, this one is pretty cut and dry, or at least it appears to be. The detailed timeline is great, but your single sentence summary doesn't really leave anything out:
This is withholding taxpayer approved military support to an ally nation at war for personal gain.
Again, you're right that it's unlikely he gets punished for this. Of course it is possible that this, and whatever is unearthed in the process of impeachment is damaging enough that it locks up 2020 for the democrats. In this case, 46 wouldn't be on his side and wouldn't be likely to offer up a pardon.
Nonetheless, I'm honestly more worried than anything. As you've pointed out, there are many ways that this can bounce off him. And if that ends up happening, we're fucked. The presidency has gone through a lot in these passed few years, but if a president can get away with using congressionally approved tax payer dollars, the weight of the office, and the various arms of the government to further his personal interests, it's game over for this wonderful (although at many times awful) experiment we've been running for the past few centuries.
I've pretty much abandoned Twitter, and Facebook. I still have accounts but fb I only use to keep in touch with distant family, and Twitter might occasionally get used as a source of information, like maybe something is going on and I want to try and find news links by sifting through the 95% of posts relating to the event made by virtue signallers.
If you want to be a good person on Twitter, then when there's a tsunami in Indonesia, don't hashtag pray for them, because it makes it harder for people to access useful information. Those people could be potential donors who want to know how bad it is, it could be local people trying to post important information, people saying they're not dead. If I were looking for my sister after disaster hit, I wouldn't give a fuck about the sympathies of a gender neutral fuckwit from California.
The problem with Twitter is it's full of cunts.
The idea that they sell my information is kind of laughable to me. I mean, I use ad block, and even where I'm exposed to ads, I literally never buy products by clicking on ads. My information is worth a grand total of fuck all, so if someone is willing to pay Twitter for it, more fool them. And if people are so fucking weak that when they see a flashing image of something they like, they buy it, well more fool them too.
This is all pretty funny. 95% of people posting on twitter in response to a disaster are "virtue signallers". Let me ask, is it possible for someone to do a good deed without it having an ulterior motive?
Pretty sure gender neutral fuckwits aren't usually the ones sending "thoughts and prayers."
87.4% of statistics are made up on the spot.
I'm not immune to advertising. If I see a sign saying "buy chocolate here" then I might buy some chocolate. But you kind of need to advertise something I want.
Do you think sending thoughts and prayers is a good deed?Quote:
This is all pretty funny. 95% of people posting on twitter in response to a disaster are "virtue signallers". Let me ask, is it possible for someone to do a good deed without it having an ulterior motive?
You mean does it save lives? No. But it might be nice for people to think some twat on the other side of the world is sympathizing with their troubles, yes. So it could be a morale boost for them I guess. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, the way you seem to.
Ong, you've displayed a simplistic understanding of the ways in which your data can be used, and so I don't imagine you're particularly well suited to assess the value of your data.
Having a bunch of data on you is a one time health pack cheat code, having little tidbits of data on everyone is godmode.
Poop, I can't believe your role as Ong's nemesis is so ingrained that you feel compelled to take the pro "thoughts and prayers" stance.
I'm not defending "thoughts and prayers" as an excuse for not having gun control though. Sometimes you have to look at the sentiment behind the words and not just the words themselves.
Posting "thoughts and prayers" is to spread an intellectual plague.
I think it's closer to the truth to just say I'm a unique case. My income is next to fuck all, I spend my money almost exclusively on food, tobacco and weed. I simply do not consume anywhere near as much as the average person.
Facebook sell my data, and I get "tailored" ads as a result. Do I ever click on those ads? Nope. Do I ever see an ad and then go and buy the product? Nope, in fact I'm more likely to buy a rival's product as a result of the ad.
My youtube data is probably worth something, because I will watch recommended vids. If they are sponsored, rather than relying on blockable ads, then they make money from me watching their video. But I don't give a fuck about that, I'm happy to be recommended stuff I'm interested in watching, and am happy that content creators can make an income without me having to buy anything or disable my adblock.
I think it is a problem. It spams the Twitter feed, making it harder to find actual information. What purpose does it serve? Do you really think someone in a disaster zone reads a comment from the other side of the world and thinks "oh how nice, someone I've never met and who doesn't even speak my language has empathy for my shitty situation, I feel so much better about having lost my family."?
It serves no purpose other than to signal an individual's apparent virtue.
I mean I don't do it myself because I think it's pointless. But I can see something thinking 'oh those poor people, i can't afford to send them money I'll try to do the next best thing and send them some Jebus.' So while I agree it's retarded, I don't think it's necessarily virtue signalling. Some people actually believe praying will help.
Also I'm not sure you should be looking for missing family members on twitter lol. If they can use twitter they can use skype or I dunno, dial a number on the phone their posting on twitter with?
I think he meant if there's no impeachment, 2020 election runs its course, a D wins, then Trump gets the book thrown at him, that D #46 won't be pulllng out the pardon paddle.
You'll still have thoughts and prayers!
Seriously, I think all America needs to do to turn away from the abyss is for Trump to lose in 2020. I think most people are probably appalled at his behaviour and don't want America to be run by a criminal enterprise. That said, you guys need to address the underlying problems that led to him becoming popular or there's still going to be issues.
I'd guess the odds of Trump finishing his term, then being prosecuted for his actions while POTUS after the fact are very slim.
If he's going to be nailed for stuff he's doing as President, then it's gonna happen while he's President, or it wont happen
is my prediction.
Trump is not the problem, he's a symptom, and even if he's prosecuted and sent to a min security prison for a couple minutes, it's not going to change the hearts and minds of the people that voted to put him in office.
I agree.
So the question is why do/did people support him? Part of that is gullibility and they are buying his bigly snake oil about how he's their saviour, and I think that's the good news because those people can be brought back.
Another part is some people are jerks and want a surrogate jerk in power. Those people exist in every country.
The solution is to make a country where fewer people are jerks, so you have to ask what makes someone a jerk? There's probably a number of things, but income equality springs to mind.
Most of what I was hearing at the time was "stick it to the man," and "politics as usual has screwed us over."
I'd love it if they see what happens when you put someone who never had a truly patriotic thought in their life in office, but that's not what they're gonna see, and I know it.
Unless they're in the electoral college, they do not represent any appreciable %-age of voters (I hope).
Gets me right in the feels, man.