If she gets her tits out she's guaranteed to win the presidency.
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If she gets her tits out she's guaranteed to win the presidency.
Suck it Yanks. #MEGA
If Trump said this, I wouldn't be the first posting it itt, you guys would already be talking about it, outraged.
^ 32 views 1 comment at the time of posting.
First I've seen it. I only follow politics as far as what comedians say about it lately. Even that is mostly what my partner watches in the evening after dinner, and it's just on, so I watch it with her.
I mean.. his use of the word "negro" is disturbingly old-timey, but I'm a white dude, so I'm not the one to be offended by it. His sentiment seemed to be one of veneration for the person he was talking about. If the worst of this quote is just the use of the word (it ends abruptly), I'm not too, too phased by it.
I can imagine the Fox News team latching onto it with vigor, but frankly, what my partner watches in the evenings is equally insane as Fox News. It's just she's watching something marketed as comedy, not news... so there's that.
I don't follow USA politics, but this popped up in my Twitter feed.
I'm going to be somewhat controversial and say I don't have a problem with his language. "Negro" is an old word which literally means black. It's not out of the question in 20 years that the word "black" is considered grossly offensive yet us old timers will still use the word because it seems so innocuous to us. It's much like the word "coloured", which used to be a common word that offended nobody, but is now considered a bad word.
What I do have a problem with is people who were all over Trump for literally everything he did giving Biden a free pass. We're seeing astounding hypocrisy at play here, and it demonstrates how the Trump hysteria was driven by irrational hatred and not any real sense of morality. Pure politics.
Biden doesn't have a history of being a racist and saying racist things, whereas Trump does. That's one difference.
Tbh I find it a bit weird that you assume we would be outraged if Trump used an old-folksy word for black in an otherwise innocuous context. Why would we care? If he was talking about how great MLK was, and happened to call him a negro instead of black, why would anyone care?
You also keep saying that we get "outraged" by things like this when someone we oppose does them. I've already told you several times that afai'm concerned, it's not outrage I experience so much as disgust. I'm not going around swearing at the walls when Trump does something Trumpy or Boris does something Borissy, I'm just thinking there that twat goes being a scumbag again.
Outrage, disgust, same thing.
Biden seems to be a dribbling wreck. He shits himself, doesn't know what planet he's on, uses language that is inappropriate, is incoherent, yet nobody seems to care because he's not Trump.
And you say he doesn't have a history of saying racist things. Seems like the media is letting you down here.
He argued Latinos resist vaccination because they fear deportation. That implies he thinks all Latinos are illegals. He even used the term "Latinx" which is a woke word coined by people who are offended by gender in Spanish language.
Granted, this is not intentional racism, but it's clumsy and if Trump said the same, he'd be accused of racism.
He told a black audience that if they were unsure who to vote for out of him and Trump... "you ain't black".
When a black reporter asked him if he had taken a cognitive test, he asked the reporter if he had taken a drug test.
“That’s like saying you . . . before you got in this program, you’re take [sic] a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not,” Biden said. “What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?”
In 2010 he claimed Robert Byrd (KKK) was one of his mentors.
In 2007 he spoke of Obama - “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”
So... let's imagine he's a Republican... you'd hate him for this, you'd be "disgusted". Right?
They're not even close to being synonymous and you know it. I think you specifically use the word "outrage" to suggest that we're overly emotional and unthinking.
Should this make me despise him? Where did I say he's some great leader?
Apart from senility, he's not even close to being as bad as Trump. When he starts doing Trumpy stuff, like say hiring and firing people left and right, except for his kids who are totally unqualified for anything but get to keep their jobs the whole four years, as an example, I'll take notice.
I wouldn't be a huge fan if that was all I knew about him, no, and I'm not a huge fan of him besides that. But he's nowhere near as bad as Trump. Neither would most republicans be for that matter. Trump is a total sleazeball, a snake oil salesman, a compulsive liar, a con. And on top of that he knows nothing about how to be president and was totally unpredictable from one day to the next. He didn't even fucking want the job, his campaign was just a giant ad for his brand. Maybe you think that's the kind of person you want as the leader of the free world. I don't.
Thing that's annoying about all this is that you're suggesting we're hypocrites who hold someone to a different standard depending on what party they belong to. I'm saying they're different people who act in different ways overall, and it's the whole package of Trump that disgusts me. Biden is not good, and I never said he was, but he's nowhere near as bad as Trump.
It's like if you found out Starmer got a free dinner at a golf club, and called me a hypocrite because I wasn't complaining about it the way I do about Johnson being corrupt with being given free holidays in fancy resorts and making the gifter a Lord, and £1k a roll wallpaper and trying to get donors to pay for his nanny, and sticking up for all his corrupt MPs. They're just not comparable acts. That's why I wouldn't be making a big deal out of it.
Of course they're close to being synonymous. Perhaps they are not precisely the same thing, but they're close enough for casual conversation. You're splitting hairs here.Quote:
They're not even close to being synonymous and you know it. I think you specifically use the word "outrage" to suggest that we're overly emotional and unthinking.
No, but you felt these were acceptable points of criticism for Trump.Quote:
Should this make me despise him?
This is a political opinion. From my pov, he's far less competent than Trump. I can only imagine that USA is being run by his team, not him. He isn't fit for the job. He's less fit than Trump was, physically. He's more senile. He's not be as fat, and he's certainly not as outspoken, but that's about it.Quote:
Apart from senility, he's not even close to being as bad as Trump
Trumpy stuff like nepotism, rather than Trumpy stuff like saying stupid shit? Is that where your bar is set? Nepotism?Quote:
When he starts doing Trumpy stuff, like say hiring and firing people left and right, except for his kids who are totally unqualified for anything but get to keep their jobs the whole four years, as an example, I'll take notice.
So it's his personality you don't like ok. I'll grant that it's a lot easier to hate Trump because Biden doesn't have that "fuck you" personality. I think this is what you don't like about Trump, you don't like someone who gives no fucks what others think. Personally I admire that trait, even when the person in question is an arsehole. Caring what other people think about you, especially those not close to you, is a weakness for me, not a strength. It's a personality flaw.Quote:
Trump is a total sleazeball, a snake oil salesman, a compulsive liar, a con.
Not being affected by peoples' negative opinions about you, that's a mental strength.
The leader of the USA is not the leader of the free world. That's a nonsense term. I didn't vote for Trump, nor Biden. The POTUS is not my leader. Neither is Boris for that matter, but that's just me refusing to acknowledge anyone as my "leader", a term I really don't like when it comes to politics. But still, the POTUS is no more relevant to me than the president of France.Quote:
Maybe you think that's the kind of person you want as the leader of the free world.
I don't give a fuck who the POTUS is. That's for USA to decide. So it literally has nothing to do with "what I want". I don't care who the POTUS is, so long as they were democratically voted in.
It really does seem like it's politics, not morality.Quote:
Thing that's annoying about all this is that you're suggesting we're hypocrites who hold someone to a different standard depending on what party they belong to.
Politicians get free dinners all the time. But again, if Starmer was PM and was incompetent, I'm in no doubt you'd cut him much more slack than you do Boris, because politics. You'd play down the corruption and say it's not as bas as Boris, you'd say he has a more acceptable personality, you'd say he has nicer hair, possibly even that his wife is more attractive. It's hatred motivated by politics.Quote:
It's like if you found out Starmer got a free dinner at a golf club
btw, take a look at the last Labour leaders, Blair and Brown, and see who they were giving peerages to. British politics, and indeed American politics, is corrupt as fuck, regardless of which party is in power. They're both as bad as each other.
You might like a more presentable individual being "leader" but it makes no difference to your life or mine. It just gives you an outlet for your dissatisfaction.
I don't give a fuck who the "leader" is, I simply respect elections and get on with my life. I did all the president hate when Bush was in power, I found it too emotionally draining and decided that it wasn't healthy. Now I just tar them all with the same brush. One might wear a nicer suit, but they're both cut from the same cloth.
No I'm really not. One word implies you're nearly hysterical with anger about something, the other implies you find it repulsive. You can be disgusted by smelling a bit of food that's gone off, but you wouldn't be outraged by that smell alone.
Theyr'e also acceptable points of criticism for Biden. But it's not like we've just discovered this about him, so what do you want me to do? Make a post every time he garbles his words? Just keep hammering home the point that he's senile?
I got better things to do with my life.
Nice reductio ad bananum. I list a bunch of his faults that revolve around him being sleazy, and you say I don't like him because he's self-reliant and doesn't care what others think.
If you're a criminal and you don't care that others think that makes you a bad guy, that's a character flaw, not a strength.
I could just as easily say you're taking that attitude because you disagree with our politics.
lol I wouldn't say any of this shit.
More whataboutism. If your best defense of someone is that "others are just as bad," that's no defense at all. It's basically giving up.
It makes a difference who is in charge of the country, whether you accept it or not. Leaders make decisions that affect everyone in the country.
Take the £47 billion they spent on a test and trace system that doesn't work. Someone has to pay for that. That's £500 of my taxes gone, poof. And did they go to a good cause? No, they went to Boris' mates. I don't want a PM who's going to rob me to make his friends rich. And I don't want a party in charge that's going to fuck the whole country's economy over so they can make a few bucks from disaster capitlism. If I did, I'd go live in South America or some shit.
So, you've given up. Fine. I haven't.
Outrage doesn't imply hysteria.Quote:
No I'm really not. One word implies you're nearly hysterical with anger about something, the other implies you find it repulsive. You can be disgusted by smelling a bit of food that's gone off, but you wouldn't be outraged by that smell alone.
My use of the word is acceptable in the context. You're splitting hairs.Quote:
definition - something that is grossly offensive to decency, morality, or good taste.
You did when it was Trump. This thread has been super quiet since he left office, and it's not because Biden is doing a fantastic job, is it?Quote:
Make a post every time he garbles his words?
I got better things to do with my life.
Has Trump been convicted of a criminal offence? If not he's not a criminal.Quote:
If you're a criminal and you don't care that others think that makes you a bad guy, that's a character flaw, not a strength.
Except I'm not actually taking issue with Biden himself, rather the apparent hypocrisy of giving him a free pass for things that Trump got hounded for.Quote:
I could just as easily say you're taking that attitude because you disagree with our politics.
It's funny you use this word seeing as you're guilty of whataboutism yourself. But you do have a point here... others are just as bad, so I do just kina give up caring. But it's funny because you earlier said you have better things to do with your life, which implies you too have given up caring.Quote:
More whataboutism. If your best defense of someone is that "others are just as bad," that's no defense at all. It's basically giving up.
Neither do I, but unfortunately I live in the real world, as you do, where you have a PM who makes his friends rich at your expense. And that isn't going to change. It's been the case since you came to England, and it will remain the case long after Boris has left office.Quote:
I don't want a PM who's going to rob me to make his friends rich.
Nor do I, but again, corruption is rife and part of politics. I'm not going to change it moaning about Boris, or indeed any other politician. All I can do is refuse to vote for them and call people morons for voting them into office. But at the same time I have to respect the democratic outcome of elections because it's better than alternatives.Quote:
And I don't want a party in charge that's going to fuck the whole country's economy over so they can make a few bucks from disaster capitlism.
Sure you have. You said yourself you have better things to do with your life. You gave up caring about the POTUS when Trump left office. You'll give up caring about Boris when he leaves office. The only question is if you'll give a fuck about who replaces him.Quote:
So, you've given up. Fine. I haven't.
Not sure what dictionary you're using Ong, but I'm using an English one:
noun: outrage
an extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation.
noun: disgust
a feeling of revulsion or strong disapproval aroused by something unpleasant or offensive.
I literally googled "define outrage" and it's the second of three definitions. The fact you can show me another definition only serves to demonstrate that words can have more than one distinct meaning.
Outrage and disgust are somewhat synonymous. Given the definition of outrage I provided, and the definition of disgust that you provided, surely you agree? Key word is "offensive".
But I hated Trump and I'm just not a fan of Biden. It's not because Trump was R and Biden is D as you seem to think. It's because one is a despicable sleazeball and one is a bumbling old man.
If I had noted the same behaviours in both but said it was shit when Trump did it, but good when Biden did it, you could call me a hypocrite. I've never even praised Biden though, so I don't know what you want.
I mean I do know what you want. You want me to post about Biden 3x a week and criticise whatever he's doing. But I don't because whatever he's doing isn't horrible the way whatever Trump was doing was. It's the behaviour I'm critical of, not the letter behind the person doing it.
Huh? If I rob a bank and I only a criminal if I get caught?
I'm not really paying attention to Biden unless he does something horrible like the Afghan pullout which was a disaster. Trump said or did horrible things all the time.
I explained there's no point in making the same post over and over every time Biden garbles his words. It's not news anymore.
There's some PMs who've been more sleazy than others, you have to admit that. Boris is taking it to a new level. Starmer is a saint by comparison, there's virtually nothing on him that could be called sleaze. If there was, we'd be hearing about it all day every day from the DM. Instead the best they could do is say something about how he gave his mum some land.
But hey, if Starmer gets elected and starts stealing my taxes to give to his mates I'll be the first to admit I was wrong.
You can vote for ones who aren't corrupt. It's not like they don't exist, despite what you seem to think. Your worldview of politics is overly simplistic.
If you think I'm biased in favour of Starmer because he's labour, then take the Tory guy who got killed by the terrorist recently. His record was spotless. Are you saying he was just better at hiding his corruption than Boris?
See above. If Biden started doing Trumpy stuff I'd be on him. If Starmer gets elected and turns into a Boris Mach II same story.
Why would I care if he's no longer affecting my life?
If the next PM turns out to be half as bad as Boris, I will definitely notice it. If you like, I'll even promise right now to post my "outrage."
I mean, whatever. When I say "outraged", read "disgusted" and we're on the same page.
Not sure where you got that from, is it an actual dictionary?
I suppose maybe the word's meaning is gradually changing into what you claim to mean by it because it was never ambivalent to me; it always meant being shocked and angry about something. But now that people are posting videos about something being "devastating" or someone being "destroyed" or "annihilated" or "outraged" when they really mean something much milder, then that can affect how people interpret the word as being something softer than its literal definition.
Actually I don't. It would bore me and I'd probably take an opposing viewpoint for the sake of argument.Quote:
You want me to post about Biden 3x a week and criticise whatever he's doing.
From the pov of everyone who doesn't know for a fact that you robbed a bank, you are an alleged criminal. If you're confessing to robbing a bank, and that confession is credible, than ok you're a criminal before a court proves it. You proved it yourself.Quote:
Huh? If I rob a bank and I only a criminal if I get caught?
You don't get to decide if what Trump ever did is a crime. Courts decide that. Courts take into account all the relevant information, not just hearsay and what the media say. They also take into account mitigating circumstances and that kind of thing. For example, someone who kills another person as a result of a schizophrenic episode is not a criminal, they are deemed to be not criminally liable for their actions. That doesn't mean they can't be imprisoned, there is still the matter of public safety. Likewise, a 7 y/o who steals something is not a criminal because they are below the age of criminal responsibility.
This is a political opinion, not a moral one. It's easy to say it was a disaster to pull out troops, but it's also easy to say it was a disaster going there in the first place. This is a lose-lose situation where any decision you make is a disaster.Quote:
...like the Afghan pullout which was a disaster
He's not touching Blair yet.Quote:
There's some PMs who've been more sleazy than others, you have to admit that. Boris is taking it to a new level.
You can vote for ones who aren't corrupt.
This is your opinion and you might be right, but then again maybe I'm right and all politicians are corrupt. At least, all nearly politicians in the main parties, save for a few backbenchers who are never getting anywhere near the leadership.Quote:
It's not like they don't exist, despite what you seem to think. Your worldview of politics is overly simplistic.
See above. Chances are that he was clean, and simply never getting near the top job. So I couldn't vote for him as leader.Quote:
Are you saying he was just better at hiding his corruption than Boris?
It's not that it's changing, more that it's not rigid. There's nothing wrong with your use of the word "outrage" in the context of shouting at walls, that's a correct use of the word. But if I'm disgusted by something and speak out, I am showing outrage, so my use of the word is also perfectly acceptable.
And Johnson and Starmer are a pretty good comparison for how much corruption there is in politics, and how dependent on the individual it is. I don't know why you're bringing up Blair, he hasn't been PM for fifteen years or something.
Basically, there's a continuum of corruption. Guys on one end won't take graft even if they know they can get away with it. Guys in the middle will take it if it seems safe. Guys on the other end go out looking for it.
Starmer's close to the good end of that spectrum. There's virtually nothing that comes close to being dirt on him, and he's the leader of a major party and subject to a lot of scrutiny, so you know they've been looking. Johnson OTOH is on the bad end. He goes out looking for it and doesn't even seem to care if he gets found out. That's why he's had three parliamentary investigations going on into his shady shit in the last two years. No wonder he's always trying to defend others in his party from accusations lol.
So yeah, given a choice between the two, I might rather have a beer with the funny clown guy Boris, but I'd rather put my trust in boring old Starmer to run the country. They're not the same, not even close.
So what about that Kyle Rittenhouse trial, huh?
I would not want to be on the ground in any US city when the verdict hits. He's definitely walking, and it will set a terrible precedent. He is entirely responsible for the situation he got himself in, and I have no doubt that he intended to create this type of situation to live out his hero fantasy, but that's impossible to prove.
Well... he was going to say "negro leagues" and he does correct himself, but it's not a great look. I for one am surprised he's upright and sentient at this point. I guess they saw Kamala's approvement polls and decided they had to pep him up so he can pull off the next 4 years.
It's pretty clear he was defending himself, at least that's how it looks to observers on the outside. Why he took a loaded gun with him is a question that needs to be answered, but if that itself isn't a criminal offence in the state(s) he was in, it's not relevant to the trial. If he's legally carrying, and he is approached in such a way he fears for his safety, then it's not a criminal matter.
I don't think legally he can be convicted on any of the more serious charges. I think there ought to be a law against bringing a weapon to a protest, let alone open carrying an AR-15. I think the mother should face charges for driving her heavily armed teenage son across state lines to something she would surely describe as a riot. I think the police should face charges for encouraging this type of behavior, but within this completely broken framework, I think he can legally claim self defense. Doesn't mean I wouldn't celebrate a rogue jury taking matters into their own hands (wouldn't that be ironic).
I'm getting to terms with partisanship on news networks. If you want to further the cause you have to do a little bit Pyongyang style propaganda. That's just the reality. You can't be both siding it while the other side is building literal golden statues to their new god.
Ong isn't upset about the media being biased. He's upset because we're biased.
I mean Biden saying negro is an easy mistake to make if you're an old man. The league he played in was called the negro league, he said that a few seconds later, his brain just pre-empted his mouth and called Paige a negro. It's more funny that he's referencing somebody hardly anyone knows anything about 'cause it was so long ago that he played.
Which funnily enough, reminds me of the time when Trump talked about Frederick Douglas as if he were still alive? lol, when did the guy live, the 1850s or something? Oh, and if Biden ever does that I'll laugh at how stupid he is too.
And Ong, I'll make you another promise: If Keir Starmer ever has to be told three times while visiting a hospital during a pandemic to put on his mask, I'll call him out for being as big a fucking idiot as Johnson.
I don't disagree, but if no such law exists, then he hasn't done anything wrong. Anyone thinking of rioting after the verdict really should take this into account. You can't stamp your feet and demand retrospective law changes.Quote:
I think there ought to be a law against bringing a weapon to a protest
This is ludicrous if what he did is not illegal. You're suggesting that a woman who drives her son, legally, to a protest, should be charged with wrongdoing? She did nothing wrong. Where does this stop? How about if it was a taxi?Quote:
I think the mother should face charges for driving her heavily armed teenage son across state lines to something she would surely describe as a riot.
I mean, this is even more ludicrous than the last point. You're basically saying fuck law, fuck justice, your morals are what matters, laws and justice in USA should revolve around what you think in Austria. Ridiculous.Quote:
Doesn't mean I wouldn't celebrate a rogue jury taking matters into their own hands.
If a court takes matters into its own hands and disregards law, that's extremely concerning, even if you don't like the person being thrown under the bus. That would be an even more dangerous precedent to set.
We're all biased. But we should try to hold everyone to the same standard. That isn't happening with Biden and Trump, at least it doesn't look like it to me. It's not just you guys, it's Twitter too. It's a society problem, not a dead forum problem.Quote:
Ong isn't upset about the media being biased. He's upset because we're biased.
Agreed. Same would be true if Trump said negro, but I doubt you'd be so happy to dismiss that as the ramblings of an old man.Quote:
I mean Biden saying negro is an easy mistake to make if you're an old man.
The whole mask thing is stupid. It's not a legal requirement anymore, and they do very little to protect people from covid if the wearer doesn't have covid. If he's tested negative, it's nothing more than theatre, wearing a mask.Quote:
And Ong, I'll make you another promise: If Keir Starmer ever has to be told three times while visiting a hospital during a pandemic to put on his mask, I'll call him out for being as big a fucknig idito as Johnson.
Dude, come on. He was in a fucking hospital full of sick people. Covid tests aren't foolproof, so there was no guarantee he didn't have it.
All he has to do was follow the same rules the hospital has for everyone else. But, it's just another example of him thinking the rules shouldn't apply to him because he's a toff and the rest of us are peasants.
I don't disagree but I would really enjoy seeing his stupid little face when he gets hit with guilty on all charges.
As for his mother: if you buy drugs for your kids, that's a hefty charge. Drive that little shit to a race riot so he can play cop across state lines... that ought to be at least reckless endangerment.
^ Not sure what the letter of the law says, but I wouldn't be surprised if driving your underage son to a race riot armed with an assault rifle isn't specifically prohibited.
That said, she did show extraordinarily bad judgment at the very least and probably should be banned from being a parent if nothing else.
Can you imagine the convo between them?
Kid: Hey mom! There's some BLM people going to protest the shooting of a black man in Wisconsin! Can I go mom? Can I? Please?
Mom: Ok son, but make sure you take your AK with you. It could be dangerous there!
Kid: Oh yeah, ok. Thanks mom, you're the best!
Mom: Did you put on clean undies for when you get arrested?
Kid: Mom! I'm 17! Stop treating me like a kid.
Mom: ok ok. Get in the car. You want to be there in time for when the shooting starts.
I mean, I have to say fair enough here. I'd wear a mask in a hospital, and I hate wearing them. But at the same time, I'm largely doing it for show, rather than any belief that it's doing me any good. Or, better still, I'd stay the fuck away from a hospital unless I really needed to be there. And a photo op is not such a reason.
Underage? Is there an age limit for protests?Quote:
^ Not sure what the letter of the law says, but I wouldn't be surprised if driving your underage son to a race riot armed with an assault rifle isn't specifically prohibited.
I think we should probably be asking why a 17 y/o is allowed a gun. Not gonna lie, I didn't know he was this young, I assumed he must be 18+ simply because he has a gun. Fucker can't drink a pint of beer but he can have an assault rifle? What the fuck America.
That said, it's not his fault the law lets him have a gun, nor is it his Mom's fault. As best I can tell, neither of them have no broken any laws. So if there's a moral issue at play here, it's a state problem.
Drinking age is 21 in the US.
I don't think there is any legal age at which you can carry a gun. You can have one in your baby crib afaik.
As far as his mom goes, well, there's a lot of things that may be legal, but that doesn't make them a good idea. She should have better judgment than a 17 year old ffs.
Of course she should have better judgement, but poor judgement isn't criminal, otherwise we'd all be criminals because each and every one of us demonstrates poor judgement at some point in our lives.
When it comes to charging someone with a crime, there has to be an actual crime allegedly committed.
I think if the kid was himself killed and she'd driven him there she'd be in deep shit. She's legally responsible for keeping him safe until he's 18. The fact that he ended up on the right end of the bullets wouldn't change the fact she failed him. She should have told him to fuck off and go to his room when he asked her to drive him to the riot with his AK. That's reckless endangerment.
Maybe, it's very easy to say that from the comfort of your armchair. But his age changes the context of this a lot for me. Still not convinced the Mother has acted criminally reckless or negligent, but my comparison to a taxi driver earlier is obviously not cutting it.
We're judging this though from different countries. You, me, oskar, not one American. Guns aren't legal where we live, so our perspective on this is skewed compared to Americans, which include this guy's Mother. She's subject to their laws, not our moral standards.
Are you sure?
I don't know if you remember, but I do very well. When Trump was in office, there was relentless screeching from the left. I called them "banshees", a term that poop didn't like me using in his direction. A very large number of people were utterly obsessed with him. These people are not making screeching noises any more.
Now why does it take until this far into his presidency for me to find video clips of him being creepy as fuck? How come nobody in this thread knows about this? I'll tell you why. Because he's not held to the same standards as Trump. The people who were filling your Twitter timelines with anti-Trump content don't a fuck about Biden, people are ignoring it, pretending it doesn't exist, not sharing it, not making relentless screeching noises.
That 2nd link is a 2017 thread. How did he get into office without this footage being viewed by everyone?
So you posted 2 examples of people being outraged by Biden to prove that people aren't outraged about Biden? His creepy acts have been dealt with multiple times even in the Colbert Report and the Daily Show, and I'm sure FOX and OAN play those clips on repeat 24/7. I just haven't at all had your experiences of people ignoring Biden's gaffes, senility and creepiness.
You're missing the point. The level of noise is orders of magnitude lower. Of course people are outraged about Biden, but the volume of people who are outraged is much lower than the volume of people who were screaming at everything Trump did. Do you really not see this?
It's not on the same level because Biden's been caught saying or doing something shitty every once in a while, whereas Trump got caught saying or doing something shitty nearly every day. Do you not see this?
Also, I saw that video of Biden in 2017 and yeah it's creepy. But maybe people feel touching the chest of a girl who isn't old enough to have a chest isn't exactly on the same level of creepiness as touching the hips of your grown up daughter and otherwise seeming to openly want to boink her.
Because what each of those jolly ol fellas have done is not on par. I feel the noise about each of them is pretty well matched with their actions.
Also, if Trump was a democrat I'd be just as disgusted by him. But the democrats would never make him their leader. And that's a major difference between the two parties.
I forgot about Trump's daughter thing, which of course was indeed something people were screeching about.
They're both equally as creepy. I don't see how we can say one is more unpleasant than the other.
That's really the point here. There's just sooo muuuch of that shit Trump has done that it's impossible to keep track and remember everything. Everything that Biden has ever done that's cringe-worthy is just a typical month of Trump shenanigans.
Meanwhile, people on the right being calm and measured as usual.
That's not cringe, that's straight up creepy. That footage is the stuff to destroy heroes. If I saw my favourite singer doing that I doubt I'd listen to him anymore. It's the kind of stuff that, in hindsight, is seen as the obvious signs that people ignored and shouldn't have done. This is how people get away with abuse.
Biden is every bit as bad as Trump, from what I can see. Perhaps worse. I mean, Trump's daughter was hot, right? Biden is fondling and fussing small children. I guess if I were a sicko on these levels, I'd rather fantasise over my actually hot daughter than someone else's 5 y/o child. Seems somewhat less weird, even if it's incestuous.
The stupid thing is, the last two presidents, and don't forget Bill Clinton, there's sufficient evidence of them being creepy as fuck, yet pizzagate and whatnot is still seen as batshit conspiracy theory.
There's two big differences there.
1. Six year old girls don't have tits to feel up. Grown women do have hips.
2. Incest. Enuff said.
Let's say the tables were turned and Trump had put his hands on a pre-pubescent little girl's chest and Biden had talked about how hot his daughter was and put his hand on her hips. I can honestly say I'd be much much more disgusted by Biden's behaviour than Trump's. And it's not even close.
I mean yeah sure I wouldn't touch any female stranger's chest no matter how old she was. And if Biden had a woody while he was doing it, then of course it's disgusting. But if it's just a weirdly inappropriate way of him being friendly, and if someone told him to stop and he stopped, then I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. And since it hasn't happened since then, that's probably what happened. Someone on his team said "hey Joe that looks kinda weird you know, some screeching banshees on the right are going to lose their shit if you do that again." And he said "Ok, no problem."
Meanwhile Trump's weird fantasy shit with his daughter has gone on for years and years. And I'm sure people have told him it's inappropriate, and he doesn't care. That's a seriously fucked up human there, first for being attracted to his daughter, and second for not thinking there's anything wrong with it.
How is vaccination hesitancy a right/left issue? It's crazy not least because antivaxxers generally don't trust government, so why would they be pro-Tory?
btw, the problem here with the advert for the most part isn't the vaccination. It's that QR he's holding on his phone. It's the vaccination passport that people are largely concerned about.
People who actually oppose vaccination are in the minority, it's disingenuous to use the term antivaxxer for the vast majority of people who are covid-19 vaccination hesitant or anti-passport. I don't think you'll find many people who oppose vaccinations for malaria or whatever. This hesitancy is specific to covid, and there are vaccinated people who oppose mandatory vaccination and passports. It is definitely not a binary issue, and certainly not split down socioeconomic or political divides. If you think every Labour voter is vaccinated you're deluded.
I'm gonna have to disagree, but it's kind of a ridiculous argument. Both are clearly disgusting, so it's not like we're debating here whether we'd rather fuck our own hot daughter or someone else's 5 y/o kid, because the obvious answer is neither. But if you're asking me what disgusts me more, it's the pre-pubescent paedophilia, not incest.Quote:
Let's say the tables were turned and Trump had put his hands on a pre-pubescent little girl's chest and Biden had talked about how hot his daughter was and put his hand on her hips. I can honestly say I'd be much much more disgusted by Biden's behaviour than Trump's. And it's not even close
idk how you can say this for a man of his age. How do you get to this age without learning that this is very inappropriate behaviour? You can only behave like that in public if it's completely normal top you.Quote:
But if it's just a weirdly inappropriate way of him being friendly, and if someone told him to stop and he stopped, then I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
He should never have gotten near the top job. This was overlooked because he was up against Trump. Incest vs paedo. What a fucking choice.
Anti-vaxxers are mostly conspiracy theorists and libertarians, which as you know are both associated with the right wing. Just because you can point to a few left-wingers who are also anti-vax doesn't change that.
And vocally boycotting a supermarket because it runs an ad that makes a joke about Santa having a vaccine passport is monumentally stupid. That's screeching banshee territory.
I agree with this much. Boycotting in general is stupid, if you're going to apply your moral standards to capitalist companies then you're quickly going to run out of places to buy your essentials from.
On the plus side, if there's fewer unvaxxed people in Tesco, it's less dangerous a place for unvaxxed people like me to do my shopping. Bonus.
Well that escalated quickly. Yeah he's creepy and likes to touch and smell people's hair in weird ways, but lol at confirmed paedo. I misunderstood your "being bad" to refer to what they actually do and have done, as presidents. For that I'm equally uninterested about Trump's crush on his daughter or him paying pornstars to have sex and keep quiet, as I am to how Papa Joe kisses some kid on the cheek.
He's at an age where he should know he can't behave like that otherwise people will come to the conclusion that he's a wrong-un.Quote:
Well that escalated quickly. Yeah he's creepy and likes to touch and smell people's hair in weird ways...
This is inappropriately affectionate behaviour. This is not someone I'd trust to babysit my children, assuming I'm a normal family person.
Incompetence or malicious?
Has Biden done anything at all yet, good or bad? The UK press report on next to nothing about US politics now.
The issue with that case is that technically nothing he did was illegal.
Carrying an assault rifle to a protest? Legal.
Shooting someone who is pointing a gun at you? Legal.
Shooting someone running at you with a skateboard to hit you? Legal.
Shooting someone who is currently running away from you, but whom just a moment ago was scary? Legal.
Can't really call it a bad court ruling when literally the kid didn't break any laws.
It's the laws that are broken, not the court.
I think he was referring to the fact that the paper said he shot three black men, when in fact all the people he shot were white.
It's bad reporting. Whether they did so on purpose or not is an open question, but it's definitely shitty reporting.
I haven't heard it and don't plan on listening to it. I know Boris likes to waffle on about utter bollocks. And I would just like to remind you I don't actually give a fuck about Biden's incompetence, I brought it up for discussion because nobody else did, which I found strange seeing as a year or two back this thread was buzzing with relentless Trump hate.
Yeah poop is right, it's the "three black men" comment. It could just be terrible journalism, or it could be a malicious attempt to stoke racial tensions.
The case was ruled as it was because he didn't break the law. Like you say, if that's a problem, then the law is broken. For me, it's purely a guns vs no guns issue. If guns are legal, then lethal force self defence must be legal too. You can't have an armed population and then say to the people you can't defend yourself if you think you're in very serious danger.
Meet the Hatfields.
They're this happy 'cause they just killed all the McCoys.
Solid reference.
We need to fund a team of anthropologists to head down to Kentucky to find out what the hell is going on there.