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Here's a story of my last interaction with police. A few years back, when I was going through a rough patch, I went to Tesco to buy some shit. I had a hoodie up, and the security guard asked me to put my hood down. I decided to be a twat and asked him to take his coat off. He looked at me stunned, asked me again, and I reiterated that I would if he took his coat off. He basically decides to ignore me, he can't be arsed. Next time I go in there, a different security guard confronts me and tells me to leave. I refuse, and continue my shopping. He calls the cops, and they show up within minutes. I tell them I'm doing nothing wrong, that this is not a police matter, and they tell me I am wrong, that it's a criminal offence to trespass on a premises that sells alcohol. That took me by surprise, and I challenged them. Their attitude swiftly turned from neutral to pissed off, and they decided to search me for drugs because of my behaviour. Of course I don't take drugs to go shopping, so they found nothing. But the point is, if you act like a dick to the cops, they'll respond in kind.