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I'm assuming these are serious questions, so here goes.
- I said there's information, aka I've read about it, which I later elaborated on
- You said that I claim there were
I made no claim, I said what I had read. Do you see the difference? Like what exactly are you accusing me of, what do you think I'm doing?
I don't know if there were Russians involved, and if there were I don't know who they were or what they were doing. All of that's irrelevant, when the point was just to demonstrate there were all kinds of people. They weren't all insurrectionists, but they weren't all just protesters either. What are you trying to achieve by getting hung up on this detail? Was this the only weak point you could find and try to attack?
Nothing, why do you assume I'm trying to prove something? You seemed to have no idea how data gets classified, so I provided you with the information.
Since you seem to be under the impression that people classify stuff on a whim, it seemed appropriate to explain why that's not the case. Does some data sometimes get "overclassified" just in case? Absolutely. Does data sometimes get erroneously classified without proper legal or regulatory cause? I'm sure it does. Is all classified data just bs that's classified for shits and giggles? I'm sure you know the answer, so why even try to make that inane argument?
How do you know that what she did warranted a charge? Why wasn't Ivanka charged for essentially the exact same thing?
Yes, I found it quite amusing how the right made it a headline issue for years. I'm sure it was all out of pure patriotic concern, nothing political about it.
If your new tactic is to just endlessly try to find some blame on others, with may I say pretty flimsy arguments, maybe we should just end it right here.
No actually. What you said was abundantly clear. The only reason you brought up what you read was to suggest that Russian government agents were present at the Capitol demonstrations and the implication is that their purposes were not beneficial to the united states. You weren't suggesting that the Russian secretary of cheese just happened to be strolling by, were you?
Whether you made a claim or just implied one is really not a meaningful distinction in the context of this conversation.
I think you know exactly what you implied/suggested/claimed/said when you brought up "russian operatives". And I think you're purposefully trying to nitpick any response for the slightest incongruent syllable so you can fuel a ridiculous argument about nothing. I just don't understand 'why' you're doing it.Quote:
Like what exactly are you accusing me of, what do you think I'm doing?
I don't know if there were Russians involved, and if there were I don't know who they were or what they were doing. All of that's irrelevant,
Ooooh, you just brought up Russians to illustrate ethnic diversity? I get it now.Quote:
when the point was just to demonstrate there were all kinds of people.
Except I worked for three years at a job where I handled classified data every single day. I know what kind of shit gets classified. I know how it gets classified. I already told you this. But you thought your five second google search result would change my mind huh?Quote:
You seemed to have no idea how data gets classified
They doQuote:
Since you seem to be under the impression that people classify stuff on a whim,
This has to be a troll!Quote:
How do you know that what she did warranted a charge?
Cuz flexibility!!!Quote:
Why wasn't Ivanka charged for essentially the exact same thing?
More of the same.
Stop telling people what they mean. This is disrespectful.
You're free to be confused by other people's motives. You're free to speculate what their motives may be. You're free to ask them their motives. You're free to question whether those people are being genuine with you. You are not free to tell them their motives.
It is a general rule that I apply to all social situations, and I will apply it to anyone who disrespects you in this way on FTR.
The New Yorker with what looks like new footage of whatever it is these guys thought they were doing on Jan 6:
^ Already posted by cocco. Keep up.
Still hilarious though.
Ok, let's do a highlight reel. I'm only about 30 sec into watching it again and I've already got three gems:
"Where the fuck are they?" (well, avoiding you idiots I imagine. where do you think they are?)
Guy in combat gear: "It's an IO war, we can't lose the IO war. We're better than that!" (wut???)
Doofus looking through a folder, with his camera out ready to take pictures: "There's gotta be something in here we can use against these scumbags!" (yeah I'm sure they made sure to leave their diabolical plans right there on the lectern when they left the building)
40 sec: Chewbacca wannabe doing a war dance on the mezzanine.
50 sec: One guy: "I think Cruz would want us to do this." Other guy: "Yeah, we're good." lolz
Dont' forget the cuck cop with hands in his pockets defending "the sacredest place"
3.30: Walking down the hallway banging on doors like someone is a) still inside those rooms; and b) going to open the doors for a mob of goons.
"You're afraid of ANTIFA? Well guess what, America showed up!"
4:00 "While we're here we might as well set up a government." I really wish they had followed through with that idea.
4:40 "They can steal an election but we can't sit in their chairs?"
5:20 "Look it's Ted Cruz' objection, he was gonna sell us out all along...(start reading it, 10 seconds later figure it out) "Oh wait, that's a good thing. He's with us, he's with us!"
I gotta stop now, my ribs are starting to hurt.
It's like Mr. Smith Goes to Washington meets One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest.
Having a screw loose does not preclude being dangerous, more the opposite if anything.
This is something you probably should have learned from personal experience by now, but the Venn diagram of white supremacists and fucking morons has historically always been a perfect circle.
You have to be an idiot to think a real estate heir who has failed in business all his life would be fit to run the country, but if he shouts racist nonsense he'll have your vote. You have to be an idiot to think there's anything you can do to turn around the election when nearly every single case brought by the president has been dismissed. And you have to be almost maximally retarded to think that you can breach the capitol and then have the orange god emperor tweet you his instructions to bring down the new world order.
These people are dangerous because of how stupid they are, and especially because they have powerful support behind them. Nobody marches into what is likely the best protected place in the world without being essentially invited in. Trump almost certainly had some sort of coup in mind but he can barely string two thoughts together, so this is the best he and his supporters could do.
If you're still trying to make a case for Trump not being a total retard, you're doing a bad job.
he's not a retard. He's done too many complex things in his life. This really isn't the basis for a civil or serious discussion. 75 milliion people voted for him. You don't have to agree with them. But telling half the country that they voted for a retard, or hitler, is not something that's going to reduce the sum total of toxicity in the country.
I'll bet you have a "Hate Has No Home Here" sign in your yard.
Was he bad at governing? Kinda. But who cares? He's gone!
This campaign to ruin anyone who's ever been in a room with him is scarily stalin-esque
Accepting that so chosen members of the ruling class can play "woke crusaders" and pretend they're ending white supremacy is a really really bad idea.
I get your passion, but it could be interpreted that you're calling out Nanners as an idiot as he may or may not believe those things.
Let's try to keep it cool for the short term and establish a tone of conversation where we actively avoid pushing each other's buttons.
I'm sure you could have expressed those thoughts without stereotyping all those people as idiots. Some are, some aren't. All are more complicated than can be summed up by a political party belief.
Yeah, you've said this a few times. No one knows where you got this from, but it's obvious you're using this to call FTR members bigots.
Knock it off.
What did they think would happen when they scared the shit out of the actual people who write the actual laws?
Even if all they intended to do was scare them, which maybe it was for a lot of them - those people who you scared are going to react. And when the people you scared are your own legislators, well... consequences.
Don't get me wrong, we send way, way too many people to prison in the US by a factor of about 10x, and I'm not saying any prison sentences are justified for the vast majority of protestors on Jan 6, IMO.
You do have to appreciate the irony in the "law and order" party getting all bent out of shape when the law is pointed at them, though, right?
Ah well... scratch that, oskar.
Do what you like. I'm done with the stress of dealing with Nanners.
He said he refuses to respect my boundaries, and asked me to ban him, rather than leaving like an adult.
So I did.
You nazi!
If I had never read Orwell I would call this Orwellian.
banana has been banned.
If banana comes back, ignore him please, and leave him to me or mojo.
That's the end of the matter. I expect everyone to not insult him where he can't defend himself. I'm asking people to avoid talking about him. I will moderate posts if necessary.
Meanwhile in MAGA-land.
I'm sure Trump did this too - well, ok I'm pretty sure he didn't.
My last minute pardon prediction is: Ghislaine Maxwell is more likely to be on that list than Julian Assange.
lol Bannon gets pardoned from defrauding Trump supporters with his Build-the-Wall scam, or in other words:
Stephen K. Bannon – President Trump granted a full pardon to Stephen Bannon. Prosecutors pursued Mr. Bannon with charges related to fraud stemming from his involvement in a political project. Mr. Bannon has been an important leader in the conservative movement and is known for his political acumen.
Flood the swamp!
Cartoon villain outgoing president score: 11/10.
It's obviously being shamelessly abused by Trump right now, but I've never been a fan of the whole presidential pardon thing. What do you have judges and juries for, if the POTUS can just say "nah, set him free, I like him." Seems to just invite corruption to me.
This pretty much sums up the last four years.
It's meant to be a check on the judicial system.
We all know that no one is perfect, and that some innocent people will be accidentally convicted from time to time.
The intent of the presidential pardon power is to create an avenue of justice for those individuals.
Even with Trump, from what I read (not much of the whole list of pardons, mind) it seemed like most of the pardons were going to people who'd already served their court penalties - whatever jail time and fines had already been served, and the person had already been back in the public space. I don't really have a problem with these pardons - the system made them pay, and then later their slate was wiped clean. In principal, I don't object to this.
I do agree that the pardon power is abused regularly, though... and it is not used in practice to ensure justice to the wrongly convicted.
Congrats US on having a normal president again!
I've heard a lot of people chant that the economy had been doing great under Drumpf, let's look at the MAGAstatistics:
- unemployment rate went from 4.3% to 6.7%
- GDP growth rate went from annual avg of 1.62% under Obama to 0.95%
- government public debt went from $18.9T to $23.7T (from 102% of GDP to 122%)
I guess that's good then?
Hard to compare the effects given what Obama inherited and what the pandemic did. I would not even try. One thing for certain though is the debt exploded under Trump.
Apples to oranges (ahem) for sure, but I find it hard to find any metric on how things have improved. Willful ignorance, pure and simple.
I haven't heard of Trump actually trying to pardon himself... huh. I was certain he'd at least try it.
He left the White House of his own accord. I expected that, but when it happened I was still a bit relieved.
Can't wait to see what comes of the 2nd impeachment trial under a 50/50 Senate with Harris as the tie-breaker.
Is Mitch McConnell going to actually vote to condemn Trump on anything? Or is it all just good PR to take occasional swings at Trump lately?
"The best is yet to come!"
In the most serious cases this is not true.
Roger Stone, Paul Manafort; those guilty of mass murder in the Nisour Square massacre and war criminal Eddie Gallagher are among some who had not served their full sentence.
There's also a long list of white collar criminals accused of fraud theft and tax evasion who haven't been sentenced yet.
There are also some random pardons of people who are apparently serving decades for selling weed that are also being pardoned. Not sure why this is still a thing. I guess Obama was too afraid of the optics of doing away with that, god bless him.
Very obvious pardons like Snowden, Assange, Reality Winner are of course not on the list.
Like many things the constitution simply did not take into account the possibility of a career criminal being elected into the highest office.
I'm not sure I'm on board with the idea that it puts a check on the judiciary because obviously here it's just being used to pardon criminals and those who slaughter non-white children. But even in the best case it seems like almost inconsequential theatre that gives the illusion that something is being done, when in reality weed is still widely criminalized and anti spionage laws are being enacted on citizens.
I'd be interested to know what kind of negotiations went on between Jan. 6 and a few days later when he officially disavowed the MAGAlution. He certainly didn't do it while it was going on in any serious way. I wouldn't be surprised if he got told to either cancel the coup d'tard or go straight from the WH to prison.
As for the rest of it, doubt he ever spends any time in jail. He might end up having the leave the country, but that's about it.
I'm not sure I follow. Impeachment happens in the House, not the Senate.
The impeachment trial (Senate) is what I was talking about.
Wasn't the big reason the first impeachment didn't result in anything due to the fact that the R controlled Senate had the power to stop any and all evidence from being considered? I thought they were able to stonewall the Senate trial by making so that there was literally no evidence against any claims because they disallowed any evidence from being heard.
Is that wrong?
I thought they needed 2/3 majority in senate to convict, so 67 senators?
Talking of perversion of justice: Eddie Gallagher killed at least one kid in cold blood and was known to target practice on Iraqi school children. One of his buddies negotiated immunity in order to testify, and then confessed to the murder himself, thereby absolving Gallagher while being immune from any legal consequences.
If that wasn't perversion of justice enough, Trump pardoned him from the only crime Gallagher was officially convicted of: desecrating a corpse.
I assume this is due to covid, but still...
I really don't think it's remotely plausible that Trump will ever be sentenced with any prison time, and if he were, Biden would almost certainly pardon him. The image and precedent of an ex-POTUS serving prison time is not really palatable to anyone who has the power over it. (I imagine, having consulted my crystal ball and stuff.)
He could be banned from ever holding a federal office ever again, though. Meaning we'll never have to endure a 2nd term from him.
Martyring Trump before the Republican base is not a good thing for the US, I think.
If the Republican leadership choose to turn against him, they still have to sell that to the Republican voters. They will have their own actions over the past 4 years, and their every cooperation with Trump scrutinized by the Dems, and they'll have to answer questions about how they can condemn Trump for things they helped him do. That's practically political suicide, I think.
Which is why I'm curious what will come of the Senate trial.
If Rep voters are so fed up with the swamp... why do they re-elect so many of their incumbent candidates?
If the career politicians are the swamp, I mean. Not sure what the swamp is if not entrenched political powers that are increasingly distant from "the working man."
(Not that I think, historically speaking, the working man is more distant from Washington politicians, but IDK what the swamp is, so I'm guessing.)
Just calling it "the swamp" was brilliant, I wonder who came up with it. Trump himself initially said he hated it, but the crowds loved it so he stuck with it[citation needed]. Everyone can just inject whoever they hate the most into it, the Dems, left-leaning gov officials, the media etc. Personally I'd 100% agree it would be corrupt career politicians, corporate lobbyists and so on.
Has Biden been arrested yet? When are they going to spring the trap?
So...looking forward to 2024, what are the most likely matchups for POTUS?
1. Harris vs. Cruz
2. Ivanka vs. Oprah
3. Rudy vs. the ghost of JFK
More seriously, who can the Rs put up? Do they want someone with the stink of Trump on them (i.e., pretty much all of them right now), or someone completely new?
Right now, I think that if Trump can run again, he will. There's a lot of time between now and then, though.
He definitely has the stink of Trump on him. If he's allowed to run again I will puke.
I love how these are the only choices.
Wannabe Chewbacca is great. I really want him to have his own show in prison.
Apparently, since Trump is no longer the sitting POTUS, the constitutional guidelines about impeachment of POTUS do not apply.
It looks like Chief Justice Roberts will not be presiding over the Senate hearing, rather the other Dem Senator from Vermont (the one that's not Bernie Sanders) will do it.
I'm expecting both major parties to split over the next two years, and I think the Republicans will be the ones to do it first.
USA needs to get away from two-party politics, and so does the UK.
We do have more than two parties, but only two have any chance of winning an election. That needs to change.
"We will win!" = 12 characters. Trump was the 45th president. What's 45 - 12? That's right, 33, the highest Masonic rank. What year did Trump run for president? 2016. You take 33, subtract 16, and you get 17! Don't you fucks understand? What is the 17th letter of the alphabet? Q!
THAT'S RIGHT! Motherfucking Q confirmed!
Edit: I feel the need to point out that this is trolling before some purple-haired dipshit tries to put me in a reeducation camp sometime next year.