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I'm not claiming to know your political views beyond what you've posted here. My memory isn't all that great. I don't recall you taking a strong position on a political issue that was on the left-wing side of things. If you have, and I've forgotten, then please remind me
What exactly do I have to do to prove to you I'm not a right winger? I'm a registered independent. I intend to vote in the democrat primary and vote for elizabeth warren. In my last post I just told you how spot on Bernie Sanders is. I wholeheartedly support universal healthcare. Personally I think it's a horrible idea, but I acknowledge that America voted for it in 2008. I love democracy, even when my side loses. But that same democracy voted for a wall in 2016. So fuck the cost. Fuck whether it will work or not. America voted for it. Build the fucking thing. And anyone who doesn't like it, should reflect on why their message lost in 2016 and try to do better next time. Either that, or shut the fuck up.
I lean right, heavily right, when it comes to the size and power over government. And it's not that so much that I'm libertarian on those issues. I'm *for* a lot of things the government does. I just think the government sucks at doing it. I can't think of anything the government has done that wasn't wildly inefficient and far less beneficial than promised. They suck at doing it.
Would it be good if some guns were banned? Sure. I can get behind that. But who decides where the line is and who enforces it? The government? No. They are guaranteed to fuck that up. So I'll live with whatever consequences come with allowing 12 year olds to buy bazookas. So I lean right on the 2nd amendment.
I'm heavily left on abortion. Maybe I could be convinced it's murder, but I still wouldn't care. Nobody wants it? Kill it. More air for me. Am I for abortion right up until the moment of birth?? I dont' know? If I'm not, then where's the line and who enforces it? The government? No. They are guaranteed to fuck that up. So I'll live with whatever consequences come with allowing a pregnant woman to tap out right before the epidural.
I hope that clears it up.
I want to understand why you're so single-mindedly defending the wall
See above. Same reason I'll single-mindedly defend an absurd and dangerous policy like universal healthcare.
that you'll say things which are not supported by any data (reality)
Walls work.
. Some data which illuminates things on topic has been posted ITT at your request, but none of it seems to have changed even a nuance of your position.
there's no nuance. Walls work.
Ergo, you've got an emotional attachment to the idea of the wall that you're willing to defend with or without facts.
FACT: Walls work.
I'm not trying to "haymaker" you. I'm trying to figure out why you're building a house of cards.
I'm trying to build a wall.
Where'd you get that number?
You cited "reality" as "data" earlier. I'd like to do the same.
It says 12 million on the DHS site.
Search harder. Related question: If we already know how many there are, why does it matter if we ask citizenship on the census?
Because that 25 million number was important to your point?
Because you don't just throw out unimportant nonsense to support a position with data that you came to with emotions?
You're a logical adult, so this new information will change your position as you incorporate it into what you know, right?
Your information is old. Here is some new information,
and I hope it will change your position as you incorporate it into what you know
Did you know most immigrants enter legally and overstay their visas?
Yeah, if you go back to the 70's to calculate the average. I'm totally over this whole argument. There are 60K+ people a month showing up at the border. That's the situation right now, today.
(I didn't find any more recent data. Let me know if you do.)
See above. Current as of today.
Assuming illegal immigration is the crisis you say it is, is a wall the best way to address this, given these data?
You act like this question hasn't already been answered. Google "2016 election". This has already been adjudicated....WALL.
If you're asking my personal, non-political opinion, as to what is the best way to keep unwanted people out of a place? WALL.
"Is a wall the most effective use of our money to address these issues?"
Poop is gonna give me crap for changing what you say here. But you have to understand, from my perspective, this question is *exactly* the same as asking "Should we listen to democracy". The answer is yes. yes we should.
I'm really over this ladder argument. Honestly, it's pathetic. First of all, if Trump was able to build the wall he wanted...ladders wouldn't work. You can't perch yourself on top while you lift the ladder over. Two ladders? Maybe. They would have to be really tall. They would have to be really strong. Picture it, would people orderly climb over one at a time? Or would they just all climb up the ladder single file? How many people are on the ladder at once? How strong does this ladder have to be? How much would that ladder weigh? How easily could something like that be carried through the desert?
How likely is it that someone would be able to approach the wall, set up the apparatus to get people climbing over it, herd people over it, and then move into america undetected? Without a wall, all they have to do is walk on through.
The wall doesn't stop a determined bad guy.
And locks are for honest people. So leave your front door open and stop locking your car.
It makes his job harder. It slows him down so less manpower can apprehend more criminals.
These are all good things.
Hey wait... that's still not me saying a wall isn't a populist idea
Holy fuck. Ok. Fine. If you're gonna play this game, I can too. I didn't say you said a wall isn't a populist idea. I said you implied it. And when you implied it, I asked you a question. That's not me putting words in your mouth. You said something. I interpreted it, and then I asked you to confirm my interpretation. What exactly is your problem with that?
It's still me pointing out that people voted for Trump for many reasons, and just because a majority of people voted him over Clinton, that doesn't mean the same majority supports each of his positions and policies.
So? Why does that matter? You elect whole candidates.