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If we're talking about chicken pox, it's not just about yaya you get it as a kid and feel itchy for a week then you're fine. It's what if you get it as an adult and then you can be in serious trouble.
I never had mumps, for example. It just didn't seem to make the rounds at my school very often. So, if there were a mumps vaccine back in the 70s I would be fine. But now if I get it, it's a concern.
When my parents were kids, polio made the rounds. I don't remember anyone worrying about the polio vaccine when it came out, it was more like 'give me ten please'.
I really don't know what the objections to vaccs are, besides some b.s. about autism, like 'hey my kid's got autism, three years ago they had a small pox vac. let's connect some dots that aren't really there.'