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How exactly?
1) Prior to his nomination, few knew who Bernie was and what he stood for
2) The DNC's shenanigans made sure it remained this way
3) Hillbots would accuse anyone who supported Bernie of being sexist.
4) Donna Brazile came clean on this exact issue as well
They totally rigged it. It just was not a fair race. The DNC made sure of this. And with all the rigging, she still only got 3 million more votes.
And in poll after poll, Hillary beat Trump right within the margin of error. Bernie beat Trump by like 10% in poll after poll. decisively outside any margin of error, and still to this day does. He just does not carry the baggage Clinton does.
It's even funnier in that the evidence shows that Trump probably didn't even say it. The reporting came from people briefing reporters on what happened in the closed room. Washington Compost didn't actually hear him say it. And it's not like those tasked with briefing the reporters (Trump is their boss) would include something like "he said shithole countries" without a purpose.
The super delegate system is why Hillary would have beaten Bernie regardless of the DNC's interference. There's plenty that's been written about it in major publications that you're free to look up on your own. He didn't have a snowball's chance in hell because he's not a part of the Democratic party.
Also LOL to Bernie beating Trump by >10 points.
Hillary lost because she got out-campaigned on the electoral map. Are you telling me Bernie would have done better??
Exactly which states do you believe Bernie would have won that Hillary didn't?
Big numbers in heavily populated pockets of liberalism doesn't necessarily translate to a nation-wide election win. Also, you're completely ignoring how badly Bernie's ideas and policies would have been debunked and discredited during the course of a general election. His math didn't add up.
Why do you conclude that?
I'm only concluded on what the evidence is, that the reporters didn't hear it and they were told about it not by sources but by those tasked with briefing reporters on what happened.
Adding to this evidence, we can add reason, like how there is a rich history of the Trump admin giving the media fake stories. In this situation that it doesn't even matter if he said it. What I find funny is that yet again the media and so many others believe yet another thing that confirms prejudices even though the evidence doesn't.
Don't those tasked with briefing reporters have some credibility? More than one person came out of that meaning saying he he said it.
Trump took 12 hours to deny it. And now two republicans have given a statement that looks very damage-control-ish rather than an emphatic denial. Were they listening and paying attention, or not?
He said it wuf. Just accept it.
Though from what I've read today, it sounds like the "shithole" remark was totally seperate from the "why do we need more people from haiti" remark. Meaning that Trump is not lying when he says he said nothing derogatory about Haiti.
That being said. Haiti is a shithole.
The main thing that has me thinking he actually said it is that it's probably easier to dispense what he wants that way. The other option would require a more complex and easier to fail system of making staff know secret intent. That's not out of the question though. On the flip side, there is heightened risk with the strategy of actually saying this sort of thing since it can be recorded, which would damage Trump significantly given he said he did not say it.
The bottom line is I don't know how Trump functions on this sort of thing. And it's hilarious that when reporters are told something, they believe it as long as it confirms their bias.
I do. He thinks the idea of open borders is totally retarded, and feels that he doesn't have to respect anyone who espouses that idea by debating the issue or even explaining himself with more than a single bombastic sentence.
He could have explained in great detail why he wants a merit-based immigration system and why certain classes of people, particularly from certain parts of the world would not qualify. And then he could have dressed it up with alot of politically correct rhetoric.
But why do that? As a show for Dick Durbin's benefit? Fuck Dick Durbin
It wouldn't have changed Dick Durbin's mind anyway.
Personally I believe he dropped the s-word simply as a means of drawing a line in the sand. Calling those countries shitholes suggests that he has a very strong, firm, and unwavering opinion about what value immigrants from those countries can bring to America. And it's not good.
He's basically saying, in one short sentence, that he's not interested in any kind of touchy-feely, all-inclusive, open-border, immigration policy where America receives no benefit from taking in the worlds stragglers. Unless they're being violently oppressed by a tyrannical regime, or unless they are bringing valuable skills and knowledge to our economy, then those people can stay in their shitholes.
To me it looks like nothing more than a business-man used to efficiency and expediency, exercising his power as president to bring about just that. Now he doesn't have to waste time going back and forth cutting up draft after draft of a shitty bill. Now he's made it clear where he stands and how little interest he has in changing his mind.
I kinda like it.
Imagine the shit he's gonna say in his second term.
In case you dipshits didn't see, I started a NSFW chicks thread.
Zimbabwe is so cucked: http://www.africanews.com/2017/12/22...-seized-land//
Zimbabwe pursued the concepts of "fairness" and "social justice" to the fullest extent. Then they realized that emotionally feeling like they knew how to farm was not the same as actually knowing how to farm.
In case anyone reading this doesn't know the deal:
And then people starved.Quote:
The last time a white Zimbabwean farmer Rob Smart left his land it was at gunpoint, forced out in June by riot police armed with tear gas and AK-47 assault rifles.
Mnangagwa became president last month following a de facto coup that ended 93-year-old Mugabe’s rule. In the latter half of his 37 years in power, Zimbabwe’s economy collapsed, especially after the seizure of thousands of white-owned commercial farms under the banner of post-colonial land reform.
They also cucked themselves because now no businesses want to set up shop there because they've shown that they have no problem sending the military in to take someone's shit if they want to.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Just Gave $33 Million to a Scholarship Fund for 'Dreamers'
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and his wife, MacKenzie Bezos, have donated $33 million to a scholarship fund for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children — the biggest grant in the organization’s history.
Another important element is that this exemplifies how the Marxist view of capitalism is just factually wrong. That idea is that producers, owners, those with capital, the bourgeoisie, the rich, are harming the people. The opposite is true, and the reason why gets back to what I discussed about a week ago about how wealth is more appropriately thought of in terms of resources. When a monetarily wealthy person sells something to a non-monetarily wealthy person, that non-monetarily wealthy person is in fact wealthier in terms of total resources. So, in effect, the Zimbabweans socialists demolished their own wealth when they exacted social justice on the "evil capitalists."
These socialism-loving dipshits are just the bottom of the fucking food chain because they're literal autistic fucking retards who would have been smacked in the head with a fucking rock back in the day, but now it's illegal to do that shit, so we're dealing with Idiocracy being a documentary instead of a fucking Mike Judge fart joke film.
When you made an appeal to authority the other day - right after a reductio ad hitlerum - I thought you were certainly trolling. An appeal to the authority of Lenin... I genuinely chuckled. I thought it was a joke.
I guess it wasn't. I honestly thought nobody could fit that many logical fallacy's into so few words without doing it on purpose.
I don't expect you to reply since you've already ignored my link to the most prominent examples, but ask yourself this question: Why do animals use alarm signals when the act of alarming others makes it more likely for the individual to fall prey? Hint: this is a numbers game and has nothing to do with any touchy-feely stuff.
Thank God America is in the hands of President Fox News.
The guy basically needs constant supervision, otherwise dumb shit happens. Like a six-year-old with a chainsaw.
But ya, he's like a smart person. A very stable genius indeed.
This is just left-wing hyperbole mixed with enough wishful thinking that you've convinced yourself it's true.
I love it.
Let this be the mantra of the democrats all the way to 2020. Galvanize your core of delusional kooks, and give the moderates a reason to go looking elsewhere.
Poop, when are you gonna realize that this shit you're saying is exactly the kinda shit that's gonna get Trump re-elected?
Ah, here comes the cavalry...
You love the fact that your president looks like a moron to most of the world? Oh, ok, that's reassuring.
I don't live there buddy. You guys do what you want, elect who you want, and I'm sure whether it's Oprah, Trump, or Tom Brady it'll be entertaining. glhf.
In fact, why not elect Tom Brady? He's really smart at football, so obviously he must be smart at everything. I mean anyone who can win multiple super bowls must be a smart guy, right?
They will never get it. There's no reason to even try with them. A big part of it is that they care more about being liked than anything else. It's why they put so much value in being a victim, which is tied into why the left has turned into a competition to see who can be the biggest snowflake.
It's the same reason why they can't understand that they lost tremendous ground politically under Obama. Obama was liked as a person, and Trump is not. They believe this makes Obama a better president and that it gives "their side" more political clout. It doesn't.
They don't have a clue when it's completely and totally obvious to anyone who looks at the actual data. If you look at the state legislatures, Congress and the governors of the states, the Democrats lost well over 1,000 seats during Obama's presidency. That's a lot of fucking seats.
A related topic is how they feel victimized by Hillary winning the popular vote but losing the election. This gives them another "I'm a victim" point to add to their total, and many of them want to change the rules so that the Electoral College doesn't exist. They aren't in touch enough with reality to realize that the campaign strategies for each side would have been completely different if the rules would have been different, but instead, they like this fantasy world where they think they would have won "if only things were fair." Never mind ever trying to explain why the Electoral College is necessary: Their idea of fairness is whatever set of rules gets them what they want without earning it.
This is why I'll give one or two tries with one of them, and once they show that they're incapable of getting it, I stop trying. They're like zombies. There is no cure.
Edit: While I was typing my comment, the perfect example was posted:
To quote myself above: A big part of it is that they care more about being liked than anything else.
This one really irks me. Because it's not like the the electoral map was unwinnable for Hillary.
Trump won Wisconsin, but Hillary won the county (precint? district? w/e) of Milwaukee. However, she won that county by less votes than Obama did in 2012. I forget the number of votes, but let's call it X. She lost the state of Wisconsin by exactly X votes after spending 0 campaign days in that state.
In other words, had she put time and resources into winning that state, she could have. All she had to do was hit a turnout target achieved by her predecessor in one measly city. She failed. Not only failed, but didn't even try. And as a result, she lost that state.
Political malpractice. But somehow, the narrative is that she got robbed. WTF???
It's yet another example of the same thing. They do not understand personal responsibility. Everything is always someone else's fault, even if they have to blame the rules themselves.
They think that personal responsibility is some farce is something those "in power" or "privileged" have tricked people into believing in. It's why they make fun of poor white people for voting "against their interests." There's a simple disconnect in understanding that cannot be cured once it gets past a certain point.
This is why their social capital has become who can be the biggest victim. For a particularly fun example, it's why you have people like the ginger kid Shaun King playing a black man who rides the trans-racial train and says stupid shit like "Ungrateful is the new nigger," (source) in response to Trump saving some basketball players' collective asses after they did stupid shit like shoplifting in China of all fucking places.
There was zero focus on the responsibility of those players to not do stupid shit. They were victims.
So they will check off every box they can to make themselves stand out as a special snowflake since it's a competition to see who can be the biggest victim since that's the source of virtue and social capital that they've developed for themselves. The more "unique" and "non-standard" they are and the more minority groups they can insert themselves into (or outright create, which is where the 50+ gender pronouns thing comes from), then the bigger the victim they can portray and the better they can feel about themselves.
This is why the worst thing you can be in their eyes is a straight, white, cis-gendered male. You get zero victim points for that.
Meanwhile, you have people who refuse to have a victim mentality who actually bust their asses to get shit done so that these dipshits can think they deserve a piece of the rewards of doing so.
Edit: Added link to source.
When your reaction to the message is to attack the messenger, it highlights just how weak you are as an interlocutor.
When the liberal media goes ape-shit over practically every Trump tweet or comment, whether it's bad, so-so, or neutral, they effectively turn themselves into mindless propaganda machines. Similarly, when Hannity or whoever on Fox and Friends spins practically every Trump move as a triumph regardless of it being good or bad, they're doing the same thing for the other side. Anyone can see this, but yet you still take what you see on Fox as 'fact' and what gets told on the other side as 'fake news'. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the truth lies somewhere in-between?
More generally, I'm curious to know if you could provide some arguments as to what Trump's actually been doing that you think is constructive. And I'm not trolling, I'm genuinely curious: What is he doing right in your minds? Let's talk about his good points.
Here's another good example, for BananaStand and everyone else.
The first thing he has to do is establish himself as the victim (ie: I'm being attacked). That's their first reaction to everything because they don't understand anything else.
Now he wants to go down his little list of talking points he was told to use, whether he realizes it or not, and doing things like assuming anyone gives a shit about Fox, Hannity or anything that he has to say in general.
And finally, he wants to try to put on a front of being reasonable and wanting to have an actual conversation. However, as we can see from his history, this is the last thing that he wants. Any point that is brought up will not be understood in the context of reason and personal responsibility. It will all be about the victim points tally and how people feel, both of which are useless in the realm of people who actually get shit done.
They are zombies, and there is no cure.
In 2017, the record was set for the most record-high days for the stock market in a calendar year. #winning #maga #trump2020
Kentucky to add Medicaid work requirement; first state to follow Trump plan
Kentucky received the green light Friday to require many of its Medicaid recipients to work in order to receive coverage.
The Bluegrass State thus becomes the first state to act on the Trump administration’s unprecedented change that could affect millions of low-income people receiving benefits.
Under the new rule, adults age 19 to 64 must complete 80 hours of "community engagement" per month to keep their care. That includes working a job, going to school, taking a job-training course or volunteering.
No, when your message is retarded garbage, calling you a purveyor of retarded garbage is apt. And there really is no other way to describe your "trump is dumb" drumbeat other than to call it retarded garbage.
Strawman. I don't see anyone in this thread doing this.Quote:
When the liberal media goes ape-shit over practically every Trump tweet or comment, whether it's bad, so-so, or neutral, they effectively turn themselves into mindless propaganda machines. Similarly, when Hannity or whoever on Fox and Friends spins practically every Trump move as a triumph regardless of it being good or bad, they're doing the same thing for the other side. Anyone can see this, but yet you still take what you see on Fox as 'fact' and what gets told on the other side as 'fake news'. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the truth lies somewhere in-between?
Wow, really??Quote:
More generally, I'm curious to know if you could provide some arguments as to what Trump's actually been doing that you think is constructive. And I'm not trolling, I'm genuinely curious: What is he doing right in your minds? Let's talk about his good points.
-Tax bill
-Tax bill that is phase 1 of dismantling obama care (individual mandate is gone now!)
-two years ago, there was 45,000 ISIS fighters in Iraq and Syria, today there are 1000
-Illegal immgration has plummetted
-supreme court judge confirmed
-Travel ban upheld
-Not willing to entertain pussy-whipped compromises on comprehensive immigration
-brushes off an investigation that's been going on for two years with the goal of impeaching him
-Is credited with thawing relations between North and South Korea
-Dow at 25,000
Here's a list of all the presidents in the past 100 years who have or haven't presided over a new record-high stock market
Have: (14)
Bush Sr.
Bush Jr.
Haven't: (3)
To be fair, Roosevelt was president for 14 years. But on the other hand he came to power during the Great Depression. Arguably the market didn't fully recover until after Truman was finished as well.
But let's assume those are lame ass liberal cuck arguments, and it's their fault cause they sucked. Still, 13/16 presidents before Trump were good enough to preside over a record stock market.
A simple sign test would tell you it would be surprising if Trump didn't preside over a record stock-market, independent of his qualities as a president.
So maybe that's not the best argument in his favour.
Yet another short story to drive this point home further.
I have a friend who lives in a top 10 major US city who complained to me about her boyfriend of a few years the other day and his attitude towards homeless people. She said that he lacked compassion because he told her not to give them money. He had also said that he hated how there were so many homeless people in the area and that it wasn't like that 10 years ago. She was reconsidering the relationship over this.
She's in her late 20s, and he's in his early 40s. She recently moved from a fairly rural area to live with him.
So my friend ends up giving this homeless man a few dollars because she decided she wouldn't listen to the man she's with. Naturally, this homeless dude starts following her asking for more. It freaked her the fuck out.
She goes to her boyfriend and was a bit shaken over the experience. He said I told you so. They had an argument.
Her point was that she wanted to help people, so she wanted to give the guy money. His point was that she was hurting the guy in the long run by giving him money and hurting herself by making herself a target. She was literally helping no one.
The only reason she wanted to do that was to feel good about herself and to virtue signal about how good of a person she was. Not surprisingly, the story became all about how she's a victim of her boyfriend being an asshole and having no compassion for people.
When she asked me for my advice, I told her that her boyfriend had more compassion for the homeless than she did and that she was only doing what she was doing for selfish reasons without actually thinking about what she was doing.
The fundamental ailment of the left is that they have been convinced that they are helpless pieces of shit. This is the source of making being weak or being a victim into a virtue, and it's the source of why they compete over who can be the biggest helpless pussy. It's also why they hate anyone who is not a helpless piece of shit.
Ignoring the fact that you're implying he deserves credit for whatever happened in the one year before he was president, let's give him credit for at minimum, not fucking up what Obama started. You might even argue he made things work better than they would have otherwise. Ok, fair enough.
Perhaps my point was a bit obtuse so let me make it less subtle so you understand.
Giving Trump sole credit for the stock market is akin to giving Hoover sole blame for 1929 or Truman sole blame for having a lower stock market in 1950 than existed in 1928, or Bush sole blame for 2008 or Bush Sr. sole credit for 1989.
Do you follow now?
No one here is giving Trump sole credit for the stock market (another of your seemingly endless string of strawmen). However, the rise started the day he was elected and has not stopped in over a year while he has been president. That's a strong indicator that his election and policies are a primary cause, though they are obviously not the only cause.
Happy to give him credit for these things happening under his watch. One can argue whether or what extent they're positive though, depending on one's perspective.
Depends on which tweet you accept as his position, the one before or after Fox News was on TV.
'Brushes off' is a bit opaque, and doesn't seem consistent with his repeated tweeting about 'witch hunts' and the like. To his credit he hasn't said much about it lately, I admit.
But last I heard, Mueller is thinking of asking him for an interview.
Is he? By whom, may I ask?
Poop....what COULD Trump have done in the last 12 months that would impress you?
In a nutshell, it means that net value is increasing, which helps everyone. It does not mean that "people who have money invested in the stock market bought more stocks." In fact, it means that more people want to buy stocks than people want to sell them. That's what drives value up.
Aside from that, take it to the official cuckposting thread. I have no interest in discussing anything related to economics with someone who has proven repeatedly that they don't have the baseline level of knowledge to discuss it intelligently.
I just mentioned several things you could give him credit for.
But if you want to know, here's a few things that would make him a better president in my eyes:
First, he could comport himself with more dignity. That would be a good start.
Second, he could stop himself from saying racist or otherwise toxic things (even if he believes them in his heart or w/e) if for no other reason than to show people respect.
Third, he could fire his kids from the white house and hire people who actually know what they're doing.
There's a lot of other things I find irksome, but I think you get the idea. I suppose some more moderate policies on certain things like immigration, the Middle east, etc. would be good as well.
None of this has anything to do with policy. this is just you having a personal distaste for a bombastic celebrity holding official office. That's not a 'wrong' opinion. I sympathize with it to some degree. It's part of the reason I didn't vote for him in the primary. But that's all in the past. Trump won the election. And he did it by being all of the things you listed above. Everyone knew what they were getting, and they elected him. Complaining about it now is nothing more than whining. He's a cantankerous ass hole. That's not news. It's also not disqualifying in any way.
Moderate policies on these things over the last 8 years led to record illegal immigration, and the rise of ISIS.Quote:
I suppose some more moderate policies on certain things like immigration, the Middle east, etc. would be good as well.
Trump ran on the promise of having non-moderate policies on these things. And he won. He owes it to his constituents to follow through on his promises, which is exactly what he's doing. If people didn't want that.....they would have voted for someone else.
So at the end of the day....you just don't like the guy. And you think the way to deal with that is to throw a crybaby tantrum calling the guy all kinds of disparaging names and pretending like you're some kind of authority on presidential decorum.
The thing I am most impressed by is that he hasn't bent to media or ctrl-left social justice pressure. Just about all Republicans would, except perhaps one like Cruz. But even then I'm so impressed by this that even though I voted for Cruz over Trump, I think Trump is doing better than Cruz would.
My #2 is North Korea. Watching this dance play out piece by piece has been awesome. I have been super impressed with his strategy and all the tactics he has been using to make that strategy work. We're going to look back at this as Trump literally being the man who solved the North Korea problem. Several months back I was saying that with some hesitance, but given how much real movement on the ground there has been so far, I say it with full confidence now.
ISIS is an easy #3. It went from gangbusters under Obama to virtually finished after a year of Trump allowing Mattis to do what Mattis wants to do.
His attention to rational expectations is #4. Given how much I care about this, it's strange that it's only #4, but that shows how great the ones above it are. Rational expectations is one of the most important concepts in economics, and it is my estimation that Trump understands it better than most economists. Essentially Trump is making the world believe the future will be better, which makes the people behave like the future will be better, which means that current behavior is better since people adjust for future expectations in current behavior, which is what ends up making the future better.
#5 is the many regulation cuts behind the scenes. After he dutifully morning tweets out something that gets the media and bobbleheads to reeeeeeee, he then usually cuts restrictions on hardworking people behind the scenes, and only those who pay attention to things that matter notice.
I'll stop here.