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Poker Forum

Poker Strategy

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Beginners Circle

New members and Beginners questions about anything FTR or poker, There are no stupid questions.


  1. dhubermex,
  2. spoonitnow
  • Threads: 15,628
  • Posts: 180,010

Small Stakes NL Hold'em

Small Stakes ($25NL and lower): Basic No-Limit Hold'em strategies and general NLH discussions.


  1. d0zer,
  2. Micro2Macro,
  3. spoonitnow
  • Threads: 985
  • Posts: 10,506

Full Ring NL Hold'em

Mid Stakes ($50NL to $600NL): Full-table ring game NLH strategies.


  1. Deanglow
  • Threads: 10,799
  • Posts: 85,043

Short-Handed NL Hold'em

Mid Stakes ($50NL to $600NL): 6-max or less ring game NLH strategies including Heads Up cash game play.

  • Threads: 11,242
  • Posts: 118,700

Tournament Poker

Anything related to tournament poker: All forms of SnG, MTT or multi-table SnG NL Hold'em tournament strategies.


  1. chardrian,
  2. taipan168,
  3. donkbee
  • Threads: 19,305
  • Posts: 160,966

All Other Poker/Live Poker

Discussions of all other poker games (Limit Hold'em, Omaha, 7 Card Stud, 5 Card Draw, 2-7 Triple Draw, Razz, HORSE, Open Face Chinese, etc.) and live poker hands.


  1. Fnord,
  2. TLR,
  3. drmcboy,
  4. baudib
  • Threads: 8,274
  • Posts: 68,068

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