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Help with a Ahk script i wrote?

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  1. #1

    Default Help with a Ahk script i wrote?

    Pretty simple, just opens pt, auto-imports, opens stats, filters and minimizes it, and then opens some other programs.

    It opens the auto-inport window, but doesn't actually start the timer, for some reason the "sendinput s" line isn't working, but if i run it up to that point and manually type in "S" it starts.

    Anyone have any idea what the problem is?



    ; Enter in the location of each of the programs required below.
    ; pahud/poker client/pokertracker/betpotscript

    Pahud= C:\Program Files\PokerAce Hud\PAHud.exe
    Client= C:\Poker\Noble Poker\casino.exe
    PT= C:\Program Files\Poker Tracker V2\ptrack2.exe
    Script=C:\Documents and Settings\Shane\Desktop\poker\ahk\scripts\iPokerBet Pot.ahk

    ; Enter what site you're playing on

    site= Ipoker

    ; Choose whether to filter pt stats to today or now (1 is on, 0 is off)

    filter= 1

    ; set paths to start other applications, if 5 is not enough, create more ("path6" and so on).

    path1= C:\Program Files\Spadeit\EyePoker\eyepoker

    ; IPOKER SETTINGS (Just ignore this section if you're not playing on ipoker)
    ; choose whether you want the tables to be filtered to show only 6max tables when the ipoker client opens, ("1" is ; ; on, "0" is off)
    ; Also input in the name of the skin you're playing on (Noble/Green Joker etc)

    Skin= Noble

    ; Do Not Edit Below This Line

    DetectHiddenWindows, on
    #SingleInstance force

    Run %Script%

    ; PokerTracker Section

    IfWinExist, Poker Tracker

    Run %PT%

    WinWait, Poker Tracker ,
    WinGetTitle, Title, A

    WinMenuSelectItem, %Title% , , File, Auto-Import, %site%
    sleep 600
    Sendinput s
    sleep 50

    WinMenuSelectItem, %Title% , , File, Ring Game

    WinWait, %Title% - [Ring,

    ; Filter
    If %filter%

    MouseClick, left, 879, 113

    MouseClick, left, 281, 246

    MouseClick, left, 360, 240

    FormatTime, TimeString,, MMdd20yy

    SendInput %TimeString%

    MouseClick, left, 292, 116



    ; Run Pahud

    IfWinNotExist, PokerAce
    Run %Pahud%
    WinWaitActive PokerAce Hud

    ; Run Client

    run %Client%

    ; Filters tables to 6max only

    If %6max%
    WinWait, %Skin% Poker,
    IfWinNotActive, %Skin% Poker, , WinActivate, %Skin% Poker: Players,
    WinWaitActive, %Skin% Poker: Players,

    sleep, 200
    MouseClick, left, 212, 167
    Sleep, 200
    MouseClick, left, 360, 93
    Sleep, 200
    MouseClick, left, 219, 162
    sleep, 200

    Loop, 100
    if (path%a_index% = "")
    path = % path%a_index%
    Run, %path%

  2. #2
    Halv's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    No hindsight for the blind.
    Seems to work fine here.. Maybe increase the sleep time if your computer is running slow? (though it works fine on my überslow laptop.) Do you have multiple processors/cores? This might have something to do with it as well - I remember having problems with a script of mine that relied heavily on timing sleeps when I moved it from a single core to a dual core pc.

    Regardless, try this for more reliability:

    WinWait, Poker Tracker, Auto-Import %site%
    ControlClick, Button11, Poker Tracker, Auto-Import %site%

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