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.ahk scripting

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  1. #1

    Default .ahk scripting

    Firstly Thanks a ton to robb and Naka because the little .ahk I know came from them in posts here and here.

    So far I have scripted in .ahk for pokerstars:
    fold (clicks fold to any bet in LH corner)
    call (only on your turn to act)

    A "leak" if you will that I have with my ahk scripting right now is that it assumes a set table size and is clicking based upon location. Going to change that so it grabs the table width and then edits to percentages of that instead of direct pixel locations.

    What other things would you guys like to see scripted in .ahk? I'll be posting some code here if there is any interest for it.
  2. #2

    Default It's like Magic; Any number of desktops on 1 screen.

    Holy shit this is pretty amazing to me. Essentially what this script does is takes you desktop with oepn windows and calls that desktop1, when you press alt-2 you are taken to a blank desktop2 where you can open windows ect. Now press alt-1 and you are taken back to desktop 1 with all them items on your original desktop. Use alt-x to toggle to that desktop, if it does not exist yet it will be created. Press alt-0 to exit this script and all your windows will be on one desktop.

    scripting here, not my work.

    if you need some basic .ahk help such as getting the above one set up look to naka's post. otherwise I'm in irc and you can pm me here.
  3. #3
    Congrats on learning AHK! For clarities sake Rage2100 wrote all the code in those threads. He's a talented programmer while I just put stuff together that eventually works if I bash it hard enough! Elegence isn't my thing; I'm more a bazooka kind of guy.
  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by dneureiter View Post

    A "leak" if you will that I have with my ahk scripting right now is that it assumes a set table size and is clicking based upon location. Going to change that so it grabs the table width and then edits to percentages of that instead of direct pixel locations.
    Do check out SetTable.ahk. Rage wrote a very elegant solution to the bypass the set table size, so the code works on any table size.
  5. #5
    Wrote this for fulltilt since I'm playing there for the short time. afaik it's bug free but that is not a promise. Go play some play money. You can change the ^xx to anything you want but I just set macros for Control-xx. The "^" denotes pressing control + the key.

    This script assumes a fulltilt window / game is operating in the normal aspect ratio. It will work correctly in a resized window so long as it is proportionally correct / not maximized.

    ;================================================= =========================================

    ;================================================= =========================================

    ;================================================= =============================================== ;section assumes table width of 960 pixels * x (ft default) ;=============

    ^f:: ;===== fold
    IfWinExist, ahk_id %tableID%
    WinGetPos, X, Y,widt,heig,,, %ahk_id%
    muli := widt / 960.000
    x := 655 * muli
    y := 639 * muli
    SendInput {click %x%, %y%}

    ^r:: ;NOTE: this will click the raise button but will not set a standard raise size, It will open to default set by software (tableninja or site software)
    IfWinExist, ahk_id %tableID%
    WinGetPos, X, Y,widt,heig,,, %ahk_id%
    muli := widt / 960.0 return
    x := 882 * muli
    y := 640 * muli
    SendInput {click %x%, %y%}

    ^s:: ;===== +1 bb (or size set by fulltilt software per click on sizing bar -- see options on the table and set to .5 bb if you prefer)
    IfWinExist, ahk_id %tableID%
    WinGetPos, X, Y,widt,heig,,, %ahk_id%
    muli := widt / 968.0
    x := 939 * muli
    y := 573 * muli
    SendInput {click %x%, %y%}

    ^a:: ;===== -1 bb (or size set by fullitlt software per click on sizing bar)
    IfWinExist, ahk_id %tableID%
    WinGetPos, X, Y,widt,heig,,, %ahk_id%
    muli := widt / 960.0
    x := 831 * muli
    y := 573 * muli
    SendInput {click %x%, %y%}

    ^g:: ;===== calls
    IfWinExist, ahk_id %tableID%
    WinGetPos, X, Y,widt,heig,,, %ahk_id%
    muli := widt / 960.0
    x := 767 * muli
    y := 640 * muli
    SendInput {click %x%, %y%, 0}

    ^q:: ;===== shove-a-ments
    IfWinExist, ahk_id %tableID%
    WinGetPos, X, Y,widt,heig,,, %ahk_id%
    muli := widt / 960.0
    x := 924 * muli
    y := 528 * muli
    SendInput {click %x%, %y%}
    Send input ^r

  6. #6
    Well done on expanding your script.

    Try using the mouse wheel to increment/decrement the bet size by one and the middle mouse button to shove. Makes it very easy to control the bet size without searching for keys.

    Now for an auto timebank clicker and auto sit-in features.....

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