DanArong posted this in the tilt thread:

Quote Originally Posted by DanAronG View Post
The fact that people have it worse than me does not make what I experience right or any less tilting.

I wanna work 4 days per week, 10 til 3 with an hour lunch break for the equivalent of a full time wage.
Luco rebuttled with:

I know, for one, that Koreans work a 60-hour work week which is just preposterous. Additionally, they have one of the highest suicide rates in the world along with the highest binge drinking rates in the world (Koreans get FUCKED up on weekends).

The income gap (at least in America) and taxes on the middle-class has made it difficult to accept a 40-hour work week for less money (compared to, say, the 1950s). Basically, I agree with DanArong here.

Your thoughts?