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*** The Official MAGAposting thread ***

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    Default *** The Official MAGAposting thread ***

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  5. #5
    Can we just get rid of the idea of 'emotional support animals'?

  6. #6
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    Is the proposition that we can MAGA by insulting and ridiculing more?

    'Cause that doesn't seem like a viable approach.

    I mean, if this is a "Look at these dumb hypocrites" thread, then fine. Needs more FTR quotes, though.

    I get that it's cathartic to play the "I'm so much better than those people" game. It is a fantasy game, though. Aside from the immediate gratification of a feeling of moral superiority, which is itself a problem, it offers no benefits to any parties involved.

    If your political opponents were actually idiots, then their party would be swiftly and soundly defeated.

    Intelligent people disagree. This is a thing. Disagreeing with unintelligent, stubborn people is a waste of an intelligent, open-minded person's time.
    Don't waste your time on idiots who could not rally any vote around their cause. They are not your opponents, they are hot air.
    Your real opponents are the intelligent, charismatic people who can win votes.
    While you may strongly disagree with their goals, you will never outwit them if you think they're idiots. They're not. Assuming they are idiots could be your most idiotic mistake.
  7. #7
    maga isn't about america anymore. maga is the new court jester that speaks the truth to the king's and country's face when nobody else can. maga rustles snowflake jimmies.
  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by MadMojoMonkey View Post
    Is the proposition that we can MAGA by insulting and ridiculing more?
    maga isn't about america anymore. maga is the new court jester that speaks the truth to the king's and country's face when nobody else can. maga rustles snowflake jimmies.
    I guess that's a yes.
  9. #9
    I'm being slightly tongue-in-cheek. Slightly. So let me explain more seriously.

    The point of this thread is to be the archetypal court jester. I call it MAGA because, well, the court jesters of society have vanished from their usual places (like stand-up comedy) and reappeared in internet Trumpian circles. Those who don't like what the court jesters have to say tend to view it as ridicule, but that's not what the court jester is really doing. The court jester speaks a (very) unpopular truth regarding some contemporary social dynamic that spares no feelings. The court jester gets away with doing this by being over-the-top and silly. Most people do not like what the court jester has to say, and if they did, the court jester wouldn't need to say it in the first place.
  10. #10
    As long as you're happy to give someone the option to execute you when we get bored.
  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    As long as you're happy to give someone the option to execute you when we get bored.
  12. #12
  13. #13
    bigred's Avatar
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    Can you clarify when exactly America was great originally? I hear all this nostalgia but no definitive time.
  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by bigred View Post
    Can you clarify when exactly America was great originally? I hear all this nostalgia but no definitive time.
    Excellent question. One for which I cannot provide a quantifiable answer, but can qualify.

    America's greatness is an idea. America is where the ideas of individual sovereignty and constrained government flourished. America didn't create those ideas, but America gave them their horsepower.

    Here's something you might like: from discussions we have had in the past, I have gathered that you might think that religion is kinda nonsense. Well, the freedom with which you can believe that grew the most out of America and the ideas that encapsulate Americanism.

    America is the Renaissance on steroids. The Renaissance is where the European aristocracy brought back the classic Greeks. Some small bits of western Europe incorporated the Renaissance into the world of the non-aristocracy. America grabbed that and sprinted with it. So much of what we take for granted today came because of how America changed things.

    That is not to say that America was the only mover. It was (is) not. It was (is) the vanguard and the chief force for progress.
    Last edited by wufwugy; 08-14-2017 at 02:06 AM.
  15. #15
  16. #16
  17. #17
    Jack Sawyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    That is not to say that America was the only mover. It was (is) not. It was (is) the vanguard and the chief force for progress.

    Insert Trump joke here

    Is this only the MAGAposting thread or is this the politics shitposting thread 2.0?
    My dream... is to fly... over the rainbow... so high...

    Cogito ergo sum

    VHS is like a book? and a book is like a stack of kindles.
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  18. #18
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    No, it's the "we devolve into political droolers by ignoring the intelligent discourse which opposes ours, and only focusing on the vocal idiots who are easy targets, unwittingly making ourselves easy targets."
    AKA the "wuf marginalizes his political voice" thread.
  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by MadMojoMonkey View Post
    No, it's the "we devolve into political droolers by ignoring the intelligent discourse which opposes ours, and only focusing on the vocal idiots who are easy targets, unwittingly making ourselves easy targets."
    AKA the "wuf marginalizes his political voice" thread.
    The only thing I would object to here is the use of the present tense. He's been doing this for over a year now.

    Can't wait for Wufmindlessshitposting thread 3 with some other catchy title that I can safely put on my ignore list.
  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopadoop View Post
    The only thing I would object to here is the use of the present tense. He's been doing this for over a year now.

    Can't wait for Wufmindlessshitposting thread 3 with some other catchy title that I can safely put on my ignore list.
    You don't enjoy reading them?

    At least three of his posts in this thread are legitimately funny.
  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    You don't enjoy reading them?

    At least three of his posts in this thread are legitimately funny.
    I enjoy it as much as I can enjoy vacuousness sure.
  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopadoop View Post
    I enjoy it as much as I can enjoy vacuousness sure.
    1, 3 & 15 are good.

    With regards to the google post and treating people as individuals I think the poster of that comment forgets two things which are pretty important. The first of which is that if you are in an industry that is say 90% male you are missing out on a load of great women who would be a massive plus to the industry and thinking of ways to encourage those women into the company is a huge plus. I'd argue companies attempting to do this do so really badly but in principle it's definitely something they should be looking to do because it's a huge plus for the company. The second thing he forgets is that the concept of treating people as individuals is actually a much falser reality than what's going on, racism, sexism etc all exist and play a big part in peoples everyday judgements so to say judge people as individuals and juts assume that no bias exists is just shitty rhetoric too.

    I don't think people appreciate the fact that women leaving the workforce is actually a huge drain on the workforce. To put it more in numbers if 98% of the top 30% of the male workforce are working to near their potential in the workplace and only 60% of that top 30% of females is doing the same you're putting worse people in jobs. Even if you expect that number to be lower for women due to gender differences it's not hard to see that we're talking gulfs in difference when it should be small differences.
    Last edited by Savy; 08-14-2017 at 06:31 PM.
  23. #23
    Super neat how no counterpoints are made yet I am still attacked.

    Like shooting fish in a barrel.
  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Super neat how no counterpoints are made yet I am still attacked.

    Like shooting fish in a barrel.
    I'm shitposting lolololol


    Look at everyone attacking me whilst I'm shitposting lololololol
  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    I'm shitposting lolololol


    Look at everyone attacking me whilst I'm shitposting lololololol
    The posts here are quite different than in the shitposting thread.

    When people find things you believe disagreeable, the trick is to tell them things they either have a hard time disagreeing with or that they would have to spend brain time formulating an argument against, and then watch them not address the claims and instead address you with negativity.
  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    The posts here are quite different than in the shitposting thread.

    When people find things you believe disagreeable, the trick is to tell them things they either have a hard time disagreeing with or that they would have to spend brain time formulating an argument against, and then watch them not address the claims and instead address you with negativity.
    The posts I think are funny and the posts I agree with aren't the same.

    Also my original post wasn't taken seriously enough in terms of the regard you should take for your craft because what is happening to you isn't the same as a court jester.

    Also also see lots of points made in my post about how I disagree with the google chap.
  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    The posts I think are funny and the posts I agree with aren't the same.

    Also my original post wasn't taken seriously enough in terms of the regard you should take for your craft because what is happening to you isn't the same as a court jester.

    Also also see lots of points made in my post about how I disagree with the google chap.
    I'm sorry I wasn't clear. I wasn't referring to you. In my experience you have always been fair and logical.
  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    I'm sorry I wasn't clear. I wasn't referring to you. In my experience you have always been fair and logical.
    I've always said I'm a great guy and anyone who disagrees is a cunt.

    If you're trying to convince people or something, and I'm not saying you are, then maybe the least important thing should be them.
  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    1, 3 & 15 are good.

    With regards to the google post and treating people as individuals I think the poster of that comment forgets two things which are pretty important. The first of which is that if you are in an industry that is say 90% male you are missing out on a load of great women who would be a massive plus to the industry and thinking of ways to encourage those women into the company is a huge plus. I'd argue companies attempting to do this do so really badly but in principle it's definitely something they should be looking to do because it's a huge plus for the company. The second thing he forgets is that the concept of treating people as individuals is actually a much falser reality than what's going on, racism, sexism etc all exist and play a big part in peoples everyday judgements so to say judge people as individuals and juts assume that no bias exists is just shitty rhetoric too.
    I agree.

    I don't think people appreciate the fact that women leaving the workforce is actually a huge drain on the workforce. To put it more in numbers if 98% of the top 30% of the male workforce are working to near their potential in the workplace and only 60% of that top 30% of females is doing the same you're putting worse people in jobs. Even if you expect that number to be lower for women due to gender differences it's not hard to see that we're talking gulfs in difference when it should be small differences.
    I'd state it as "drain on business" instead of on workforce. People leaving the workforce is a benefit for those who remain yet it is bad for employers.
    Last edited by wufwugy; 08-14-2017 at 09:50 PM.
  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    I've always said I'm a great guy and anyone who disagrees is a cunt.

    If you're trying to convince people or something, and I'm not saying you are, then maybe the least important thing should be them.
    Could you clarify your final point? Are you getting at the idea that disagreement with a person is one of the least effective ways to change that specific person's mind? If you are, I agree entirely. The phenomenon is pretty huge.
  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    I'd state it as "drain on business" instead of on workforce. People leaving the workforce is a benefit for those who remain.
    You don't you're just lying to make me more agreeable but yes I agree I used inconsistent terminology.
  32. #32
    Are you saying I don't think people exiting the workforce is a drain on business?
  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Could you clarify your final point? Are you getting at the idea that disagreement with a person is one of the least effective ways to change that specific person's mind? If you are, I agree entirely. The phenomenon is pretty huge.
    Your point was "I make points, get attacked (personally), nothing happens*". If the people you're arguing against are juts spouting rhetoric at you then what are you doing to convince them otherwise? That is a genuine question. IF you're just saying a they're saying b how is that any different to the echo chambers you don't like?

    *The last one is false and maybe you imply it intentionally but it's also not outrageous to think you're also assuming this to be true as a fault.

    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Are you saying I don't think people exiting the workforce is a drain on business?
    I feel like you edited something out of your post but tbf I'm drunk and maybe not. But ye I agree with your terminology was my point. Not that you were trying to be sneaky because what you said originally was just a better phrasing of what I said too.
    Last edited by Savy; 08-14-2017 at 09:58 PM.
  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    Your point was "I make points, get attacked (personally), nothing happens*". If the people you're arguing against are juts spouting rhetoric at you then what are you doing to convince them otherwise?
    Mostly I'm probably experimenting.
    That is a genuine question. IF you're just saying a they're saying b how is that any different to the echo chambers you don't like?
    I'd say it is an echo chamber, like you say. We're all in echo chambers. I believe there is value in expanding consumption of various echo chambers that disagree with each other such that one's echo chamber becomes more representative of greater knowledge and critical thinking.
  35. #35
    That kind of goes against the point of what an echo chamber is. You saying things into the abyss isn't changing anything.

    More generally to everyone,

    How much of this post do you agree with and how much don't you?

    Not necessarily related but I think BBC3's whos "what not to say to x person" is the worst around.7
    Last edited by Savy; 08-14-2017 at 10:06 PM.
  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    I agree.

    I'd state it as "drain on business" instead of on workforce. People leaving the workforce is a benefit for those who remain yet it is bad for employers.
    I should clarify that this doesn't mean that labor participation exit is actually good for the remaining laborers. In most ways it is probably bad. Lucky for us, entry and exit of labor tends to be an effect from a change in something else. My initial claim was regarding the exit resulting in (and from) virtually no industry disruption other than employers having a harder time finding employees and having to pay them more.
  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Savy View Post
    That kind of goes against the point of what an echo chamber is.
    It's definitely not the way the term is generally used. I use it that way because I estimate it to be philosophically consistent with the meaning of the term.

    You saying things into the abyss isn't changing anything.
    What do you mean? Are you saying that me posting stuff in an attempt to change minds here isn't effective? If so, I agree by about 90% (or whatever made up big percentage). While I think I have altered some opinions, the main change that comes is my own honing of ideas and style.
  38. #38
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Super neat how no counterpoints are made yet I am still attacked.

    Like shooting fish in a barrel.
    Where's the attack?
    My "marginalizes" point or was it poopadoop's "vacuousness" comment, 'cause either way, you're assuming false victimization to call either a personal attack.
    You hypocrite.

    Now... who do you think you're calling out, here? Why should we offer counterpoints to the idiots you're making fun of? They're legit idiots, from any side of any aisle.
    Furthermore... what points? Those memes you've posted? IDK where to even begin to unravel your use of imagery to vilify a position no one holds, here. Take this thread to reddit and I'm sure you'll find a room full of idiots who are more than happy to spout their half-baked ideas to both support and refute your points.

    You're picking on idiots, and waiting for them to argue with you. This reduces you to mocking idiots, which is, at best, an idiotic thing to do.
    If you think we hold those opinions, then you're being a jerk who has ignored every intelligent conversation we've had with you.
  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by MadMojoMonkey View Post
    If you think we hold those opinions, then you're being a jerk who has ignored every intelligent conversation we've had with you.
    I don't think you hold those opinions (which is in part why I posted them), yet I am (and my views are) treated as stupid and oppositional. One can see where I'm coming from now.
  40. #40
    If I have misread and you simply do not like the tactic I have used (meme-form joke and ridiculousness), then I apologize. I intended this to be where people could post their own hard truths in ridiculous form, but it quickly turned to "there goes wuf again saying dumb stuff". Granted, I may have purposely-subconsciously laid poison pills within (maga) because maybe I want to be the lone wolf. It gets me hard.
  41. #41
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    I don't think you hold those opinions (which is in part why I posted them), yet I am (and my views are) treated as stupid and oppositional. One can see where I'm coming from now.
    Who cares if haters gonna hate, man?

    I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I'm impressed with how much you've changed and incorporated new ideas over the years. Some of those ideas got a lot of pushback from discussions here, and now you hold them. Certainly not the mark of a stupid person, IMO.

    I'm sorry if you feel like you're getting attacked. You do come across as just looking for an argument a lot, and I think you have cultivated that with purpose. Being argumentative is gonna rub most people the wrong way at least some of the time. You're just different than some people looking for arguments because of the reason I noted above: you're actually interested in incorporating new, good ideas. Your method of figuring out if an idea sounds good or is good sometimes is to adopt the idea fully and see where it gets you. I don't fully get that attitude, but I respect that it's leading you to deeper understanding of who you are and what you stand for.

    Don't let the haters slow you down.

    You got this.
  42. #42
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    If I have misread and you simply do not like the tactic I have used (meme-form joke and ridiculousness), then I apologize. I intended this to be where people could post their own hard truths in ridiculous form, but it quickly turned to "there goes wuf again saying dumb stuff". Granted, I may have purposely-subconsciously laid poison pills within (maga) because maybe I want to be the lone wolf. It gets me hard.
    lol. nice finish.

    I'm all good with making fun of idiots. I'm pretty idiotic at least once a day.

    I got on the wrong train the other day (red line instead of blue line) and didn't notice until I was 2 stops past my exit (the 2 lines share rail for a while, then diverge). Soooo... I'm clearly worthy of some fun-making and "stupid" calling on a fairly regular basis. I'm certainly not going to defend it if you call me out for doing stupid things I actually do. At most I can shrug and say, "heh, yeah... I'm working on it, OK... it's progressive (lie)."
  43. #43
    Jack Sawyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    maga rustles snowflake jimmies.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    I intended this to be where people could post their own hard truths in ridiculous form, but it quickly turned to "there goes wuf again saying dumb stuff". Granted, I may have purposely-subconsciously laid poison pills within (maga) because maybe I want to be the lone wolf. It gets me hard.
    My dream... is to fly... over the rainbow... so high...

    Cogito ergo sum

    VHS is like a book? and a book is like a stack of kindles.
    Hey, I'm in a movie!
  44. #44
    Jack Sawyer's Avatar
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    My dream... is to fly... over the rainbow... so high...

    Cogito ergo sum

    VHS is like a book? and a book is like a stack of kindles.
    Hey, I'm in a movie!
  45. #45
  46. #46
    big lol

    Last edited by wufwugy; 08-19-2017 at 01:17 PM.
  47. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by MadMojoMonkey View Post
    Now... who do you think you're calling out, here? Why should we offer counterpoints to the idiots you're making fun of? They're legit idiots, from any side of any aisle.
    I've been thinking about this because your comment is the base for me realizing some of my own incoherence of thought. It's that the stuff I have posted is in part because I think you guys agree with it but also don't agree with it. I think maybe I have defined an idea by its worst elements (which isn't necessarily wrong, but also not necessarily right). Since your comment, each time I wanted to post something, I have had to ask the question of myself if it's a mischaracterization of the opinions of those on this board, and usually it seems to be so I haven't posted much since. That said, I think the reason why I automatically think they're not mischaracterizations is by this logic: take the Onion one for example, I think that is the inevitable outcome of sufficient enough government intervention into the college system. But you don't see it that way; therefore the Onion piece can seem to me like it's not a mischaracterization of what comes of your professed beliefs even though it is an explicit mischaracterization of your professed beliefs.

    Anyways, congrats. I tend to revisit criticisms sent my way, and that one comment basically got me to reconsider the intent of this thread.
  48. #48
    It's possible that I gave gravity to what you said because of the more generous things you said in 41 and 42. I don't know if this is the case, but I do believe that the mind comes to its reformed ideas for reasons very poorly understood, and that for the last few days on occasion your criticism as well as generosity was in my mind. Maybe the generosity opened me up to the criticism. I have no clue, just wanted to say it could be the case.
  49. #49
    Can there be a love greater than the love I have for this?

  50. #50
  51. #51
    Don't mind Frank, just doing more in one afternoon than Congress has done in half a year.

  52. #52
    Why has no one pulled him up on how shit a job he did? He also came across like a brainwashed idiot, poor chap.
  53. #53
    No wonder the White House is such a dump, they got a ten year old kid cutting the grass.
  54. #54
    Jack Sawyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poopadoop View Post
    No wonder the White House is such a dump, they got a ten year old kid cutting the grass.
    Do they pay him more than they pay the Mexicans?
    My dream... is to fly... over the rainbow... so high...

    Cogito ergo sum

    VHS is like a book? and a book is like a stack of kindles.
    Hey, I'm in a movie!
  55. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Sawyer View Post
    Do they pay him more than they pay the Mexicans?
    Nah, Trump stiffed him. Kid has to go to court to try to get his wages.
  56. #56
    Rocket Man might be the most brilliant use of language I've encountered.
  57. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Rocket Man might be the most brilliant use of language I've encountered.
    Ya, Elton John really had a way with words.
  58. #58
  59. #59
    oskar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    Rocket Man might be the most brilliant use of language I've encountered.
    You put some guitar under that speech and you basically got a Dylan song.
    The strengh of a hero is defined by the weakness of his villains.
  60. #60
    Can you find a better example of skin in the game (and lack thereof)?

  61. #61
    Being made to feel like a bad person for refusing to sing the national anthem is disgusting. Am I a bad person for refusing to sing a song about an imaginary dude in the clouds protecting the legacy of a priviledged elderly woman of German heritage? Or would I be an utter hypocrite if I did sing the fucking song?

    Let people make their choices, and respect them. By casting moral judgement on those who refuse to sing a song based on the concept of compulsary patriotism, one becomes an even bigger arsehole than the person they critisise.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  62. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Being made to feel like a bad person for refusing to sing the national anthem is disgusting. Am I a bad person for refusing to sing a song about an imaginary dude in the clouds protecting the legacy of a priviledged elderly woman of German heritage? Or would I be an utter hypocrite if I did sing the fucking song?
    Dude, I think you kinda missed the point raised by of both sides of this issue.

    Football, or anything like it, only happens because we live in a free and prosperous society that allows for such comforts and luxuries. That society didn't just create itself. It exists because of the efforts and sacrifices of the people sworn to protect and defend America. We recognize those efforts and sacrifices by playing the national anthem before community events like this. This mini-ceremony to remind us of our shared history, helps to strengthen us as a culture.

    No one is ever forced, or even asked, to sing. The vast majority of people remain silent actually. You don't have to salute. You don't have to take off your hat. You don't have to put your hand over your heart. We just ask that you stand, along with everybody else, and show some respect for the sacrifices that are part of all of our shared heritage.

    If you can't support that, then you're oblivious to history, delusional, or both. But STILL, in America, we respect your right to be oblivious, delusional, and not support gestures of respect for the flag. If a player doesn't want to salute the flag, he doesn't have to. He can stay in the locker room getting his ankle taped, taking a piss, or playing computer solitaire.

    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    Let people make their choices, and respect them. By casting moral judgement on those who refuse to sing a song based on the concept of compulsary patriotism, one becomes an even bigger arsehole than the person they critisise.
    WHOA!!! slow down on the contradiction there buddy.

    Sure, let people make their own choices. So how about we let the stadium full of people enjoy their mini-ceremony? There are thousand of people all taking 30 seconds to celebrate their common history. "Let them make their choices and respect them"

    If you can't do that, then it is definitely time for some moral judgement. Instead of letting those tens of thousands of people have their 30 seconds, some under-educated over-night millionaires come out and thrust THEIR activist cause onto center stage. You don't feel like there is a moral judgement to be made there? You don't see why some of those tens of thousands of people might be a little miffed?

    Beyond that, there are other issues I have with this whole situation.

    First, it's so hopelessly misguided that the act undermines itself with its own ridiculousness. Exercising freedom of speech by disrespecting the symbols and history that gave you that freedom of speech seems kinda retarded.

    Second, with thousands of TV stations, dozens of social media outlets, and the relative fame that comes with being a professional athlete, all of these guys have many many many better ways to get their message out. Instead, they chose a method that insults the ideals of most of their fan base.

    Third, these guys are supposed to be "working". Every company I've ever worked for goes out of their way to keep a lid on any kind of political activism in the workplace. It's disruptive, divisive, and has nothing to do with your job. Go ahead, tomorrow at work send out a company wide email rooting for your favorite cause. Even if it's something seemingly benign like "support the troops" or "yay freedom", I can almost guarantee you that HR will be calling you and telling you to shut it down.

    Yet when league and team owners try to protect the integrity and mass appeal of their brand by stifling these protests....they are cast as racists. That kind of baseless accusation should certainly evoke some kind of moral judgement.

    And's obviously FAILING. Sure these protests are headline news in the sports world. But what is all the talk really about? All the questions seem to be asking "Is this the right venue for this activism?" or "what do you think about so-and-so's protest?". I have barely heard a word about the meaning of the protest or its cause. I haven't heard of any specific action that these players are calling for. I haven't heard of any goal that they might have other than to call attention to themselves.
  63. #63
    Sure, let people make their own choices. So how about we let the stadium full of people enjoy their mini-ceremony?
    So long as you're not bullying people who can't be arsed to stand for a sing song, then sure I can let you have your sing song while I go grab a beer.

    ...some under-educated over-night millionaires come out and thrust THEIR activist cause onto center stage.
    Yeah sports dickheads ramming their political opinion down the throats of fans does boil my piss somewhat. Same with musicians, or authors of shit kid's books, or wheelchair-bound physicists.

    And yeah as the well paid sports star in the centre of the field, sure there's more responsibility to not be a dick. Someone in the crowd doesn't want to stand, whatever. Millionaire cunts ruining everyone's day... different matter. I can understand why that pisses people off.

    I don't disagree with most of your post. I just have a real problem with ramming patriotism down people's throats. Nobody chose to be shat out in the country they were born in... why have pride or shame for your nation's history? Have pride or shame for your own actions.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  64. #64
    The controversy arises in large part because the kneeling is for the expressed purpose of protesting the anthem, America, Americanism, history, etc..

    The skin in the game comment has to do with how those kneeling are utterly clueless about what they are doing* because they have no actual skin in the game; whereas the cop is clued into what he is doing because he has skin in the game.

    *They're protesting something that isn't even real. They're protesting fake news, fake narrative. They live in ivory towers and act like they're simpatico with the streets. They don't know history, they don't know philosophy. They're protesting essentially that which gives them the right to protest in the first place. They epitomize ignorance and solidarity with harmful ideas. They epitomize a pitfall of when one doesn't have skin in the game.

    The cop OTOH might not know any of this abstractly or in a way that he could explain it, yet he experiences it. He has skin in the game. He puts his life on the line. He lives on the streets. He salutes the nation because he believes the nation is good, and he believes the nation is good because of its cultural ideals that he experiences every day. The ideals at the heart of why the kneelers kneel have destroyed nations.
    Last edited by wufwugy; 09-25-2017 at 06:42 PM.
  65. #65
    "I'm not going to let one individual, no matter their power, ever use sport as a platform to divide us." - LeBron
    Says a man who has no fucking idea how stupidly ironic his comments and actions are.

    If these guys were saying "bollocks to patriotism" I'd be on side, at least to the point where they're quietly letting those who want to have a sing song get on with it. But these guys are saying "oh my god Trump is a cunt, fuck you everyone I'm going to be a dick about it". I mean they're taking a giant dump on the majority of people there. Then they claim they won't be divided. These people are as moronic as they are rude.

    Still, bollocks to national anthems and flags. They mean fuck all to me.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  66. #66
    America is fucking crazy. It causes a shitstorm here when our footballers wear poppies. Political statements are a big no-no from FIFA's pov, they fine nations when their fans sing nationalist songs. How do NFL allow this to happen?
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  67. #67
    NFL has always been US specific, so being all about the US is typically accepted (preferred). FIFA is mostly global, so setting one nation above another is weird.

    One idea is that the NFL is trying to go global. I think that is a small part of it, but I have a source that claims insider information that I think is probably more accurate: the narratives in companies that deal with NFL (like jersey manufacturers) think that anti-Americanism, Trump is evil, blacks are oppressed, America was never good, etc., are actually selling.
    Last edited by wufwugy; 09-25-2017 at 08:04 PM.
  68. #68
  69. #69
    FIFA is mostly global, so setting one nation above another is weird.
    True, but the point is that FIFA set the bar so much higher. The poppy isn't even political... it's rememberance, honours the war dead, and, as far as I'm aware, offends nobody. FIFA have recently relented and accepted it as an exemption, but probably only because of the lack of protest from other nations.

    NFL are the regulators of US football and I would assume they issue licenses to players. They should realise that politics creeping into the sport is bad for business because it's divisive, and they have the power to ensure it doesn't happen, or at least if it does they can fine or suspend players, or even revoke their licenses.

    It's bringing the sport into disrepute, and they're allowing it.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong
  70. #70
  71. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    NFL are the regulators of US football and I would assume they issue licenses to players. They should realise that politics creeping into the sport is bad for business because it's divisive, and they have the power to ensure it doesn't happen, or at least if it does they can fine or suspend players, or even revoke their licenses.

    It's bringing the sport into disrepute, and they're allowing it.
    Yeah, like you say, they should realize it. My hypothesis regarding why they don't realize it is they are getting very bad advice.
  72. #72
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    Everything would be so much easier if all kinds of protesting were made illegal.
    Our brains have just one scale, and we resize our experiences to fit.

  73. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    the narratives in companies that deal with NFL (like jersey manufacturers) think that anti-Americanism, Trump is evil, blacks are oppressed, America was never good, etc., are actually selling.
    Did you see who has the #1 selling jersey this week?

    Either your insider friend is talking out of his fudge knot, or the NFL and all it's sponsor companies are currently stunned at being proven so very wrong.
  74. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by OngBonga View Post
    NFL are the regulators of US football and I would assume they issue licenses to players. They should realise that politics creeping into the sport is bad for business because it's divisive, and they have the power to ensure it doesn't happen, or at least if it does they can fine or suspend players, or even revoke their licenses.

    It's bringing the sport into disrepute, and they're allowing it.
    First of all, on the disrepute front, the NFL has bigger fish to fry. Google "Aaron Hernandez"

    Second of all, what you're saying makes sense to me, but public opinion seems to be going the other way. You wouldn't know this unless you follow the NFL closely. I'm sure you don't, because you live in a country that prefers pansy-ball.

    This whole thing with kneeling for the anthem actually started last season, or maybe the season before by a Quarterback named Colin Kaepernick (sp?). CK is a guy who got a little hot in his first year or so, and then turned out to be a really really really shitty quarterback. As such, he is currently unemployed.

    The discourse and overwhelming narrative during the preseason seemed to ask if CK was being denied a job by racist white team owners because of his activism. There were plenty of people on the side of "no, he actually just sucks", but the popular opinion was that he was being blackballed.

    My two cents, he was being blackballed. He might be good enough to be a backup or something in the league, but he brings a lot of headaches and distractions. A team can't give the guy a contract without its owner, players, and coaches being harassed with questions about the guy and his politcs.

    Look what happened to the Steelers this week. There are stories out about how the team struggled to agree on how to handle the national anthem. They wanted 100% team unity for whatever they did, and spent the whole week debating what to do. In the meantime, they must have forgotten to practice cause they got beat by the fuckin bears. For those of you who follow pansy-ball, the Steelers are a team that was one win away from the Super Bowl last year while the Bears are a team that went 3-13 last year.

    Maybe they would have lost anyway, but its pretty obvious the team was not focused. And THAT is why no one wants the distraction of hiring CK. Furthermore, imagine if a team did sign the guy, and then he actually sucks and they cut him. It doesn't matter how bad he played (A LOT of teams have crummy QB's), cutting him would be a media shit-storm.

    The problem is, this kind of sensible, logical analysis never makes it to the public discourse. Mostly because its too level-headed and boring. Instead, it seems that the public narrative is forcing NFL owners to make a choice. Side with the activists...or you're a racist.

    And the absence of any sensible middle ground, is what irks me the most about this whole situation. If you kneel during the anthem, you're a traitor. If you stand for the anthem, you're a racist.
  75. #75
    You're right, I don't follow NFL at all. I call it eggball. It's somewhat hypocritical of me to use that phrase because I like rugby, but still, eggball sounds funny.

    I was talking about this earlier with my friend, who sympathises with the players. I pointed out that a plyer who is thinking about politics right before the game is acting unprofessionally, a point my friend couldn't counter. His focus should be 100% on the job he is paid to do. When the entire squad is concerned about it instead of the upcoming opposition, and then go on to lose against an inferior team, well that just goes to show the importance of focus.

    I see this as virtue signalling, and I consider it rude to draw attention to one's political beliefs while the majority of people around you are trying to engage in a patriotic sing song. However ridiculous I personally find the sing song, I respect the fact that it is important to the vast majority of people there. My friend respects these guys' right to protest, which I don't argue with. I just counter that they are being dicks in doing so, and agree with Trump that it is potentially a disciplinary matter.
    Quote Originally Posted by wufwugy View Post
    ongies gonna ong

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