 Originally Posted by Poopadoop
None of this is factual. Explain what the 'shady shit' is and provide some evidence it is happening more to right-leaning people than anyone else.
Dude....they held senate hearings about it. Do we really have to have a debate about whether this is actually happening or not?
explain why Twitter is required to be apolotical, and why this standard doesn't apply to other media.
The standard does apply to other media. If you pick up the phone and call Oskar to talk about how much you hate muslims, and how schools would be better if they were segregated by color, that's fine. The phone company can't take away your phone just because you're using it for racist things.
And you might be saying "yeah but Oskar is a willing participant in that call and its private". Doesn't matter. You can open up the phone book, pick out any name, dial the number and say "Hello, my name is Poop, and I'd like to talk to you today about why Bruce Jenner is still a man". That's all completely legal, and if the phone company tried to stop you, they would be breaking the law.
Let's say you and your friends used your telephones to communicate while planning a bank robbery. YOu got caught, went to prison, and got out. You move into a new apartment and try to have the phone hooked up.....as long as you can pay, they have to hook you up. They can't say "Sorry sir, you can't be trusted not to use our phone lines for bad things"
That completely apolitical, apathetic, and unwavering neutral stance on all things at all times is absolutely necessary for public platforms that become integrated into our economy enough to become infrastructure. There are laws governing phone lines, and the electric grid for exactly this reason. Access to these services is completely necessary to function in the economy. Allowing discrimination by a private company, which is not bound by the constitution, undermines the fairness of the marketplace.
The law simply has to catch up to the technology now. Twitter and Facebook qualify as necessary economic infrastructure. So a choice must be made. Are they a platform, or a publisher? That's the question that congress has to decide.
If they are platforms, then they are part of the economic infrastructure and thus have to be fair to all people at all times. The same laws that govern public utilities and communication companies would simply apply to Twitter and Facebook. We don't even have to do anything. The laws are already written.
The other option, is that Twitter and FB are publishers. In that case, they are responsible for everything that they publish. If you published a book that said that I was not a handsome genius, then I would have a case against you for libel. But I would also have a case against your publisher. They would be just as responsible for your statements as you are. So if that's the route Twitter and FB wanna go, then they are legally culpable for *EVERY* instance of slander, incitement, bullying, and defamation that exist in those cesspools of humanity.
What they don't get to do is say "Hey man, we're just a private company conducting our private business in our own way. If folks don't like it they don't have to be on our platform"
Legality aside, there is a moral argument to be made here. America's system of individual freedom and the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has created the ideal environment for these companies to thrive. Part of that system is the unequivocal freedom of speech, and by extension, the freedom of thought. I don't care if these are private entities or if the constitution technically applies. Only a supremely narcissistic dick head would think "It's bad for the government to regulate speech because they would do a bad job. I would do a good job, so it's ok for me to compromise this principle that I supposedly believe in very deeply. I'm smart enough, right enough, moral enough, 'woke' enough, and *GOOD* enough to censor speech in a way that works and is good for everybody"
It makes me sick that people who think like that are actually getting rich in America.
EDIT: It also makes me sick that people like that are allowed to be forum moderators in America
I hope Jack Dorsey gets AIDS and Zuckerberg wakes up with terminal cancer tomorrow.
I mean that. I really really do.