 Originally Posted by oskar
I specifically recall asking you not to be upset.
I'm more amused than anything.
 Originally Posted by oskar
They're just guys.
They're not just guys, they're the Secret Service.
And yes I get it, on the inside they're still human and capable of making mistakes, even big mistakes. But not a bunch of them at the same time.
They've got a command center set up somewhere around there that oversees the whole thing; they're in touch with everyone there. I don't know how many people are in it (and they're obviously not going to tell us), but I'm guessing it's more than a couple of guys and a coffeemaker.
I also don't know how many messages they get during the day that could make them take pause. But, someone sends them a text saying 'look, there's this weirdo walking around with a rangefinder,' and the people in command of security all just go, 'oh that's nice,'. Then a half hour later another text comes in and says 'you know weirdo range-finder guy? Now he's wandering around looking at buildings.' And again they all go 'nothing unusual about that, he's probably just thinking of buying one of those warehouses someday. Ignore him. Send out Agent Orange. It's hot, let's get this shit over with.'
 Originally Posted by oskar
They've done hundreds of Trump rallies, and all but one were boring as shit.
You know most security is boring right? It's not like they're picking off potential assassins left and right at most of these rallies.
 Originally Posted by oskar
They decided the roof was far (and hot) enough to be outside their perimeter, and it was good enough if the cops handled that. The cops said: This roof is hot as fuck, I'm not going up there...
Please, use your head for just a minute. The SS don't just say to the local hillbilly cops "you're in charge of everything > 149m away from the stage,' and hope the local cops do a proper job of it unsupervised. They give them explicit instructions on where to have people ahead of time, get there a couple of hours in advance and make sure they're following those instructions, and if they're not, they don't let the client out in the open.
Also, if you're one of these hillbilly cops you don't get to say "i'm not going up there, it's hot out," and if you do you should be instantly fired. And if you're the guy in the command center and someone says 'where's the guy on building 7 (or whatever)' you don't just go 'ah well I guess it was too hot for him.
And even if that goes unnoticed, you don't have to be physically on the roof to cover it with a rifle. They can see the whole roof from the 2nd story building next door where they have snipers stationed. But yet, Crooks gets up there, crawls around for who-knows-how-long with all the yokels yelling 'he's on the roof! he's got a gun!' and nothing happens until he lets off eight rounds at Agent Orange. Come on.
 Originally Posted by oskar
You have one possibility with all those intricate cogs moving to stage an assassination attempt
Why do you need all these intricate cogs? You need one person in charge of security deliberately letting him slip through.
 Originally Posted by oskar
including human sacrifice
Right, because if there's one thing psychopaths in power care about it's the lives of innocent people.
 Originally Posted by oskar
I'm almost positive Epstein didn't kill himself,
Now who's the conspiracy nut?
 Originally Posted by oskar
but I'm spending zero energy engaging with that because, what's even the point?
If there's no point engaging in things you don't have the answers to, then why do you keep posting about this?
 Originally Posted by oskar
And you have nothing to go on here either.
I have questions that aren't being satisfactorily answered. I also know this kind of thing has happened in the past.
 Originally Posted by oskar
Do you have a human body?
Most days.
 Originally Posted by oskar
When do you ever cut yourself and bleed for two weeks. It was a tiny cut, possibly from shrapnel, it healed, end of story.
If it was a tiny cut that is invisible two weeks later, why did it bleed so much? Is Trump a hemophiliac? God, I hope he never nicks himself shaving, he'll need an emergency transfusion.