Originally Posted by OngBonga
The fact people in the crowd got hit by actual bullets tells you the kid had an actual gun.
That presupposes the kid was only human being in the entire area who had a gun, and ergo the bullets fired into the crowd had to have come from him.
[/QUOTE] So what, he aimed at the crowd but not Trump? You really think Trump is that much of a literallyHitler than he would sanction this plan? [/QUOTE]
Trump could have been told "hey we're going to fake an assassination attempt to build up your support, when you hear blanks being fired grab your ear and go down, then smear this fake blood on it before we lift you up again, then do the fight fight fight thing" thought "that's a great idea, I'm totally behind that, my ratings will be so high after this." They didn't even have to tell him real bullets would be fired into the crowd to make it more believable. He could hardly have said "wait a minute I only agreed to a fake attempt to dupe the public, I didn't agree to people actually getting killed," after the fact, could he?
[/QUOTE] Trump got hit by an actual bullet, on his ear, an actual inch from his big orange head. [/QUOTE]
His ear looks 100% intact to me. Funny way for an ear to look after a bullet supposedly hit it.
Also funny there was more blood on his seemingly intact ear than there was on Evander Holyfield's ear after Tyson indisputably bit a chunk out of it. Trump, whose blood probably has the consistency of KFC gravy given his diet, bleeds more from his wound that leaves his ear intact than a world-class athlete, whose wound left him with 97% of an ear? Does not compute.
[/QUOTE] The bullet that grazed him quite possibly killed or injured someone else. I don't see how this is anything other than a genuine assassination attempt. The motives and who's behind it, that's up for debate.[/QUOTE]
Again, presupposing he was hit by an actual bullet. Some people definitely were, not clear that any of them were Trump.
Let's see his "wound," once they take the bandages off. If it's actually a big hole in his ear and you just can't see it in the photo because of the blood, I'll say fine you were right. If it's some tiny nick that couldn't have possibly bled as much as that I'm standing by my paranoid fantasy.
Seriously, anyone who thinks there aren't people high up in the US establishment who wouldn't think twice of sacrificing a few US citizens for what they believe to be the best interests of the entire country are being incredibly naive. I mean, have you ever heard of a thing called war? These types of decisions are made all the time, don't act like it's so far-fetched.
I'm not saying that happened here, I just think there's something fishy about a committed conservative, registered republican kid suddenly deciding to bump off the Orange Jesus, then no-one in the secret service noticing him crawling around on a rooftop with a gun, then him hitting Trump in just exactly a way that would cause him to bleed a lot without seriously hurting him, before being offed himself by the SS snipers. Seems like an amazing confluence of highly improbable events all happening at the same time to me.