 Originally Posted by MadMojoMonkey
I think it's a categorical "no" whether Trump's speech incited anything to do with the storming of the Capitol building.............His speech did not cross any lines like that.............. a very difficult hurdle for a lawyer
Dude.....this makes me sad. Please turn on TV, open a newspaper, or click around some "news" sources online and look at what's happening.
You're acting like the letter, or even the spirit, of the law matters. No person can intelligently defend the notion that the protests at the capitol were in any way worse or different than what's been happening in major cities across America since May. All summer long we heard the famous MLK quote that "Riots are the language of the unheard, what is America not hearing?"
But when middle class white people aren't being heard....their outrage is labeled as privilege, and "white supremacy"
Kamala Harris promoted a "charity" started to pay bail and legal fees for BLM protesters. The Capitol protesters are on the no-fly list, banned from the internet, and basically 'cancelled' as people.
The actual "law" doesn't matter. Do you know how many laws there are? You probably broke five of them just today. If they can't charge incitement, they'll charge mayhem, or vandalism, or fucking loitering if they have to. They'll pile on all kinds of "aggravating factors" to make sure to get the maximum sentence possible. they'll stretch the definition things so that every footprint you left in the Capitol lobby counts as a separate act of vandalism, each with it's own months-long prison sentence.
It's nice that you *think* it's a categorical "no". But there isn't any world where the actual law matters.
How would Trump, or anyone else defend themselves in court? Who is going to be their lawyer? Trump's lawyers are in the process of getting disbarred....just for being on team Trump! Parler has NO legal representation at the moment. Curt Schilling can't even buy insurance because he doesn't nod in bovine agreement with the talking heads who say "Don't ask questions about the election"
Wake up dude. The law does not matter. That's why 75 million trump voters are pissed off. They see a president who is nothing more than an animated sack of skin reading a teleprompter. His Vice President is a psychotic progressive blaming every obstacle in her way on "white supremacy". The entire executive branch, including the justice department, votes democrat and HATES trump. They also hate Trump supporters, that is everyday middle-class Americans. And now they have the legislative branch in their pocket. One little vote is all it takes to add 4 more justices to the supreme court. You can be sure they won't be on any republican's side. And statehood for DC and Puerto Rico will ensure that the democrats control the legislature for generations to come.
all that is happening right now. Anyone who opposes left-wing progressive politics is not allowed to be a person.
But you think any of them, or especially Trump himself, will get fair treatment under the law???
You had better wake up dude. You can say all the platitudes you want about gay marriage, abortion, trump, or whatever talking point the progressive cult leaders want you to say. You can be a good little left wing soldier for as long as you're useful. But you're white, middle class, and a man. That's three different ways you are an oppressor. And when the time comes that someone needs a scalp....yours is a good as any.
The day will come where you take a job that a pakistani woman wanted, or you fail to hold an elevator for a black guy, or youre photographed with someone who is later exposed as a Proud Boy....and when that happens, there will be no redemption for you. It doesn't matter if you're a gay, transexual, abortion doctor giving all your profits to stop climate change.
If you're ever in the way of someone with less money, less testosterone, or more melanin....you're toast.
That's the world we're in right now, and it's getting worse.