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Low Carb

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  1. #76
    whatever bro i'm more tan than you
  2. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by ttwarrior1 View Post
    I love how skinny kids think they are some expert
    you are an awful poster
  3. #78
    reverse psychology confirmed works
  4. #79
    just going about saying what has to be said
  5. #80
    spoonitnow's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    North Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by ISillyDurrrAK View Post
    diet has to be balanced, without carb u won't have any energy
  6. #81
    I giggled too
  7. #82
    spoonitnow's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    North Carolina
    The scapulimancy is strong with this one.
  8. #83
    !Luck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Under a bridge
    Diet Report:

    Starting Weight:169 (2013-02-24)
    Ending Weight:165 (2013-03-19)

    Daily Averages:
    Fat: 220g
    Carbs: 20g
    Protein: 172g
    Calories: 2200kcal

    Had 2 drinks during the period. I continued to work out but stopped tracking calories(3-19) and hit 162.2 after half a mile swim yesterday. I couldn't believe how affective this is and despite some initial discomfort this seems like a great way to eat.
  9. #84
    I hear you bud. I've taken a couple of weeks off with essays etc - can't diet when I'm stressed haha - but back on it Monday. Keep it up!
  10. #85
    If I'm lactose intolerant, do I need to worry as much about the sugar in dairy? I assume that I do when I take lactaid, but otherwise I assume I'm pretty much not digesting the sugar.

    On a related note, I partake in a fair amount of dairy (while being lactose intolerant) and eat a lot of really spicy foods, so my bathroom habits are nowhere near what is indicative of good health. I've always kinda considered myself an exception because my frequent and irregular bathroom use isn't really because of a lack of fiber or whatever other sort of dietary problems, but maybe I should take it more seriously that I throw my GI tract through all sorts of loops?
  11. #86
    That second part is probably more of a question for health professionals, but I just thought I'd throw it in there.
  12. #87
    Try searching for articles on why dairy is bad for people, regardless of whether you are lactose intolerant or not, and consider eliminating it from your diet entirely. I stopped eating dairy 6 years ago (and I am not lactose intolerant), and it was easy once I started because I felt so much better within weeks of stopping. And anytime I eat dairy, I feel tired, sluggish, and congested for about a day afterwards.

    Here's an article that gives a good overview:

    Try giving up all dairy. That means eliminate milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream for two weeks and see if you feel better. You should notice improvements with your sinuses, post-nasal drip, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, energy, and weight. Then start eating dairy again and see how you feel. If you feel worse, you should try to give it up for life.
  13. #88
    I read the article and thanks for the info.

    But I'm not necessarily bothered by my GI symptoms of lactose intolerance that much. I mean, if I know I'm going to be in a 4-hour meeting and won't be able to shit whenever I need to, then I might avoid dairy or pop a few lactaid, but for the most part, I work from home, about 10 feet from the John and keep a stack of New Yorkers handy, so it don't bother me none.

    I just wanted to make sure that throwing my digestive tract through that much irregularity is bad for me. Does taking lactaid before I consume dairy make it worse for me nutritionally--because now I'm digesting those simple sugars that are shitty for your body--or does it make it make it so that I'm actually properly digesting my foods which is lolobviouslygood?

    I mean, I guess if the sugars are indigestible, then it's kinda like sucralose and all that crap and will lead to false alarm insulin spikes, which is bad, so that's not going to be good regardless.

    The sinuses thing is really interesting, though. I very persistently have to clear my throat, and I've always wondered why that is.
  14. #89
    @nightgizmo, what makes you say you're not lactose intolerant, out of curiosity?
  15. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by kiwiMark View Post
    @nightgizmo, what makes you say you're not lactose intolerant, out of curiosity?
    I don't get stomach issues when I eat dairy, instead it causes me to become more tired over the next day, and I feel congested (I have to clear my throat a lot, etc.).

    Although lactose-intolerance is a commonly known problem with milk, lactose isn't actually the biggest problem with dairy -- it's the protein, casein. Basically, your body's reaction to casein ends up causing inflammation throughout your body, causing that tiredness, congestion, long-term GI issues, other health problems, etc. And that congestion isn't limited to your nose/throat -- your body generates a lot of mucus around your organs in response to the non-stop inflammation (I quickly dropped 10 pounds when I stopped eating dairy, and I wasn't even trying to lose weight -- gave me back a flat stomach, tho).

    There is some argument over whether it's actually the dairy that's the problem, or if the problem stems from what is done to the dairy before it gets to your table. In America, most cows have all kinds of drugs and hormones shot into them so they can produce way more milk than normal. And then the milk has to be pasteurized, homogenized, and vitamin-enhanced. Then it's shipped hundreds or thousands of miles. So who knows if one of those steps is causing all of these problems.
  16. #91
    Ahhh okay, when you mentioned congestion in the other post I defo wasn't thinking nose/throat congestion. Cheers for the post

    I've never tried giving up just dairy, but during goof attempts at vegan for a couple of weeks I missed cheese more than meat, so I dunno if I could pull through. Maybe I'll try though, would be dumb if something was messing me up in the game without me even noticing.

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