Quote Originally Posted by DuckTollingGrinder View Post
1) Given the relative ease of making Queens up top in pineapple, what do you think of having the requirement being KK or better?

2) Along the same line, what do you think of having the FL rules be that Kings get you a 14 card FL, and Aces up top get you a 15 card FL? Or if people want to keep the minimum at QQ, then have QQ and KK get you 14, and AA get you 15? Staying would be 14 cards regardless.

The theory behind this is that the current system makes hands like 884AK have a no-thought-needed set (884 back, A middle, K top). By offering another card for AA up top, which is a huge addition to a FL hand, you at least need to consider playing the A up top b/c of the extra reward. More decisions, more spots where there isn't a clear right play, and more strategic options available are always a good thing, no?

Note: mods, you can delete the theory paragraph if you want questions for JM to be short and without commentary.
1. You must be running good if you think it's so easy

2. Against it, just makes FL more valuable and more complicated and more variance - too much