I dont remember what she said about Iran, but her response to trump re her face was wussy. "America heard what you said". Bleh. She sounds like a victim instead of a leader. Her planned parenthood thing was based on a video that was made up too, and only the most die hard of pro-lifers think that.

She did make herself known though, and I can certainly see her getting better polling because of this. I just think she pretty much wussed out over every 1on1, and was only marginally strong on some issues.

Also, to speak completely out of my ass, all I know is the last time we arms raced Russia it didnt end for decades. Trump's answer was non-specific and general, but its more believable that Trump could talk Putin down than it is that her plan succeeds. Putin is a guy who isnt gonna be scared of a woman leader either, so regardless of how much force she uses, hes gonna laugh and tell her to make him a sandwich.