I'm going to try and go pro. I'll post regular BR updates here so you guys can either high five my success or mock my failure.

Target is £1000 per month. December should give me a good idea if that's a reasonable expectation.

December 1st - today my BR started at around £450 and closed at £517. I've probably played in the region of 5 hours of poker. Better success in the late evening, I assume people were drunk but chances are good that these people are just fucking stupid.

Yesterday I relieved some dude of his £90 stack in three hands over the course of an hour. He was raising nearly everything, and calling any size raises with anything he raised or limped. I switched seats to Jesus seat him, and sat patiently waiting for hands I'm willing to play for stacks. The bingo hand he limps, I 3b shove nearly 100bb with AK spades, folds to dickhead, he calls Q5 spades. Flops misses both, turn ace and he's dead. He previously doubled me to this size stack by calling 74s vs my JJ. The first one was a looser 20bb shove with A7s, can't remember what he had but it certainly justified my shove. He got to £90 by getting ludicrously lucky against everyone else.

Before anyone asks, I'm not telling people where I'm playing. I'm quite happy to be left alone with the fish, tyvm. Find your own cash cow!