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FTR Community

All off-topic miscellany. Our lounge. WARNING: Topics within may contain images or links not safe for work (NSFW).


  1. a500lbgorilla
  • Threads: 11,533
  • Posts: 352,759

Werewolf Village

Welcome, ye traveler, to our humble village. The ale is sweet at Triptanes Tavern and the beds are soft at Lynchpeli Inn. But beware the wolves, for they haunt these grounds at night!


  1. a500lbgorilla,
  2. wufwugy
  • Threads: 319
  • Posts: 84,571

FTR Feedback and Announcements

FTR news, announcements and competitions, as well as a place for suggestions and ideas


  1. dhubermex,
  2. givememyleg
  • Threads: 886
  • Posts: 7,039

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