I'm so tired of these ungrateful little shits complaining about how they don't want to follow bankroll management guidelines because it's boring or they don't have the patience to grind out a decent bankroll or whatever. These excuses are bullshit and you're just donating to the poker economy so on the behalf of the majority of FTR regulars, I thank you for padding my bankroll.

Seriously, do you realize what you're saying? I mean, what's the thought process on this one? "Oh it's so horrible, if I'd just stop acting like a total retard for a couple of months I could make a few hundred dollars screwing around playing online poker for a few hours each week LIKE I ALREADY FUCKING DO."

Why do people continuously screw themselves out of so much money over and over and over again? I mean, I can completely understand guys who are new to poker and don't really understand the need for bankroll management. Hell, I can even understand guys who have plenty of money to blow and feel like giving some of it to me. But what about the average joe who feels like $300 is a lot of money, but consistently gives up the opportunity to make that much or more weekly from a hobby he already takes time out to do?

Here's an example. Let's say you grind up to the dizzy heights of $100nl over the period of a few months and 8-table full ring (which I think is roughly the same hands/hour as 5 or 6-tabling 6max depending on the site). Also, let's say you play 8 hours a week and make 1.5 ptbb/100 which is an okay but not great win-rate. Well you'll get in about 4000 hands a week, which is an extra $120, or $15/hour. That's not bad at all for a hobby. Hell, that's not even counting rakeback which would give you another $8-10/hour or so, bringing you to around an extra $200 a week on just 8 hours of play. That's half or more of a lot of peoples pay checks who hang around this forum.

So you deposit $25, donk around and move up and down stakes as much as possible. Maybe you cash out $100 or so here and lose your $25 buyin a few times there. Is all of that fucking around worth giving up an easy opportunity to make $25/hour or more with the same hobby you already have?

If the answer to this question is yes, and you make less than that at your job (or you don't have a job), then you're a dumbass and you won't get anything out of this anyway.

If the answer to this question is no, and you're one of the retards who have been doing the kind of shit I've been talking about here, then stop being a retard or whatever and make some damn money.

Quote Originally Posted by spoonitnow
The point of all of this is that having good bankroll management is sooooo right. There's so much into it. It yields higher skill improvements, more profit, and less stress among tons of other things. There are so many reasons to follow good bankroll guidelines, and so many reasons not to jump around and gamble it up that it's ridiculous that anyone who has been on this forum for any length of time would want to do anything different unless they had a gambling problem or something.