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What would be good prizes for our Tournaments?

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  1. #1
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    St Louis, MO

    Default What would be good prizes for our Tournaments?

    Right now we have: shirts, hats, card protectors, and key chains

    In the past, we've purchased a gift certificate for the winner to an online store, and had a winner play against our AMA guest (Barry Greenstein).

    A) What do you think a cool prize would be for winning an FTR OFC or POFC tournament.

    I, personally, think an FTR deck of cards would be a fitting prize. The thing is that custom decks of cards can be pricey compared to an off-the-shelf deck. So I would like to gauge what you think it's worth as a prize.

    B) Given { shirt, hat, key chain, deck, card protector } how would you rank them in order of preference?
    (If you have an idea for a prize, please rank that as well.)

    My list would go: "play against a pro", shirt, hat, deck*, card protector, key chain
    *a deck is something I would want more than 1 of.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by MadMojoMonkey; 01-08-2014 at 02:33 PM.
  2. #2
    Anything FTR would be more coveted than stars or FT
  3. #3
    I think the "play the pro" option would be awesome. I play a lot of POFC in small-stakes home games these days, and I do pretty well, but I really don't know whether I play POFC at a competitive level compared to how pros play. I would relish the chance to play POFC with Barry Greenstein or some other pro without having to risk my mortgage.

    Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with FTR regalia, but a hat, shirt, deck, etc. is worth nowhere near what the experience of matching wits with a top pro would be.
    Last edited by OneByPhi; 01-08-2014 at 02:55 PM.
  4. #4
    MadMojoMonkey's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    St Louis, MO
    Yeah. It'd be wonderful if we could convince the pros to stoop to our play-money level more often. However, I think we got lucky with Barry Greenstein being such a class act.

    I'd love it if we could get this to be a "regular" thing... even if regular means every few months... It's a tall order, though.
  5. #5
    one BILLION dollars.
  6. #6
    - custom deck
    - gift certificate
    - card protectors
    - tournament tickets (?)
  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MadMojoMonkey View Post

    A) What do you think a cool prize would be for winning an FTR OFC or POFC tournament.

    I, personally, think an FTR deck of cards would be a fitting prize. The thing is that custom decks of cards can be pricey compared to an off-the-shelf deck. So I would like to gauge what you think it's worth as a prize.

    B) Given { shirt, hat, key chain, deck, card protector } how would you rank them in order of preference?
    (If you have an idea for a prize, please rank that as well.)
    I personally don't think a specialized FTR deck would be spectacular (especially for the amount of work it sounds like it would be).

    I would rank the other prizes hat, shirt, card protector, deck, then key chain.

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