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[spoonitnow strategy] Bluffing Frequencies and Exploiting Opponents

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  1. #1
    spoonitnow's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    North Carolina

    Default [spoonitnow strategy] Bluffing Frequencies and Exploiting Opponents

    In last week’s article, we looked at the basic ideas that govern game theory in poker on a conceptual level. This week, we’re going to start to look at practical applications of game theory in ways that you can apply to your game right away. To make this accessible as possible, we’re going to hold three things in mind:

    The less complicated the math involved, the better.
    This is designed for people who are playing on the low end of stakes.
    Practical application is more important than perfectly-accurate theory.

    With that out of the way, let’s get started by looking at bluffing frequencies.
    The full article is at this link
  2. #2
    If we're going to be bluffing 7.50 into $10.

    From villains point of view, he's facing a 7.50 call in a 17.50 pot, so he's getting 17.50:7.50 pot odds, or 2.33:1, so villain needs to be good 30% of the time when he makes the call.

    This means that hero should have 30% bluffs and 70% value. At least that's been my understanding?
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Z
    I'm a couple hands down and I'm tryin' to get back
    I gave the other grip, I lost a flip for five stacks
  3. #3
    spoonitnow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    North Carolina
    Thank you! You caught a major typo on both the bluffing and calling frequencies. I used the pot size of 10 instead of the bet size of 7.50 for the numerator of both of those fractions. I went back and fixed it.

    Here's a quick proof for those who are interested:

    Suppose we bluff x percent of the time. We want the EV of our opponent's call to be the same as the EV of our opponent's fold from our opponent's perspective. The EV of folding is 0, so we want the EV of his call to equal that to find the unexploitable bluffing frequency.

    (x)(17.50) + (1-x)(-7.50) = 0
    17.50x - 7.50 + 7.50x = 0
    25x = 7.5
    x = 7.5/25
    x = 7.5/(7.5+7.5+10)
    x = bet/(bet+bet+pot)

    Thanks again.
  4. #4
    No probs!
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Z
    I'm a couple hands down and I'm tryin' to get back
    I gave the other grip, I lost a flip for five stacks
  5. #5
    I 'm just taking the opportunity to thank you for writing these articles they have improved my game immensely. I'm not the most gifted/talented player but these articles are pokergold

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